A must-see for couples who are not interested in sex! Nutritionist reveals "Top 10 aphrodisiac foods" to help partners rekindle love

A must-see for couples who are not interested in sex! Nutritionist reveals "Top 10 aphrodisiac foods" to help partners rekindle love

Recently, I feel that I am unable to do things with my partner and lack sexual interest. In fact, this can be improved by adjusting my eating habits? Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out in a social post that many natural foods that can be seen everywhere in life have the effect of improving “sexual interest”. If you have recently encountered difficulties in bed, you may wish to consume the following 10 kinds of food in moderation:

1. Watermelon

The “amino acids” in watermelon help blood vessels relax; and the “citrulline” in yellow-fleshed watermelon can be converted into arginine in the body. In addition to relaxing blood vessels, it can also relieve fatigue and tension. Compared to red-meat watermelons, they are also slightly lower in calories. However, an 8-minute bowl of watermelon contains 60 calories. It is recommended to serve at least 3 servings a day. Avoid eating a whole watermelon at one time to avoid excessive blood sugar or fat accumulation.

2. Spinach

The “magnesium” in spinach helps blood flow, reduces inflammation of blood vessels, and relaxes the body and mind. For women, moderate intake of spinach can make it easier to achieve orgasm, while men can achieve erections in a more natural way.

3. Dark chocolate

Chocolate is a sweet food, so it is recommended to choose dark chocolate with more than 85% added sugar. Not only does it contain less added sugar, but it also contains caffeine, flavonoids, and theobromine, which can help you feel happy; flavonoids can also increase cerebral blood flow, which is great. A good “natural aphrodisiac”, enjoyed in moderation, it is indeed helpful to increase sexual desire.

4. Chili pepper

Moderate consumption of chili peppers can help stimulate endorphin secretion, increase heart rate, and aid metabolism; while appropriate spicy stimulation can help improve mood. However, remember to eat spicy food in moderation. If you find that your stomach feels hot and your esophagus is burning when you eat spicy food, you should stop eating spicy food.

5. Green tea

Green tea contains catechins and tea polyphenols, which can help metabolize abdominal fat; trace amounts of caffeine can also help calm your mood, and theanine can also relax your mood, maintaining a good mood and also refreshing.

6. Honey

Natural honey is the product of concentrated and matured nectar collected by worker bees in the hive. The sugar in it can make people feel happy, and the mineral “boron” in honey can help women secrete estrogen. However, although honey has more trace minerals and nutrients than other refined sugars, honey is also a type of sugar. Eating too much may still lead to obesity, so people should consider their intake.

7. Wolfberry

The vitamin A in wolfberries helps keep mucous membranes healthy and reduces the chance of bacterial infection. It is recommended to cook wolfberries with fats and oils to better release nutrients and improve the body’s absorption rate of carotene. Suitable cooking methods can better bring out the benefits of the ingredients themselves. Nutritional value.

8. Avocado

Good avocado oil can help moisturize the skin and improve its feel. However, avocados are fat foods rather than fruits. It is recommended to limit them to less than half a piece a day and replace them with the usual fat intake.

9. Ginger

Ginger contains “gingerol”, which helps promote blood circulation in the body. This is why drinking ginger soup when the weather is cold has the effect of dispelling cold. The desire for sex will also increase after the body is warmed up. Therefore, if you encounter a lack of sexual interest in the near future, you can consume ginger in moderation to promote blood flow.

10. Coffee

Coffee can help to refresh your mind and activate the “dopamine” in your brain, thus avoiding the embarrassing situation of “slumping down” at critical moments. It is recommended that the daily intake of caffeine is less than 300 mg (about 2 large cups of iced Americano or latte) so as not to have any impact on health. In addition, if you have cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia, gastrointestinal problems, long-term insomnia, pregnant women, children, and people with osteoporosis, it is best to avoid or reduce the consumption of caffeinated drinks.

Finally, nutritionist Gao Minmin emphasized that the above foods should be eaten in moderation. If the problem of low sexual desire is still not improved after improving your life and eating habits, it is recommended to communicate more with your partner and consult a doctor as soon as possible to prescribe the right medicine to avoid lack of sexual interest. Affects sex life and partner relationships.

Further reading:

Will being diagnosed cause a “complete loss of sexual desire”? Research confirms: “Three major symptoms” of COVID-19 may lead to sexual frigidity

The “Illustrated Guide to Sensitive Zones” of Taiwanese Men and Women is Revealed! Survey reveals: Men gather in “this place” and women can develop it all over their bodies

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