A must-read to protect the health of your elders! Should you take your dad for a health checkup on Father's Day? Doctors recommend that "4 items" should not be omitted

A must-read to protect the health of your elders! Should you take your dad for a health checkup on Father's Day? Doctors recommend that "4 items" should not be omitted

August 8 is the annual Father’s Day. In addition to expressing gratitude to family members, it is more important to care about dad’s health. Dr. Hong Yuzhong, director of the Health Management Center of Lian On Clinic, suggests that taking good care of dad’s health can start from the four major aspects of “cardiopulmonary”, “hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal”, “urology” and “functional medicine”.

On the Notorious List! Cardiopulmonary examination is essential

Dr. Hong Yuzhong said that every year, 4 of the top ten causes of death in Taiwan are related to cardiovascular disease, which shows that cardiovascular health must not be ignored. Basic tests such as cardiac ultrasound, carotid artery ultrasound, exercise electrocardiogram, arteriosclerosis test, etc. must be performed regularly. If there are further abnormalities, advanced imaging medicine can be used to assist, such as cardiac artery calcium index analysis, to understand the risk of myocardial infarction.

Dr. Hong Yuzhong emphasized that lung cancer is another invisible killer, ranking second among the top ten cancers in terms of incidence and first in mortality. According to the latest statistics, more than 50% of patients with lung cancer in Taiwan do not have smoking habits. Air pollution is getting worse day by day, so it’s not just smokers who need to be careful. In addition, lung cancer does not necessarily have obvious symptoms and progresses quickly. It may have poor response to treatment when it is discovered. It is recommended to arrange the first lung CT scan as soon as possible.

Bad habits gave him cancer at the age of 30! Young fathers pay attention to the risk of colorectal cancer

Dr. Hong Yuzhong, the youngest patient diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the clinic was 30 years old, which shows that the phenomenon of colorectal cancer becoming younger has become a trend. Colorectal cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence rate overall, and it is also a civilized disease of modern people. Its occurrence is related to lifestyles such as eating fried food, fast food, meat, and lack of exercise. In particular, men have more opportunities to socialize and eat out. Moreover, they generally do not like to eat fruits and vegetables, which may lead to an unbalanced diet and insufficient fiber intake.

In addition, often staying up late, being stressed, or having the habit of smoking and drinking can cause intestinal dysfunction and increase the risk of intestinal cancer. Therefore, Dr. Hong Yuzhong recommends that you start having your first colonoscopy at the age of 25 to understand your health status in advance.

Another thing that needs attention when it comes to gastrointestinal health is that the prevalence of reflux esophagitis in Taiwan is the highest in Asia. More than 60% of people are asymptomatic. Only through examination are they discovered that they have reflux esophagitis, which causes the esophagus to be eroded by gastric acid for a long time. It is the main cause of chronic cough, chest pain, and throat discomfort, so dads also need to pay more attention to it.

Do you always have trouble aiming when going to the toilet? The urinary system cannot be ignored

Dr. Hong Yuzhong pointed out that prostate hypertrophy is a common problem in men over 40 years old, which leads to frequent urination at night, difficulty in urinating, and slow urine flow, which affects the quality of life. It may also cause urine retention, complicated by kidney inflammation, renal failure, etc.

Dr. Hong Yuzhong suggested that prostate tumor marker PSA and other tests can help understand the health of the prostate. It is also a screening test for “prostate cancer”, which is the most common disease in the male urinary system. In addition, you can also pay attention to the “zinc” content in the blood, as it helps maintain male prostate function and fertility, and is also related to vitality.

Hormonal disorders may affect the whole body. If you like fried food, beware of problems with your protective line.

The most common prostate disease for men is actually closely related to abnormal hormonal metabolism. Dr. Hong Yuzhong pointed out that people who like to eat fried foods and are obese will cause male hormones to be converted into more active and harmful dihydrotestosterone (DHT) during the metabolic conversion process, which can easily lead to prostate hypertrophy, and frequent intake of High-fat foods may also increase the risk of prostate cancer, so you must pay attention.

In addition, in recent years, there has also been a trend of premature decrease in male hormone secretion. Many men in their 40s and even 30s have no obvious symptoms, but examinations have found that male hormone imbalances can easily affect career performance in the long run, as well as affect mood, spirit and Self-confidence, affecting career decision-making, and even affecting the intimate relationship with your partner.

Dr. Hong Yuzhong suggests that if male friends want to build a complete health defense, they can arrange a complete body health examination. They can also further arrange functional medical examinations, such as: male hormones, environmental hormones, antioxidant nutrition testing, etc., from metabolism to Find health functionally.

Further reading:

Are you over fifty and have a lot of physical problems? What health checks should elders do? Experts recommend these “three major projects”

Is it enough to increase the health check-up of employees in case of sudden cardiovascular death among young adults? What health checks should be done at the age of 30, 40 and 50?

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