Moisture and appearance are no longer the same? Doctors reveal the "6 major landmines" of women's private parts maintenance: it not only affects sex life

Moisture and appearance are no longer the same? Doctors reveal the "6 major landmines" of women's private parts maintenance: it not only affects sex life

Modern people not only love beauty, but also demand “beauty from the inside out.” The highest state of beauty love is no longer just “appearance”, but also beauty in “private parts”, so that “sexual happiness” is in one’s own hands.

Private issues are no longer private! What should I do if the moisture content and appearance are no longer the same?

Dr. He Yuzhen of Laijia Image Aesthetics Clinic pointed out that modern people are paying more and more attention to the maintenance of private parts. From the observation in the clinic, we can find that in the past, most of the visits for private parts were for hair problems. Recently, the appearance, color, looseness, and More and more people are seeking medical treatment for problems such as moisture levels. However, “only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle.” If you want to solve the problem, you must understand the root cause of the problem and make the right choice.

“Times are changing, and private area issues are no longer a ’taboo topic’!” Dr. He Yuzhen shared that many women who come for home consultation and have never had childbirth experience often share difficulties such as dullness, moisture, poor aesthetics, and sensitivity in their private areas. Problems such as lack of self-confidence and uncoordinated sexual life caused by anger.

In fact, the average length of Asian women’s labia majora is 7-8 cm, and the labia minora is about 2-3 cm. If the labia minora exceeds 4 cm or the labia minora is still exposed when the thighs are brought together, it may be judged as “labia minora” “Hypertrophy”, which will cause the labia minora to easily break and become infected and inflamed. In the long run, it will not only be detrimental to health, but also affect sexual life.

As for moisture and dullness, Dr. He Yuzhen pointed out that although it is inseparable from “aging”, long-term intake of refined foods, various pressures in work and life, and the usual preference for wearing overly tight clothes, the clothes Long-term friction with the skin will lead to poor blood circulation; and improper cleaning will indirectly cause melanin deposition and dryness problems.

Problems with dullness and sensitivity are expected to be solved with 3 major treatments to help improve women’s private concerns

If you want to improve the problem of hypertrophy of the labia minora, Dr. He Yuzhen explained that medical staff will first determine the cause of the hypertrophy and protrusion of the labia minora. If the problem of protrusion of the labia minora is caused by atrophy of the labia majora, the current method of improvement is translucent surgery. The fat from the abdomen and inner thighs is extracted, and after centrifugal purification, a fat gun is used to fill the atrophic labia majora area to improve it.

If the exposure problem is caused by hypertrophy of the labia minora, according to the patient’s requirements for the appearance of the labia, professional evaluation will be used, and the hypertrophic tissue will be removed and sutured to improve it through surgery. Compared with traditional surgical methods, the new surgical method The surgical method uses a “triangular wedge” incision, which can not only reduce the surgical wound, but also reduce pain and improve the postoperative recovery period.

As for the problem of dullness and sensitivity in the private parts, Dr. He Yuzhen said that if you want to improve the dullness problem, you can perform laser treatment to enhance the pinkness and lighten the melanin. Secondly, you can use injections of hyaluronic acid and PLT to fill the G-spot. To improve sensitivity and improve dryness problems.

In fact, whether it is dark private parts, vaginal dryness, enlarged labia minora, etc., in modern times with advanced medicine, it can be improved through invasive and non-invasive treatments according to the severity of the condition. He Yuzhen pointed out that professional The doctor will give treatment suggestions based on the patient’s main symptoms. In addition to improvement through treatment, daily life, eating habits, and postoperative care are also indispensable.

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