If a man isn't bad, a woman won't love him? Study reveals that "three negative traits" are related to more sexual partners

In the past, we often heard the saying “men are not bad and women are not loving”. Now in a modern society where gender equality is gradually becoming more equal, is this statement still true? A recent study published in “Personality and Individual Differences” shows that men with “The Dark Triad personality traits” are positively correlated with a greater number of sexual partners. Why are men with this trait more likely to be popular with women? Research suggests that this is related to humans’ innate “reproductive instinct.”
Do women really love the badder the man? “Dark personality” is associated with more sexual partners
The University of Turkmenistan in Finland recruited 210 healthy men and women from the campus to answer questions related to self-perception of attractiveness, spouse value and dark triangle personality through the “Spouse Value Scale”. The dark triangle personality refers to three malicious personality traits: “narcissism, Machiavellianism (meaning apathy, indifference to society, and abandonment of morality), and psychopathy.” Related analysis is used in psychological research.
Questionnaire analysis showed that male subjects with higher “Dark Triangular Personality” traits also tended to have more sexual partners; the three traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy were all associated with more sexual partners. Depends on the number of sexual partners. However, when the researchers analyzed the personality traits of men and women individually, the correlations with Machiavellianism and psychopathy dropped, with narcissism and self-perceived attractiveness being most closely related to number of sexual partners.
The findings indicate that narcissists have highly exaggerated views of their own attractiveness, for both men and women, which may increase an individual’s mating success. Research also points out that narcissism can help men benefit from short-term mating strategies (such as casual sex), because narcissists tend to be outgoing and highly confident, which is an important indicator of reproductive stability and genetic quality.
“Men with ‘masculine traits’ seemed to have an advantage in this study. This trait is usually found in men with high narcissism scores. But the connection between narcissism and women needs more research to confirm.” Study author Javier Borraz-Leon said.
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Although the narcissists in the above study seem to have high “sexual value”, when they are involved in a romantic relationship, they may not make a good partner. The Ohio State University previously analyzed data from 437 independent studies, including 123,043 participants, and found that when narcissists are provoked, they are more likely to be verbally aggressive and behave aggressively than ordinary people. Narcissism and aggression appear to be linked regardless of age, race or ideology.
Study author Brad Bushman said that the excessive narcissistic tendencies of narcissists may be a precursor to suffering from “narcissistic personality disorder.” This group tends to fall into their own fantasy world in romantic relationships, has a self-centered and arrogant attitude towards their partners, and believes that they have supreme power. In addition, when their partners correct their mistakes, patients with narcissistic personality disorder often find it difficult to admit their mistakes, and may even suspect that their partners are jealous of them and covet the things they have.
“Blindly ridiculing and teasing patients with narcissistic personality disorder is probably not the best solution, as it may cause harm to your partner.” Bushman suggested that if you have relatives or friends who are suspected of suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, you can seek professional counseling. With the assistance of a business counselor or psychiatrist, symptoms can be improved through medication, psychotherapy and other measures to avoid being exploited by narcissists, and also allow patients to better recognize the facts and accept their imperfect selves.
The link between narcissism and aggression: A meta-analytic review
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