Monkeypox confirmed to be "family spread"! US CDC: "6 Measures" Effectively Stop the Virus

Monkeypox confirmed to be "family spread"! US CDC: "6 Measures" Effectively Stop the Virus

As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread in Taiwan, there are reports of “monkeypox” outbreaks abroad, and Taiwan’s first confirmed case of monkeypox was reported on the 24th. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently stated that monkeypox has been discovered in more than 50 countries outside Africa, and the number of cases is still increasing. The latest research published in “medRxiv” revealed the possibility of family transmission of monkeypox disease and called on the public to minimize possible contact with patients.

21 tests in the home of the confirmed patient were positive! Study confirms monkeypox virus may be ‘household-contagious’

The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) closely tracked a monkeypox patient in 2019. The patient returned to the UK after traveling in Nigeria for 4 weeks and was diagnosed positive for monkeypox after screening. The research team then conducted “surface and vacuum sampling techniques” at the patient’s and his siblings’ homes to sample monkeypox virus in the environment. The team also analyzed the long-distance passenger transport taken by the patient, which covered a distance of approximately 321 kilometers from the airport to his residence.

The results showed that monkeypox virus DNA was detected in multiple locations in two adjacent single-room houses where the patient lived with his siblings. Approximately 21 surface samples were positive for monkeypox, confirming that monkeypox-contaminated environments may indeed present a risk of transmission. However, no virus samples were collected on the long-distance bus the patient took, which may be related to the fact that the vehicle was fully cleaned one week after the patient traveled.

Overall, this study verified the possibility that the highly infectious monkeypox virus can spread through household transmission and cause the epidemic to expand. Research suggests that the public should try to reduce close contact with monkeypox patients and people who have returned from overseas travel at this time. In addition, WHO also warned that children, people with low immune function or pregnant women are high-risk groups for confirmed monkeypox virus. At this time, active measures should be taken to prevent the virus from entering the community to avoid the continued expansion of the chain of transmission.

To prevent monkeypox virus from entering the community, the US CDC urges the public to take “6 measures”

In addition to avoiding close contact with patients, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges the public to take the following measures to prevent monkeypox virus:

  1. Never touch the rash or scabs of someone with monkeypox.

  2. Never kiss, hug or have sex with someone who has monkeypox.

  3. Do not share eating utensils or cups with someone who has monkeypox.

  4. Do not handle or touch the patient’s daily necessities.

  5. Wash your hands frequently with hand lotion or soap.

  6. You can disinfect your hands with alcohol or dry hands when going out.

In addition, the US CDC currently does not recommend widespread vaccination against monkeypox; however, the following groups are recommended to be vaccinated as soon as possible: those who have close personal contact with monkeypox patients, may have been exposed to the virus, and those who are at higher risk of exposure to the virus. For example, people entering and leaving a hospital or laboratory.

The US CDC stated that unlike COVID-19, the main route of transmission of monkeypox virus is contact infection, and it is less likely to be transmitted through the air (aerosol) or droplet infection. However, the public should not take it lightly. While the COVID-19 epidemic is not over yet and the risk of monkeypox entering the community is increasing, it is recommended to wash hands frequently, maintain social distance, and carry alcohol when going out, which can effectively kill the virus and reduce infection. risk.


Monkeypox Prevention – CDC

Infection-competent monkeypox virus contamination identified in domestic settings following an imported case of monkeypox into the UK

Further reading:

“Monkeypox” is the largest epidemic in history! Is sexual contact at high risk for infection? Don’t touch these 2 places

The degree of monkeypox mutation “surges 10 times”! Critical care doctors list 3 points to prove: the virus may have “accelerated evolution”

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