Is the mortality rate of osteoporosis "the same as that of cancer"? Does drinking too much coffee cause bone loss? Doctors reveal the correct way to assess bone health

Is the mortality rate of osteoporosis "the same as that of cancer"? Does drinking too much coffee cause bone loss? Doctors reveal the correct way to assess bone health

Osteoporosis is scarier than you think! Is the mortality rate the same as “terminal cancer”?

If you often hear elders in your family say that they have become “shorter” or have a hunchback, don’t think that it is caused by the natural aging of the body; in fact, this is likely to be a precursor to “osteoporosis.” Osteoporosis may not seem like a big problem, but if it is not treated in time, it is very likely that the patient will lose his precious life within a year.

Dr. Liu Zhewei, the attending physician of the Department of Orthopedics at Cathay General Hospital, said that osteoporosis is often called the “silent killer”. Unless it is combined with compression fractures, hip fractures, etc., patients will not have any symptoms and can only undergo " Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry" detected. If the test results are not satisfactory, it often takes nearly 1 to 2 years of treatment to improve bone density through medication. The treatment is not only time-consuming, but also relatively complex.

In addition, if a patient suffers from osteoporosis and suffers a fracture, it is likely to be life-threatening. Dr. Liu Zhewei said that after a hip fracture, the elderly have a 15% chance of death within one year, which is almost the same as the chance of death from terminal colorectal cancer. Doctors believe that osteoporosis does not sound serious, but after the age of 60, the elderly have been bedridden for a long time, and their mobility is limited due to physical degeneration. They themselves have suffered from pneumonia, urinary tract infections, chronic diseases and other diseases. If combined with Fractures, osteoporosis, and mortality will increase significantly.

Women are more likely to have osteoporosis than men! Doctors recommend using “this method” to quickly assess symptoms

As for whether young people are likely to suffer from osteoporosis? Dr. Liu Zhewei believes that compared to the elderly, osteoporosis in young people is a “secondary” problem. For example, if an individual suffers from endocrine disorders such as thyroid and parathyroid symptoms, it may cause incomplete calcium absorption and cause osteoporosis. ; Or patients taking steroid-related drugs for a long time will also increase the chance of suffering from osteoporosis.

Dr. Liu Zhewei advises patients that if they want to detect whether they have osteoporosis, they can do the assessment by “leaning against the wall”. If the shoulders and head cannot touch the wall when leaning against the wall, or are getting farther and farther away from the wall, it means that the patient may have a hunched back and needs to undergo further examination immediately; in addition, through the bone density screening test organized by the local government, Ultrasound testing of ankle bone density can also tell whether an individual has osteoporosis. However, doctors also caution that this test is not completely accurate, and it is recommended to use a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer to determine bone status during routine health check-ups.

Dr. Liu Zhewei said that due to hormonal differences, women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis than men. Especially in the 2-3 years after menopause, bone loss is easy; and after menopause, bone density decreases by about 1% per year. The probability begins to decrease. Dr. Liu Zhewei suggests that menopausal women can seek hormonal supplementation and treatment from obstetricians and gynecologists, which can be beneficial to reducing calcium loss to a certain extent. In addition, postmenopausal women with low bone density should start interventional treatment with osteoporosis drugs, and take more rigorous supplements of calcium and vitamin D in their daily lives.

Does drinking coffee cause bone loss? What kind of training do you usually do to help absorb calcium?

In addition to working closely with doctors, osteoporosis patients can fully absorb and activate the vitamin D and calcium they ingest by practicing resistance training and spending more time in the sun. Dr. Liu Zhewei said that resistance training can be divided into upper limbs and lower limbs. For the upper limbs, you can fill a plastic bottle with water at home and lift weights more than a certain number of times a day. For the lower limbs, you can train by climbing steps, climbing mountains, or walking. All will be beneficial to the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

In addition, in terms of diet, people often worry that if they consume too much coffee, they will also lose bone mass. Dr. Liu Zhewei believes that drinking coffee is prone to diuresis, and the frequency of excretion of electrolytes and calcium will indeed increase. However, if you supplement calcium appropriately, you don’t need to worry too much. Moderate drinking will not affect bone density.

Finally, Dr. Liu Zhewei reminded the public that the human body will begin to lose bone mass after the age of 30, so regular examinations are required to ensure whether there is osteoporosis. Doctors recommend that postmenopausal women and men over 70 years old should go to the hospital every year to have their bone density checked regularly with a dual-energy Conditions, you should be more aware of osteoporosis and do not be careless.

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