Will making up for mistakes in winter hurt your health? Chinese medicine practitioners teach "4 tips for maintaining good health": a must-read for those with weak stomachs and high stress

Will making up for mistakes in winter hurt your health? Chinese medicine practitioners teach "4 tips for maintaining good health": a must-read for those with weak stomachs and high stress

Tonic supplements do not have to be taken in winter. Chinese medicine practitioners: Different physical constitutions require professional intervention.

The winter solstice is a traditional time for tonic, and as the weather has turned cooler recently, many people will drink warm soups, or take dishes and medicinal meals with spices to help maintain their body. However, due to differences in age, gender, and living habits, everyone’s physique and suitable maintenance methods are also different.

Dong Yirong, director of the Department of Gynecology and Pediatrics at the Chung Ho Memorial Hospital affiliated to Kaohsiung Medical University, said that some people are afraid of cold, some are afraid of heat, some are prone to dry mouth, and some often have trouble sleeping. It is not necessarily possible to replenish energy by eating warm meals in the cold winter. , but also requires the professional intervention of professional doctors.

Dong Yirong pointed out that in 2021, more attention should be paid to strengthening the spleen and stomach, removing dampness, nourishing kidney qi, and regulating liver qi. In particular, ethnic groups with weak intestines and heavy dampness often suffer from symptoms such as diarrhea, edema, cold limbs, and joint discomfort. In autumn and winter, you can eat some foods that can help strengthen the spleen and stomach, resolve moisture, and nourish kidney qi.

Dong Yirong said that people who are usually more likely to feel tired, have a more depressing work and life, or are more prone to sulking should pay attention to minor problems such as poor sleep, headaches, and poor defecation during this season. They can ask a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to help regulate their physical condition. Take care of your body with appropriate medicinal diet or food.

Dong Yirong pointed out that in 2022, if there is too much wood energy, wood will control the earth, and earth corresponds to the spleen and stomach. It is prone to digestion-related diseases, such as indigestion, flatulence, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, etc. Cremation is popular in the first half of the year, and people are prone to skin sores, rashes, headaches, ringing in the ears, chest tightness and other discomforts; in the second half of the year, they are prone to problems such as muscle and joint problems, waist and abdominal pain. Therefore, you should pay attention to gastrointestinal absorption when taking supplements, and avoid foods that are too greasy or hot.

Weak intestines and stomach can be supplemented by yam and lotus seeds. Red dates and astragalus are suitable for those who are under pressure.

Dong Yirong emphasized that the suitable ingredients or medicinal materials for different ethnic groups are not the same. The following are the supplement suggestions for different ethnic groups.

For health-preserving people who want to maintain their gastrointestinal health: Codonopsis pilosula, stir-fried Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, yam, lotus seeds, Gorgon fruit, ginger and other medicinal materials. They have mild medicinal properties and are effective in strengthening the spleen and stomach and removing moisture. When stewed with easily digestible ingredients, please invite a family Chinese medicine practitioner. Open it, it will be more delicious and suitable for you.

For those with silver hair who want to prolong their lives: Rehmannia glutinosa, Polygonum multiflorum, Angelica sinensis, wolfberry, Cuscuta, Chinese yam, Poria and other medicinal materials have the effect of replenishing qi, blood and kidney qi. They are suitable for people with cold hands and feet and who get tired easily. They can be stewed with ribs or chicken. ; Vegetarians can also cook it with tofu skin and mushrooms.

Office workers who are usually under great pressure: boil malt, hawthorn, red dates, astragalus, and a few roses in an electric pot for 20 minutes. As a tea, you can put it in a thermos cup and take it out for drinking, which is convenient and healthy.

For students who want to grow taller: Rehmannia glutinosa, fried white peony root, Chuanxiong rhizome, angelica root, astragalus root, black dates, poria cocos, fried atractylodes, dangshen, licorice and other medicinal materials can be cooked with chicken legs, ribs, and protein-rich foods. It should be noted that children must consult a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner before taking medicated food, so that they can be given the best treatment according to their constitution and age. It is not recommended to take medicine by yourself.

Dong Yirong said that although winter tonic is a Chinese dietary cultural tradition, to truly replenish the body, one must eat well and take correct tonic all year round; pay attention to the problem of fire in spring and summer, and tonify the cold and yang at the same time; pay attention to the trachea and the trachea in autumn and winter. For joint problems, warm tonic but remember to nourish yin blood.

Physical discomfort is often a minor ailment that has accumulated over a long period of time. Natural care cannot be completed overnight. You should consult a professional doctor before taking supplements according to your own constitution. This is the way to maintain long-term care.

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