Is "multiplayer sports" risking your life? The consequences of heterosexual infection with HIV are revealed: they are more likely to get AIDS and have a higher mortality rate

Is "multiplayer sports" risking your life? The consequences of heterosexual infection with HIV are revealed: they are more likely to get AIDS and have a higher mortality rate

Is it worse for heterosexuals to “play too big”? Study: Immune cells are prone to death, increasing risk of AIDS infection

Heterosexuals usually “play too big” and are accidentally infected with “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” (HIV). Is it possible that the consequences will be worse than those of men who have sex with men? Research published in a recent issue of “PLOS Pathogens” pointed out that heterosexuals will be “more lethal” when infected with the HIV virus, and the virus is more likely to develop into AIDS than homosexuals.

In order to evaluate the impact of transmission mode on HIV virulence, Professor Narendra Dixit, the author of the study, and his team analyzed the physical status of 340,000 HIV-infected people. Most of the subjects were infected with the “HIV-1 strain”, which is one of the most virulent and widely spread HIV viruses in the world.

The research team further compared the viral toxicity in heterosexuals (penile-vaginal intercourse) and men who have sex with men (anal intercourse), and used “CD4-T cells” as an indicator of the severity of HIV-1 infection. “HIV easily infects and kills CD4-T cells. The lower the CD4 count, the fewer T cells are present, which means the disease is more severe,” Professor Dixit said.

Does “sexual orientation” cause differences in HIV toxicity? The virus becomes more virulent when it encounters a “transmission bottleneck”

Research results show that CD4 cells in heterosexual infected persons are reduced and significantly lower than those in men who have sex with men. In addition, the research team further learned that HIV strains in heterosexual infected persons are more likely to develop into AIDS than men who have sex with men, which may lead to higher rates of severe illness and death.

Why does HIV transmission differ between same-sex and heterosexual people? Professor Dixit said that the virus encounters a “transmission bottleneck” (a phenomenon that occurs when the virus encounters immune cells or guard cells), which may be a key factor. The environment of heterosexual penis-vaginal intercourse is more complex than that of the anus, and the virus is more likely to encounter a transmission bottleneck.

“The transmission bottleneck means that the virus will mutate and evolve into a more virulent form that is more suitable for survival in the host body. This leads to wider spread of the virus during sexual intercourse but a lower incidence rate among heterosexual men. The morbidity rate is more serious,” Professor Dixit explained.

You can’t get HIV from shaking hands, hugging or kissing? “3 Steps” to Prevent AIDS Invasion

Professor Dixit believes that people know very little about how HIV is transmitted and the impact of its toxicity on the human body, which also leads to the public being prone to prejudice against HIV carriers. In fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out that HIV can only be transmitted through blood, breast milk, semen, rectum, vagina and other channels, and calls on the public not to have misconceptions about carriers.

The U.S. CDC states that HIV “cannot” be transmitted through shaking hands, hugging, high-fiving, sharing food and bathroom facilities, or even kissing. HIV cannot be spread through pets or animals. However, HIV can still be contracted through needles, sex, and oral sex.

The U.S. CDC recommends that you take PrEP to maintain drug concentration in your body before having sex, use condoms throughout the sexual activity, and do not use recreational drugs or needles. In addition, regular AIDS screening is also a necessary measure to prevent the HIV virus. If the public has relevant concerns, they can go to nearby medical institutions or sexual health-friendly clinics for consultation to fully protect the sex life of themselves and their partners.


HIV Transmission Topics

Transmitted HIV-1 is more virulent in heterosexual individuals than men-who-have-sex-with-men

Further reading:

Can stem cell transplantation really “cure” HIV? The most fearful thing about AIDS drug treatment is “stop eating”

The first “injectable” HIV prevention drug approved by the US FDA can reduce AIDS infection by 69% in men and 90% in women.

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