No matter how much you eat in winter, you will gain weight? Is it harder to lose weight without eating starch? Pharmacist: 5 tips to develop a lean physique

No matter how much you eat in winter, you will gain weight? Is it harder to lose weight without eating starch? Pharmacist: 5 tips to develop a lean physique

Is it harder to lose weight in winter than to reach the sky? Pharmacists say “these diets” will make you fail to lose weight

Why is it so difficult to lose weight every time the weather gets cold? “Smiling Pharmacist” Pharmacist Liao Weicheng said that when the temperature is cold, the human body must consume more calories to produce heat in order to adapt to the outside temperature. With a relative increase in basal metabolism, it is easier to induce hunger and make people eat more food.

Pharmacist Liao Weicheng said that the ginger duck, cheese pot and spicy pot that Taiwanese often eat in winter are the main culprits that cause high weight. Among them, the ingredients in the spicy pot absorb the spicy oil in the soup base, making it easier to consume excess fat. The fiber of the vegetables that are paired with spicy hot pot will also absorb fat, which will invisibly consume more calories.

Many people have a drink during Chinese New Year dinners, which is one of the reasons why they tend to gain weight in winter. Pharmacist Liao Weicheng reminds that excessive alcohol can easily form fat and accumulate around internal organs, resulting in a wide abdominal circumference and an increased risk of fatty liver disease. It is still advisable to drink in moderation. The National Health Agency recommends that men should consume no more than one can of beer (equivalent to 20g of alcohol) per day, and women should consume no more than half a can of beer (equivalent to 10g of alcohol).

Which weight loss myths on the Internet are not true? Don’t use this method if you have a bad stomach?

Can you successfully lose weight by adopting specific eating habits? In response to various weight loss myths circulating on the Internet, pharmacist Liao Weicheng believes that there are key points that need to be paid attention to in the three common weight loss diets:

  1. Be vegetarian. In order to increase the taste, most vegetarian dishes use cooking methods such as frying, braising, and thickening. The calories are several times higher than the original ones, but the purpose of weight loss cannot be achieved.

  2. Don’t eat starch. To burn fat, you need to consume good sources of starch, such as brown rice or purple rice in the “low GI diet”. Lack of starch intake may make it difficult to burn fat and lose weight.

  3. 168 fasting method. The 168 fasting method can increase the chance of burning fat and is relatively simple and effective in execution. However, if you have chronic diseases, blood sugar problems, or gastrointestinal problems, you should consult a medical professional.

Pharmacist Liao Weicheng reminded that not eating for a long time can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and even gastric perforation and gastric ulcer. People with renal insufficiency may also develop kidney disease. For people who require a lot of mental work, excessive 168 fasting may cause hypoglycemia, brain dizziness, and inability to concentrate.

The public is reminded that the 168 fasting method is not suitable for all people who lose weight. Before making dietary adjustments, it is recommended to consult a doctor, pharmacist or nutritionist to avoid losing weight and causing harm to the body.

What nutritional supplements can help lose weight? Can you lose weight without eating taboos with these 5 points?

Can eating certain nutrients or healthy foods help you lose weight? Pharmacist Liao Weicheng said that probiotics and dietary fiber are the most popular topics of inquiry. “Lactobacillus reuteri” (GMNL-263 lactic acid bacteria) among probiotics can indeed reduce the body’s inflammation index, body fat and blood fat. However, Taiwanese people generally do not consume enough dietary fiber. Eating it before meals can increase satiety, reduce appetite, and invisibly reduce caloric intake.

Pharmacist Liao Weicheng reminds that specific nutritional supplements that claim to accelerate metabolism may indeed help increase metabolism in a short period of time. However, once you stop taking them, your body is prone to counterattack or regaining weight. Dr. Liao Weicheng emphasized that in order to help develop a true “easy-to-lose physique,” five major factors should be paid attention to in life adjustments:

  1. Drink enough water. The recommended daily water intake is “body weight * 30” cc. If you are in the period of weight loss, it is body weight * 40cc.

  2. Get enough sleep. Insomnia and too little sleep time can lead to obesity. “Adrenaline” will decrease when falling asleep; long-term lack of sleep will cause adrenaline to increase and affect metabolism.

  3. Exercise. It is recommended that the public adopt the “533 principle”, that is, exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes, and the heart rate should be above 130. It is also recommended to increase muscle mass and maintain metabolism through fitness.

  4. Diet control. When losing weight, the principle is to lose 0.5 kilograms per week. If the weight drops too fast, it will affect metabolism. As a rule, women should consume 1,200-1,500 calories a day, while men should consume 1,500-1,800 calories a day.

  5. Keep your body and mind happy. Excessive stress will affect metabolism and easily lead to obesity.

Further reading:

Inactivity is the fourth cause of death in the world! Study: Exercising less than 10 minutes a week increases the risk of death from Covid-19 by 2.49 times

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