Is male narcissism related to "disarming yourself too early"? Study: It's easier to "shoot and ignore" after you're done

Is male narcissism related to "disarming yourself too early"? Study: It's easier to "shoot and ignore" after you're done

Are men too narcissistic and worried about the risk of premature ejaculation? Psychologists have previously shown that narcissistic behavior may be related to multiple sexual partners and extramarital affairs, and is not limited to gender and age differences. In addition to being related to an individual’s psychological state, narcissistic tendencies may also affect physiological mechanisms? Research published in “Sexual and Relationship Therapy” points out that men with narcissistic tendencies are more likely to suffer from “premature ejaculation” symptoms.

Are narcissistic men more likely to have premature ejaculation? Study: The probability of “shooting and ignoring” is high

A research team composed of the United States and Hungary recruited 1,297 men (aged approximately 18-85 years old) and guided them to complete a comprehensive questionnaire to collect information on demographic characteristics, medical conditions, and sexual activity history in the past 1-2 years. and indicators of sexual dysfunction and sexual narcissism to assess the association between narcissism and physiological mechanisms.

The team found that, as previously reported, narcissists do tend to have more sexual partners and masturbate more frequently than other men. Although narcissism has nothing to do with erectile dysfunction, they are more likely to suffer from premature ejaculation in the early stages of sexual relationships; in the later stages, it is difficult to achieve orgasm. Research shows that narcissistic men express intense self-pleasure, tend to be satisfied through orgasm rather than romantic relationships, and are more likely to ignore the feelings of their sexual partners.

Study author David L. Rowland pointed out that past research has focused on the psychological activities of narcissists, and this study aims to explore the impact of narcissism on physiological mechanisms. “Excessive narcissism may have a negative impact on relationship satisfaction. However, we must still emphasize that moderate self-confidence and trust in partners are beneficial to sexual relationships or partnership. As for the causal relationship between premature ejaculation and narcissism, there is still no Further research is needed to confirm.”

Besides narcissism, what factors may lead to premature ejaculation? The American medical media “Mayo Clinic” published guidelines stating that there is no single cause for premature ejaculation, and it involves complex personal psychological and physiological factors. Psychological causes may be early unpleasant sexual experiences, lack of self-confidence, depression, feelings of guilt, etc. Physiological factors may include hormonal abnormalities, abnormal levels of brain compounds known as neurotransmitters, and inflammation or infection of the prostate or urethra.

In addition, “Mayo Clinic” also stated that other factors leading to premature ejaculation include:

  1. Erectile dysfunction. Men who feel anxious about getting or maintaining an erection during intercourse may develop a pattern of rushing to ejaculate that is difficult to change.

  2. Anxiety. Many men with premature ejaculation also have anxiety issues - particularly regarding sexual performance.

  3. Relationship issues. If a man has had satisfying sexual relationships with other partners and had little or no problems with premature ejaculation, then tension or arguments with his current partner may lead to premature ejaculation.

“Mayo Clinic” points out that if men experience premature ejaculation, in addition to seeking medical treatment as soon as possible, they also need to remember to avoid staying up late and reversing day and night, which will affect the secretion of serotonin in the brain. In addition, you should also pay attention to developing the habit of a balanced diet to avoid losing physical strength caused by being overweight. Finally, aerobic exercise can be used to increase the oxygen content in the blood. Jogging, yoga and other exercises can achieve the effect.


Premature ejaculation - Mayo Clinic

Narcissism, sexual response, and sexual and relationship satisfaction

Further reading:

Choose your partner carefully! Study: Narcissists are more likely to be violent and ‘difficult to treat’

If a man isn’t bad, a woman won’t love him? Study reveals that “three negative traits” are related to more sexual partners

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