Menopausal women should develop "10 habits" to keep their hormones flowing and overcome uncomfortable symptoms

Menopausal women should develop "10 habits" to keep their hormones flowing and overcome uncomfortable symptoms

A woman’s lifelong health is closely related to balanced and adequate hormones. According to literature research, after the age of 30, the hormones in a woman’s body will decrease at a rate of 15% every 10 years, gradually reducing until they disappear.

The traditional Chinese medicine classic “Huangdi Neijing” mentions: “When a woman is seven years old, her kidney energy is strong and her teeth become longer; on the twenty-seventh day, when Tiangui comes, the Ren pulse is unblocked, the Taichong pulse is strong, and the menstruation is at the current time, so she has a son; on the thirty-seventh day, she has a child. , kidney qi is average, so the real teeth grow and grow; 47, the muscles and bones are strong, the hair grows long, and the body is strong; 57, the Yangming pulse is weak, the face becomes scorched, and the hair begins to fall; 67, the three yang pulses are weak On the upper side, the face is all burnt, and the hair is turning white; Qiqi, the Ren pulse is weak, the Taichong pulse is weak, the Tiangui is exhausted, and the tunnel is blocked, so the shape is bad and there are no children. "

To maintain youthful vitality, the key to traditional Chinese medicine is to nourish the kidneys

Kang Hanjing, a Chinese medicine practitioner, pointed out that the Tiangui described above is related to kidney qi and is a substance needed for human growth and reproduction. It enables women to have menstruation and the ability to conceive. Its rise and fall are also in line with the secretion curve of modern female hormones. As age increases, after the age of 57, that is, after 35 years old, the amount of hormones will decrease, the face will become duller, and there will be more hair loss. In Qiqi, that is, around the age of 49, when menopause is approaching, the amount of hormones will continue to decrease. , while gradually aging and becoming infertile.

Kang Hanjing said that once hormones are out of balance, not only will they be prone to emotional instability, but they will also suffer from menstrual disorders, skin aging, and changes in body shape. If you have premature ovarian failure or enter menopause, you will also suffer from hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, palpitations and other related symptoms. will follow. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when hormones begin to decline, properly replenishing kidney qi and preventing hormones from being lost too quickly is the key to every woman’s ability to maintain youthful vitality.

How to maintain hormonal balance in daily life is an important issue in every woman’s life. It is not only for delaying aging, but also closely related to the normal operation of various organs in the body.

Kang Hanjing suggested that by developing 10 good habits, you can avoid the continuous loss of female hormones or the occurrence of imbalances. It also provides people who have already experienced hormonal deficiencies or imbalances as a reference for improving discomfort.

Good Habit 1: Supplement black food or kidney-tonifying Chinese medicinal materials

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the five colors correspond to the five internal organs.” Kang Hanjing said that black foods can enter the kidneys, which can replenish the body’s kidney qi and strengthen reproductive function. Black sesame seeds, black beans, black dates, black fungus, etc. are all good choices and can be improved through dietary therapy. Kidney qi helps replenish hormones.

For people with more serious kidney qi deficiency such as hormonal deficiency or imbalance, after evaluation by a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner, kidney-tonifying drugs can be given to regulate the body’s needs. Common Chinese medicinal materials include: wolfberry, yam, angelica, ligustrum lucidum, and eucommia ulmoides. Or Cistanche deserticola, etc.

Good Habit 2: Eat an appropriate amount of foods containing phytoestrogens

Soy products, yams, sesame seeds and flax seeds all contain phytoestrogens, which not only have a significant effect on relieving women’s premenopausal symptoms, but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

There are also many phytoestrogen health foods on the market, such as soy isoflavones, black cohosh, red alfalfa, white gallbladder, etc. However, Kang Hanjing reminds that the supplementation concentration of phytoestrogen health foods is relatively high, so it is safer to take it under the advice of a doctor.

Good Habit 3: Hormone Replacement Therapy

Kang Hanjing believes that if female hormone loss is severe, such as severe hot flashes, night sweats and other menopausal symptoms, direct hormone replacement therapy can also be taken; however, the duration of hormone replacement therapy should not exceed 5 years.

If you are suffering from breast cancer, endometrial cancer, liver disease or cardiovascular disease, you are not suitable for hormone replacement therapy. You can choose kidney-tonifying Chinese medicinal materials, or eat phytoestrogen foods or health foods. However, Must be evaluated and diagnosed by a physician.

Good Habit 4: Avoid Wrong Weight Loss Diets

Obesity is also a cause of hormonal imbalance. Kang Hanjing pointed out that clinically, in order to lose weight, we have seen that many women only eat vegetables and no meat, or choose boiled food for meals, or even completely avoid foods containing oil, resulting in hormonal imbalance.

Since protein and cholesterol are the raw materials for synthesizing hormones, a wrong weight loss diet that only eats vegetables and fruits can easily lead to a decrease in female hormone production. You may find that your skin loses its luster, hair falls, and even menstruation stops halfway through the weight loss process. not coming.

Therefore, proper intake of good oils is beneficial to the body. Foods such as olive oil, linseed oil, and walnuts, nuts, salmon, etc. are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Kang Hanjing suggested that people who want to lose weight can avoid high-fat and high-sugar diets, but at the same time, they should also replenish good fats in an appropriate amount. This is a good way to lose weight correctly without affecting hormonal balance.

