My mouth is swollen, my eyes are red, and my mouth is broken after taking the medicine? "Drug allergy" can be fatal! Seek medical attention if "6 symptoms" occur

My mouth is swollen, my eyes are red, and my mouth is broken after taking the medicine? "Drug allergy" can be fatal! Seek medical attention if "6 symptoms" occur

As the COVID-19 epidemic in Taiwan is on the rise and the number of confirmed cases is gradually increasing, many people may choose to seek medical treatment or go to pharmacies to purchase medicines. The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reminds the public that if symptoms such as rash, eye discomfort, or redness occur after taking medication, they should be aware that they may be allergic to the drug. However, how do people recognize the symptoms of drug allergy? What should you do if you have a drug allergy?

How do you know if you have a “drug allergy”? You need to be more vigilant if you have “6 major symptoms”

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration explains that drug allergy refers to six major symptoms such as “rash, rash, pain, redness, swelling, and burning” after taking medication, such as itching or blisters, oral or mucous membrane ulcers, sore throat, red and swollen eyes, or Symptoms include burning, swollen eyes or lips, and fever.

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration pointed out that the above symptoms can occur in any person or drug, and depending on the type of drug or immune response mechanism, symptoms may occur immediately, may appear a few days later, or may even be delayed to 2-3 days Allergy symptoms may not appear until months. In addition, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare also stated that drug allergy is a hidden killer of drug safety, and severe cases may lead to death. Medical staff and the public are reminded to recognize the early symptoms of drug allergy and return to the clinic early to stop drug treatment to prevent tragedies; in the event of severe drug allergy leading to hospitalization, disability or death, the public does not need to admit that they are unlucky, and there is no need to get excited. If you file a lawsuit, you can apply to the government for drug injury relief.

What should I do if I forget that I have a drug allergy? Taiwan Food and Drug Administration calls for good use of “allergy record cards”

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration further pointed out that if people have drug allergies, they can follow the following three principles to deal with them:

  1. Return to the doctor as soon as possible: Anyone may suffer from drug allergies. Therefore, if the six allergic symptoms of “rash, rash, pain, redness, swelling, and burning” occur during medication, please bring the medicine bag or medication record as soon as possible. Do not stop or change medications without authorization during a single follow-up visit to avoid worsening of the disease or exacerbation of allergic reactions.

  2. Record allergy drugs: To avoid forgetting or being unable to clearly express which drugs you are allergic to, people can write the names of allergy drugs on the “Allergy Record Card”, or directly ask a doctor to record personal drug allergy history on the health insurance card. , or upload and publish it in the “Allergy Medicine” field in the “Health Insurance Medical Information Cloud Query System”, you can directly query the relevant allergy history through the health insurance card.

  3. Proactively inform doctors: People with a history of drug allergy, whether seeking medical treatment or purchasing medicines at pharmacies, should proactively inform their doctors or pharmacists, or provide an “allergy record card” for medical staff to refer to, to avoid misuse of allergy medicines.

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration once again reminds you that you can keep the medicine bag or prescription record during medication. If you experience any symptoms of discomfort, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible and provide the medicine bag or prescription record for medical staff’s reference; if you have a history of drug allergies, even if you are not sure about the medicine The name should also be given to the medical staff. If you have any questions about medicines, you can go to the nearest pharmacy for consultation to ensure the safety of medicines.


Drug and Food Safety Weekly - Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration

Further reading:

What are the symptoms of migraine and how to treat it? Doctor: Be careful of “revenge headache” if you take painkillers too much

New sugar-control drugs hide “multiple side effects”! Taiwan Food and Drug Administration: Diabetic patients beware of “acute pancreatitis”

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