Monkeypox can become contagious after it scabs over! Will there be another wave of coronavirus? Expert: 3 types of people are most dangerous

Monkeypox can become contagious after it scabs over! Will there be another wave of coronavirus? Expert: 3 types of people are most dangerous

Global outbreak of monkeypox reveals first case of human-to-human transmission, not limited to homosexuals

The “monkeypox” virus has spread rapidly in various countries since this year. So far, more than 4,000 cases have occurred in 48 countries. Taiwan has also recently reported its first confirmed case of monkeypox, a male student who returned to Taiwan from Germany. , symptoms such as fever, sore throat, muscle aches, rash, and swollen lymph nodes in the groin have appeared one after another. The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control also announced on June 23 that “monkeypox” will be classified as a Class II notifiable infectious disease.

Dr. Li Jianzhang, a professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at National Taiwan University School of Medicine, issued an article pointing out that since May, the monkeypox epidemic has spread from southern and western Europe, and there is a trend of forming a new wave of epidemics. Monkeypox was discovered in monkeys in the laboratory in 1958 and was first discovered in humans in 1970. In the past, the infection was limited to gay men in Central and West Africa, especially the Republic of Congo.

Dr. Li Jianzhang said that although monkeypox is named after “monkey”, it is actually more likely to be found in mice and squirrels. Since May, human-to-human transmission has occurred in Europe and North America, surpassing the original route of animal-to-human transmission, and is not limited to homosexual contact history. As of June 24, there have been 4,147 confirmed cases, threatening to form another wave of global epidemic and attracting global attention.

The WHO pointed out that monkeypox is now a new type of disease. In addition to cases in the gay community, medical workers may also be infected while caring for patients. A meeting to change the name will be held in the near future to correct the stereotypical and discriminatory image that monkeypox is a homosexual disease in Africa.

Is monkeypox contagious after scabs form during the transmission period? The 3 major risk factors are the most important

Dr. Li Jianzhang pointed out that monkeypox is a vesicular disease transmitted by a virus. Before the rash, there will be symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph glands, headache, body aches, and fatigue. It is currently known to be transmitted through close contact with the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, and the course of the disease is about 2-4 weeks. However, the transmission period is very long and the lesions are still contagious after scabbing.

There are currently three risk factors with the highest risk of monkeypox: homosexual sex, contact with confirmed cases, and travel to affected areas. Dr. Li Jianzhang reminded that monkeypox may lead to pneumonia, encephalitis, ophthalmia and severe disease, with a mortality rate of approximately 3.6%.

Will monkeypox become the next pandemic virus? Doctors reveal 4 points more optimistic than COVID-19

But could monkeypox become the next wave of coronavirus? Dr. Li Jianzhang believes that “we can be cautiously optimistic.” The main reason is that monkeypox is a DNA virus, not an RNA virus, and is relatively stable and difficult to mutate. Second, the smallpox virus vaccine has a clear effect on monkeypox. It can be vaccinated before and after exposure, and the protective power is about 85%.

Third, current genetic analysis of monkeypox cases shows that the source of the epidemic is the same virus, not multiple outbreaks. Fourth, the R0 value of monkeypox is about 2-3. Compared with the R0 value of Omicron, which is as high as 12, the transmission power is not completely uncontrollable.

Monkeypox is still at the “spark” stage, and testing and vaccines should be deployed in advance

Dr. Li Jianzhang believes that to prevent the spread of monkeypox, the “spark” should be extinguished as soon as possible. Border quarantine is initiated and people returning from affected areas must proactively report for quarantine if they have fever or rash. In addition, in addition to medical staff, homosexual patients and people traveling to epidemic areas should also be allowed to receive smallpox vaccination.

Dr. Li Jianzhang emphasized that after the COVID-19 epidemic, we must be “pre-emptive” in the face of monkeypox. Although major manufacturers have been developing monkeypox virus test reagents, there are currently no stable PCR or serum tests for purchase. Taiwanese laboratories should Increase production as soon as possible.

As for the smallpox vaccine, which will cause global competition, the old vaccine is more risky for myocarditis, while the new vaccine is produced in Denmark and has been approved by the United States and the European Union in 2019. Relevant units should find ways to introduce it. At present, the most effective antiviral drug tecoririmat is sold by the New York Biochemical Defense Drug Specialty Company. Whether to introduce it through the national defense procurement channel should also be considered and prepared early.

Dr. Li Jianzhang believes that although we can be cautiously optimistic in the face of monkeypox, the accumulation speed of the epidemic has changed from linear growth to exponential growth, adding worries to the changing world. It is precisely “the new crown epidemic is not over, monkeypox is coming again.” Chaos", reminding the competent authorities and relevant units to make epidemic prevention plans as early as possible, so as not to “climb out of the frying pan into fire” (Out of the frying pan into fire).


Dr. Li Jianzhang: “Monkey Pox: A Spark”

Further reading:

“Monkeypox” is the largest epidemic in history! Is sexual contact at high risk for infection? Don’t touch these 2 places

There have been over a thousand cases of monkeypox worldwide! Does the cowpox vaccine work? What skin symptoms are signs of infection?

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