Migraine attacks start 20 days a month! After receiving 1 treatment, she exclaimed: She finally doesn't need to take painkillers when going out

Migraine attacks start 20 days a month! After receiving 1 treatment, she exclaimed: She finally doesn't need to take painkillers when going out

CGRP monoclonal antibody is effective in treating migraine. She exclaimed: She finally doesn’t need to take painkillers when going out.

If you have been suffering from migraines for a long time, can you only rely on painkillers to suppress the discomfort? Dr. Yang Junming, the attending physician of the Department of Neurology and Director of the Clinical Skills Center of Chi Mei Hospital, said that he had previously treated a 34-year-old female medical staff. She had suffered from migraines for more than 20 days every month since middle school, and painkillers had become her daily routine. However, the headache condition has not improved yet.

Dr. Yang Junming said that after evaluating and prescribing several oral drugs for treatment, the patient’s migraine condition improved only slightly. Therefore, he recommended that the patient receive an injectable drug covered by health insurance: “CGRP monoclonal antibody” treatment, and the migraine condition was greatly improved. Today, the patient has fewer than five headache days per month, and she exclaims: “I now have a lot more space in my bag, so I don’t need to put so many painkillers!”

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In this regard, Dr. Lin Gaozhang, a consultant physician at the Department of Neurology at Chi Mei Hospital, also pointed out that recent studies have found that CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) is an important neurotransmitter during migraine attacks, which can dilate blood vessels and transmit pain messages.

With the advancement of medical technology, the treatment of migraine has gradually diversified, from common oral drugs to including health insurance benefits, botulinum toxin injections every 3 months, and health insurance benefits for refractory chronic migraines. CGRP monoclonal antibody drugs. This year, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare also approved the payment of the latest oral CGRP receptor antagonist, which is undoubtedly a great boon to the approximately 2 million migraine patients in Taiwan.

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Dr. Yang Junming explained that migraine is a common and disabling disease, with more than 10% of the world’s population suffering from migraine. In addition, migraines not only bring intense headaches, but may also be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and visual impairment, which seriously affect the patient’s daily life and work ability. However, most people still have insufficient understanding of migraine, resulting in patients often not receiving timely and effective treatment.

In order to raise public awareness and concern about migraine, Chi Mei Hospital has held nearly 12 consecutive “Migraine Patient Meetings”. After three years of COVID-19 epidemic, it will be held again on September 28 this year. . Through professional medical and health lectures, the latest medical knowledge and treatment options are also introduced, and patients are invited to share their experiences, helping patients and their families better understand migraines, and providing psychological support so that patients are no longer alone in facing annoying migraines. .

Dr. Yang Junming pointed out that “you can save yourself from headaches.” In addition to understanding their own headache triggers, choosing appropriate methods and participating in treatment plans, patients should actively change their living habits, such as keeping a headache diary, maintaining regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and then Including mindfulness-based stress reduction, discussing with your doctor during follow-up visits, and not seeking wrong treatments such as folk remedies or secret recipes are the best treatments for migraines.

Further reading:

Migraines and chest pain could be “breast cancer bone metastasis”? Doctors remind young patients: “Significant decrease” in female hormones is the most dangerous

What are the symptoms of migraine and how to treat it? Doctor: Be careful of “revenge headache” if you take painkillers too much

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