Men should practice yoga more! Expert: 3 major benefits for mental health and improved performance in bed

Men should practice yoga more! Expert: 3 major benefits for mental health and improved performance in bed

Should men practice yoga every day? Psychiatrists believe it will bring “three major benefits”

Yoga is widely popular among women. In fact, the benefits of yoga to the body, mind and soul are not limited to gender. American psychiatrist Margot O’Donnell pointed out that men can also improve their mental health through yoga.

O’Donnell said that in recent years, the proportion of men seeking treatment for depression, anxiety and substance addiction has been increasing, and yoga practice can be helpful in developing healthy mental habits, such as increasing responsibility, improving concentration, and making more decisive decisions. wait. In addition, practicing yoga also has 3 benefits for men:

  1. Have the courage to express yourself. O’Donnell believes that men are subject to traditional concepts and are expected to hide their emotions and difficulties. In yoga exercises, men will work on the least flexible parts of the spine, increasing the extensibility of the body, which helps men express their feelings in order to overcome more difficult poses.

  2. Gain confidence. O’Donnell said that whether in the workplace or in sports, men are more inclined to “compete” with each other and desire to achieve more. However, this can lead to low self-confidence and, in turn, a diminished sense of self-worth. Yoga does not emphasize “competition”; on the contrary, it focuses more on personal progress without comparing with others. This encourages men to feel more confident.

  3. Group connections. Compared to women, men are more likely to solve all tasks alone. O’Donnell believes this could have a negative impact on mental health. When practicing yoga, the one-to-one or one-to-many teaching model allows men to have more consultation partners, allowing them to cooperate with each other and create bonds. This may also indirectly affect men’s work efficiency and their ability to use the power of a team to accomplish more.

Can practicing yoga help improve sexual function? Expert: Control and times can be increased

The benefits of yoga for men are not limited to mental health. Can “physical problems” also be improved? Research in the “Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy” points out that frequent yoga exercises every day can help improve men’s sexual health problems, such as erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is thought to be related to cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure and obesity. Yoga can effectively reduce blood pressure, BMI and heart rate, and can help men improve their cardiovascular condition.

In addition, a study in “The Journal of Sexual Medicine” pointed out that after 65 men aged 24 to 60 participated in a 12-week yoga course, the proportion of ejaculation control, erection and orgasm increased. Research suggests that this may be because when men practice yoga, stress hormones are significantly reduced, thereby improving vascular function and sexual function.

Jennifer Litner, MD, of Wedler University in the United States, added that yoga movements involve body postures, attention and breathing therapy, which can improve flexibility, balance, body blood flow and mood. These factors have different effects on the sexual function that men care about. Help.

Litner said that after women practice yoga, patients who come to the clinic report that their sexual satisfaction and sexual desire increase significantly; while most men report that their stress has been reduced to a certain extent, and their “performance in bed” has also made great progress. However, Litner also reminded the public that yoga is the same as other types of exercise and should be warmed up in advance. Before trying the exercises on your own or with your partner, be sure to stretch your limbs and confirm that your posture is correct to avoid potential sports injuries.


Yoga and Sexual Functioning: A Review

Yoga in Male Sexual Functioning: A Noncompararive Pilot Study

What to know about yoga sex

7 Mental Health Benefits of Yoga for Men

Further reading:

Is exercise effective in improving memory and reducing dementia if practiced for 10 minutes a day? Experts recommend 2 actions to activate the brain

Can exercise improve sexual performance without taking medicine? Urologist reveals “weekly exercise menu” to help testosterone burst

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