Is matcha better at fighting dementia than green tea? Japanese study: Drinking "this amount" every day improves cognitive function and improves sleep quality

Is matcha better at fighting dementia than green tea? Japanese study: Drinking "this amount" every day improves cognitive function and improves sleep quality

Matcha, which has a strong bitter taste, has many fans. In fact, Matcha may have more benefits in “reducing cognitive decline” than green tea or black tea? A recent study published in “PLOS ONE” reported that moderate drinking of matcha has the potential to improve mild cognitive impairment in the elderly, and can help improve their emotional perception, facial expression recognition, and even improve sleep quality.

Could drinking matcha help fight dementia? Study: 1 cup a day reduces risk of cognitive impairment

A research team from Japan gathered 99 elderly people with medical records from the University of Tsukuba Hospital. The subjects were aged between 60-85 years old. 64 of them experienced subjective cognitive decline, such as confusion or memory loss. Worsening; 35 people have mild cognitive impairment and may have more frequent memory or thinking difficulties than their peers. The subjects were randomly assigned to the matcha group (49 people, consuming 2 grams of matcha powder per day, which can brew about 1 cup of matcha) and the placebo group (50 people).

The research team used amyloid PET scans to detect the brain conditions of subjects, especially those over 75 years old and those who carry the “APOE ε4” gene. In addition, all subjects underwent at least four questionnaires, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) tests, and biochemical blood tests to clarify the extent of their cognitive function loss.

After a 12-month triple-blind trial, the research results showed that matcha has an improvement trend in cognitive function decline and has the potential to improve the sleep quality of subjects. No significant effects were seen on the life evaluation, mental state, reaction time, attention, executive function, etc. of patients with dementia. In addition, research has also found that matcha can improve social cognitive abilities such as facial emotion recognition. This result echoes past research on cognitive function decline and sleep quality.

Is matcha better at preventing cognitive decline than green tea? The content of “2 nutrients” is the key

Study author Dr. Kazuhiko Uchida said that the study results show that matcha has the potential to prevent dementia; although it contains caffeine that may interfere with sleep, the “theanine” in matcha is also considered to help improve sleep quality. . It is worth mentioning that the presence of theanine was also found in the placebo group, which may be related to the subjects’ habit of consuming green tea.

Dr. Uchida pointed out that matcha contains higher levels of catechins and theanine, which may be superior to traditional green tea, and has the potential to inhibit cognitive decline and improve sleep. “The intake of matcha may be part of a dementia prevention strategy because it is not difficult to obtain and is relatively easy to incorporate into daily diet.” However, this study has limitations such as a low sample size and insufficient ethnic diversity, and more data should be used in the future. Objective sleep measurement method to evaluate the correlation between matcha intake, sleep quality, and facial expression recognition.

Reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer? “5 great benefits” of developing the habit of drinking matcha

In addition to its potential to improve cognition, matcha can also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer? In fact, matcha contains many active nutrients, such as polyphenols, caffeine and amino acids, which are related to improving physical health. According to past research, moderate drinking of natural matcha tea may have the following benefits:

  1. Better cardiovascular health. Research in the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” shows that matcha is rich in catechins, of which “EGCG” (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) has been proven to have positive effects such as anti-atherosclerosis, preventing plaque accumulation, and preventing heart tissue thickening.

  2. Has antioxidant effect. “Food Research International” pointed out that matcha contains “flavonoids”, compounds that have antioxidant properties and can reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, catechin is also a strong antioxidant.

  3. Help prevent stomach cancer. A trial involving thousands of people in “Cancer Causes Control” reported that drinking matcha is associated with a lower risk of gastric cancer, in which two major substances, catechin and gallic acid, play a key role.

  4. Helps with weight loss. “Obesity Research” research pointed out that matcha can increase energy consumption and fat oxidation, reduce lipogenesis and fat absorption, and may have a positive impact on weight loss.

  5. Promotes skin health. According to the content of “Cancer Causes Control”, matcha powder and green tea can help promote skin health. Specific ingredients in matcha may help promote local skin regeneration, wound healing, or treat certain epithelial cell pathologies such as aphthous ulcers, psoriasis, rosacea, etc.

However, excessive intake of matcha may cause stomach upset, so it is recommended to avoid drinking it on an empty stomach. In addition, matcha contains a certain amount of caffeine. If you have insomnia or sleep problems, you should also consider the amount you drink. It is recommended to avoid drinking it in the afternoon or night to avoid affecting sleep.


Molecular understanding of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases**

Body weight loss and weight maintenance in relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplementation

Green-tea consumption and risk of stomach cancer: a population-based case-control study in Shanghai, China

Medicinal and therapeutic potentialities of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) – A review

Effect of matcha green tea on cognitive functions and sleep quality in older adults with cognitive decline: A randomized controlled study over 12 months

Further reading:

If you are not sick, don’t take fish oil randomly! “BMJ” research confirms: healthy people may increase the risk of “two major cardiovascular diseases”

“Add a spoonful” to cooking every day will help! Research confirms: Consuming “olive oil” reduces the risk of dementia death by 28%

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