Are men prone to hemorrhoids after having sex? Is there a big difference between hemorrhoids and fistulas? Doctor: 1 type of people are most suitable for surgery

Is “coming from behind” likely to cause hemorrhoids? Doctors debunk anal sex myths
Males like to come from the “back”. Not only should they be careful of “stubbed anus and bruises all over the floor”, but it may also increase the risk of hemorrhoids? Lu Yanrong, chief physician of colorectal surgery at Lin’an Clinic, said that the most common view on hemorrhoids is the “hemorrhoid cushion theory”. Risk factors are mainly related to physical constitution, and lifestyle habits that may increase intra-abdominal pressure such as too little fiber intake and sitting for long periods of time. Standing for long periods of time and straining during defecation may also increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
Dr. Lu Yanrong pointed out that according to literature statistics, anal sex does not increase the incidence of hemorrhoids. However, if you have hemorrhoids and are in an acute attack stage, anal intercourse may cause hemorrhoid bleeding and worsened pain. Another colorectal surgical disease closely related to anal intercourse is “anal fissure”, which is often caused by tight anal sphincter, severe constipation, and dry and hard stool. Gay men or those who have anal sex should be careful about exacerbating anal fissures during anal sex.
Once hemorrhoids are discovered, can I still have normal sex or anal intercourse? Dr. Lu Yanrong said that it must be considered whether hemorrhoids are in an acute attack. Generally, internal hemorrhoids have no uncomfortable symptoms. With proper lubrication and correct use of condoms, anal sex will not be affected. If it is an acute hemorrhoid attack that causes lumps and bleeding, it is recommended to suspend sexual activity taking into account the risk of infection.
Does feeling a lump necessarily mean hemorrhoids? Differences in treatment of fistulas and hemorrhoids
Some people felt a hard lump in the anus and sought medical treatment thinking they had hemorrhoids. However, after a digital examination, they were told that it was a “fistula.” Dr. Lu Yanrong explained that the cause of fistulas is usually related to suppuration and inflammation caused by bacterial infection. As the local pressure increases, the inflamed tissue spreads to the inside, and eventually connects the inside of the anus with the outer epidermis to form a tunnel, which is the so-called “fistula.” It is a very common disease in colorectal surgery.
Dr. Lu Yanrong said that “fistula” and “abscess” are two sides of the same coin, and abscess is an acute or recurring condition. In the chronic stage, fistulas will form. Although they rarely cause severe pain, patients will report that the condition of the anus is good and bad, or there will often be recurring local small lumps and hard lumps, and secretions may also appear. Generally, anal fistulas are divided into simple types. With complex type, it can be detected initially during digital diagnosis.
Dr. Lu Yanrong pointed out that fistulas and hemorrhoids have different treatment concepts and techniques. Anal fistulas only require medication or anti-inflammatory antibiotics, which can only treat the symptoms but cannot cure the problem. Basically, they require surgery and are open wounds, allowing the wounds to heal naturally after surgery. Hemorrhoids can be treated conservatively depending on the size and stage of the hemorrhoids, such as medication and warm water sitz baths. For hemorrhoid patients who need surgery, traditional surgery, energy devices, laser ablation and other methods can be used to provide appropriate treatment according to the patient’s needs.
Is surgery necessary for hemorrhoids? Who should be given priority for surgery?
Can hemorrhoids be treated without surgery? Dr. Lu Yanrong said that hemorrhoids are normal physiological tissue and do not have the risk of malignant lesions. Most patients are treated conservatively when initially diagnosed. A few cases of acute thrombotic external hemorrhoids require emergency surgery when massive bleeding occurs. Another type of hemorrhoids that is suitable for surgery is when bleeding occurs repeatedly and affects normal life, so hemorrhoid surgery will be prioritized.
Dr. Lu Yanrong pointed out that once hemorrhoids progress to the stage that requires surgery, he will tend to adopt the most appropriate surgery to help patients completely treat hemorrhoids. However, if the patient has other life considerations, such as the appearance of the anus, the psychological impact of hemorrhoidal lumps, or local itching, difficulty in cleaning the private area, and difficulty in wiping defecation, etc., even if the patient does not have severe hemorrhoids, he or she can discuss surgical methods with the doctor. .
Will I become incontinent after having hemorrhoids? Which surgery is the least painful?
In addition, there is a saying on the Internet that it is easy to become incontinent after hemorrhoid surgery. Dr. Lu Yanrong explained that non-specialist surgery for early hemorrhoids may cause incontinence due to injury to the anal sphincter. In fact, the cause of incontinence in most patients is related to age, or poor anal function and lack of exercise leading to poor pelvic floor muscle control.
Dr. Lu Yanrong said that in addition to traditional surgery, there are now laser ablation surgeries that are less painful and have a faster recovery period to help hemorrhoid patients. Especially in the second and third stages, those with bleeding problems, mainly internal hemorrhoids, are very suitable for laser ablation surgery, which can help significantly reduce pain and shorten the recovery period. As for “mixed hemorrhoids” that are larger in size and even prolapse out of the anus, minimally invasive or energy device surgery is suitable for removal.
Dr. Lu Yanrong reminded that although hemorrhoids are not a serious disease, they may still have a certain impact on patients’ lives and psychology. The public should abandon the mentality of hiding diseases and avoiding medical treatment. If you have hemorrhoid problems, you should consult the colorectal surgery clinic as soon as possible to choose a treatment method that suits you and improve postoperative satisfaction. and have a good life.
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