Are marginalized people more likely to become addicted to pornography? Australian research says: Watching too much porn may affect social interaction and increase loneliness

Are marginalized people more likely to become addicted to pornography? Australian research says: Watching too much porn may affect social interaction and increase loneliness

In the past, academic circles supported moderate sexual release, which may have certain benefits in promoting physical and mental health; however, current research published in “Addictive Behaviors Reports” shows that if you are too addicted to pornographic content, or even overly dependent on it and develop addictive behaviors, I am afraid that it may be related to It is related to the condition of “loneliness” or “difficulty in emotional regulation”. This group may need physical and mental or psychological consultation intervention to improve it.

The research was initiated by Australia’s Charles Darwin University. The research team randomly recruited 213 subjects aged 18-79 from several social networking sites, of whom 77.5% were male. The sources of pornographic content include videos or photos from pornographic websites, movies, articles, games, magazines or comics, etc. 17.4% of the subjects said they had interacted with pornographic content creators on social software.

The study further used a questionnaire survey to understand the subjects’ frequency of pornographic content use, usage behavior, and whether they have recently experienced loneliness and difficulty regulating emotions. The results of the study show that loneliness has a significant positive correlation with difficulty in emotion regulation; difficulty in emotion regulation is related to problematic pornography use, indicating that difficulty in emotion regulation may play a mediating role between loneliness and problematic pornography use.

In addition, although interacting with pornographic content creators made subjects less difficult to regulate their emotions, the effect was not that significant. Mal Flack, the corresponding author of the study, said that the mediating effect observed in this experiment shows that people experiencing loneliness are more likely to turn to pornography abuse and even addiction because of difficulty regulating their emotions.

To the point where I can only masturbate to express my emotions! Scholars say: Watching too much porn may affect social life

“Previous studies have concluded when assessing the bidirectional relationship between loneliness and excessive use of pornography: When individuals become addicted to pornography, although emotional problems or feelings of loneliness can be improved in the short term, in the long term , but the risk of aggravating loneliness and affecting social interaction increases!” Flack said that many experts believe that porn addiction is similar to smoking, drinking or drug addiction, and these bad habits may be related to the decline of physical and mental health.

Flack pointed out that the use of pornography is related to emotional avoidance in daily stress, such as watching porn to avoid uncomfortable or unpleasant emotions; this is more significant among men than among women. However, this study still has limitations, such as insufficient sample size and uneven gender ratio. In the future, the focus should be on whether women’s pornography addiction is also related to poor emotional regulation or increased loneliness.

To the point where I can only masturbate to express my emotions! Single people more likely to be addicted to porn?

Are there really lonely “singles” who are clinically addicted to pornography? Dr. Yang Congcai, the director of Yang Congcai Clinic, once said in an interview that one patient had a serious tendency to masturbate excessively, and had developed symptoms similar to “withdrawal”, and felt uncomfortable without masturbating. Although there was no abnormality in the physical examination, after consultation, it was found that his social skills were poor and he had few friends of the opposite sex around him, which was why he became excessively addicted to pornography.

“For patients with poor social skills and signs of emotional disorders, we will prescribe mood-improving drugs in advance, and then teach the patients to correctly understand the opposite sex and further develop relationships with them. We also encourage such patients to participate in more social activities, so as to During the activity, I found someone of the opposite sex with whom I could talk. After about six months to one year of treatment, the patient’s “porn addiction” symptoms also improved.”

Dr. Yang Congcai explained that past papers have pointed out that people who regularly watch porn will over-stimulate areas related to rewards and addictive behaviors, which will then affect the striatum, prefrontal cortex, lateral cortex, etc., resulting in systemic changes. Excessive stimulation, like the use of drugs, may cause damage to the nucleus accumbens. Men, especially those who are highly interested in sexual behavior, are more likely to develop sexual addiction or even overindulgence.

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Dr. Yang Congcai emphasized that the academic community currently does not classify pornography addiction as one of the mental illnesses, and there is a lack of evidence to support whether pornography will change the structure of the brain. However, sex addiction does have several obvious symptoms. If people feel that they have the following conditions, they may consider relieving their addictive behavior through psychological consultation or treatment:

  1. Increased tolerance. For example, if you watch a pornographic film for an hour for the first time, you will have to watch it for more than an hour in the future. The more you watch, the more you watch, and the amount of viewing increases instead of decreasing, just like being addicted to drugs.

  2. Exhibit withdrawal symptoms. When not watching porn, you will feel obvious discomfort, such as restlessness, mind full of pornographic content, lack of concentration, distraction from work, etc., and even anxiety, autonomic nervous system disorder, physical discomfort and other conditions.

  3. Affect normal life. Staying up late to watch pornographic content, alternating day and night, may even affect your energy level the next day, making you unable to study or work well, or significantly affect your social circle, such as relationships with family, friends or partners.

Finally, Dr. Yang Congcai appeals to the public. The content of pornographic films is usually full of myths or designed content, and sometimes contains overly exaggerated plots such as rape and incest. It is not recommended to watch these contents frequently; it is recommended not to invest too much time. In porn, appropriate exercise and social interaction can help shift attention to real life.


Loneliness and problematic pornography Use: What is the role of emotion regulation and interaction with content Creators?

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