Good Habit 5: Reduce exposure to environmental hormones

In today’s society, environmental hormones are almost everywhere, and it is difficult not to be exposed to them in daily life. Kang Hanjing pointed out that various plastic products, such as plastic bags, disposable tableware, pesticides, cosmetics and processed foods, contain more or less environmental hormones, and it is best to reduce their use as much as possible; when choosing toiletries, skin care products and laundry detergents, It is also recommended to try to choose ingredients that are fragrance-free or with fewer additives to avoid environmental hormones from unknowingly affecting the body.

Kang Hanjing suggested that in daily life, you should develop good habits of drinking more water, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and having good bowel movements. Because a good diet can increase the body’s antioxidant capacity, exercise and defecation can accelerate the metabolism of toxins, and can help environmental hormones be excreted from the body through perspiration, urination and defecation.

Good Habit 6: Protect liver and help hormone metabolism

Kang Hanjing said that the liver is an important organ for metabolizing estrogen and environmental hormones. When the liver’s detoxification function is not good, it may decompose estrogen into bad metabolites, which may easily lead to uterine fibroids, breast fibrocysts, and even breast cancer. , endometrial cancer and other gynecological cancers.

To protect the liver, you must first avoid excessive intake of alcohol, and eat more liver-protecting fruits and vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, garlic, and citrus, which can help the liver detoxify and repair, and enable good hormone metabolism. Kang Hanjing emphasizes that you should not supplement drugs of unknown origin or too many health foods on your own to avoid burdening the liver.

Good Habit 7: Stay away from sources of stress and relieve stress correctly

High stress can also cause hormonal imbalance. Kang Hanjing said that in addition to synthesizing sex hormones, cholesterol also synthesizes adrenal cortisol, and cortisol is a stress-related hormone. When facing long-term stress, the body will produce more cortisol to cope with the stress. As cholesterol raw materials are reduced, the synthesis of sex hormones will naturally be reduced, leading to various uncomfortable symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Kang Hanjing recommends cultivating habits and activities that can help relieve stress, such as singing, reading, meditation and abdominal breathing, to reduce tense emotions and maintain a happy mood, so that hormone secretion can be stabilized. Remember to try your best Stay away from sources of stress and negative emotions.

Good Habit 8: Moderate exercise combined with yoga stretching

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. Kang Hanjing believes that exercise can not only relieve stress, but also increase the body’s metabolic rate, smooth circulation throughout the body, maintain youthful vitality, maintain a fixed exercise habit, and help balance hormones.

However, if the intensity of exercise is too high or the frequency is too frequent, when it exceeds the body’s load, it will also promote the secretion of stress hormones, thereby causing hormonal imbalance and causing adverse effects on health.

Kang Hanjing suggests that you can choose light aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, and cycling, combined with gentle yoga to help relax muscles and stretch fascia.

Good Habit 9: Get enough sleep and avoid staying up late

Clinically, women who often stay up late or don’t get enough sleep often have hormonal imbalances, which inhibit ovulation and cause irregular menstruation. Kang Hanjing said that long-term abnormal work and rest will cause stagnation of liver qi and inflammation of liver fire, and may easily cause symptoms such as poor sleep quality, irritability, sore mouth, painful menstruation or irregular menstruation.

Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that 11 pm to 3 am is the time when the liver and gallbladder meridian is running. If the body and mind are still active during this time, it will interfere with the repair ability of the liver and also affect the metabolism of hormones. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare for bed at 10 pm. Sufficient sleep can stabilize hormones and avoid excessive hormonal fluctuations.

Good Habit 10: Massage kidney-tonifying acupoints

Kang Hanjing provides 4 key kidney-tonifying acupoints, which can be pressed regularly every day, or the acupoints can be fumigated using moxibustion, which not only achieves two-way regulation of hormones, but also improves the body’s immunity.

◎Yongquan Point: Located on the sole of the foot, it is a well point on the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin. As the name suggests, it can make kidney energy and energy flow like a water spring. In addition to massaging with fingertips, you can also use the method of stepping on a massage ball to stimulate it. The way to find Yongquan point is to divide the sole of the foot into three equal parts: upper, middle and lower. The central depression is the junction line between the upper and middle points.

◎Shenguan point: It is one of Dong’s strange points. It is responsible for all diseases caused by kidney qi deficiency. You can press it directly with your thumb or use moxa sticks to align the acupoint with fumigation therapy. Shenguan point is located on the inner side of the calf. The way to find it is to find the tibia. Medial epicondyle, 1.5 inches downward.

◎Qihai point and Guanyuan point: These two points are located in the lower abdomen and belong to the Ren meridian. The point two fingers below the navel is the Qihai point, and the point two fingers further down is the Guanyuan point. You can rub your palms to warm it. Or you can directly use a hot towel to warm the acupoints to help replenish kidney qi.

Further reading:

Is it normal for working women to suffer from high stress and sore shoulders and necks? A Chinese medicine practitioner reveals: The decline of “kidney qi, essence, and blood” may be caused by

lack of sex and early menopause? What should I do if my private parts become thin and dry? Doctor: The problem does not necessarily lie with women

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