Lutein alone is not enough! Nutritionist reveals the "Top 15 Eye-Protect Foods" that heads of all ethnic groups must eat: coriander and sweet potato leaves are on the list

Lutein alone is not enough! Nutritionist reveals the "Top 15 Eye-Protect Foods" that heads of all ethnic groups must eat: coriander and sweet potato leaves are on the list

Do modern people “abuse their eyes” every day? She became tearful and photophobic, and her eyelids became heavy, which was when she learned she had “severe dry eye syndrome”

At the end of the year, you are busy completing various reports and projects. During the holidays, you only use watching TV dramas as a pastime. Even during the annual vacation, you only plan to stay at home and scroll through your mobile phone? Dietitian Gao Minmin reminded the public on social media that office workers usually have the problem of excessive working hours. If they continue to engage in screen-gluing behavior during the holidays, such as scrolling on their mobile phones, binge-watching TV series, watching New Year special programs, etc., it may cause problems. Excessive “loading” on the eyes may cause “dry eye syndrome”.

Dietitian Gao Minmin said that there was once a young female engineer in the clinic who wore contact lenses for a long time due to myopia and lived a life of staring at the screen every day at work and watching TV series on her mobile phone after get off work. Day after day, the woman noticed a strong foreign body sensation in her eyes, her eyelids became heavier, her eyes were severely dry, and she even shed tears due to photophobia. After examination, I discovered that I had severe dry eye syndrome.

“2 major nutrients” combined to help fight blue light! Nutritionist reveals “15 foods you must eat to protect your eyes”

Nutritionist Gao Minmin explained that the eyes are indeed a very delicate and fragile visual organ. He suggested that the public can protect their eyes through diet and fundamentally improve their eye health. Among them, foods rich in “lutein” and “zeaxanthin” have the effect of antioxidants and reducing free radicals. They are also the only antioxidants that can remain in the macula of the eyes. 2 nutrients can help filter blue light that is harmful to the eyes, protect eye cells and avoid disease.

“As for the lutein that adults need in a day, just eating a few mouthfuls of spinach is enough!” Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out that research has found that adults taking 6mg of lutein daily is very effective in preventing macular degeneration. help. As long as you develop the habit of consuming vegetables every day, it will help protect your eyes to a certain extent.

Gao Min Min Nutritionist further lists 15 foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin as follows:

  1. Kale 39.6mg

  2. Spinach 12.2mg

  3. Basil 5.6mg

  4. Cilantro 5.6mg

  5. Sesame leaves 3.6mg

  6. Sweet potato leaves 2.6mg

  7. Pea 2.5mg

  8. Beetroot 1.5mg

  9. Pumpkin 1.5mg

  10. Green cauliflower 1.4mg

  11. Corn 1.4mg

  12. Egg yolk 1.1mg

  13. Asparagus 0.7mg

  14. Carrot 0.67mg

  15. Liuding 0.13mg

To sum up, Gao Senmin Nutritionist reminds that if the eyes are exposed to the blue light of 3C products for a long time, it will increase the chance of visual damage and suffering from glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts, and the damage to the eyes is an “irreversible” phenomenon. If you often feel eye discomfort, dry eyes, blurred vision, etc., it is recommended to have a balanced intake of the above foods. You must also remember the importance of relaxing your eyes. For example, use your eyes for 50 minutes, rest for 10 minutes, and look at distant places outdoors to help relax your eyes. The ciliary muscle, both internally and externally, keeps the eyes healthy.

Further reading:

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