Low temperature and air pollution make people cough like crazy! Nutritionist reveals the "best cough-relieving food": 4 major functions to protect the respiratory tract

Low temperature and air pollution make people cough like crazy! Nutritionist reveals the "best cough-relieving food": 4 major functions to protect the respiratory tract

healthorn expert Q&A

Q: Air pollution makes people cough like crazy! Are there carcinogens in the air?

A: If you have frequent coughing, sneezing, itching or allergies at home, you should pay attention to whether it is a poisoning symptom caused by “excessive formaldehyde”. If you live in an environment with excessive formaldehyde for a long time, it may seriously cause infertility, leukemia, and sinus cancer. , liver cancer, etc. The wood panels used in decoration or the new furniture purchased (mattresses, sofas, curtains) will release a large amount of “carcinogen formaldehyde”. Even if non-toxic building materials are used, there is still a risk that the accumulated formaldehyde in the whole room will exceed the standard.

If you want to solve the problem of formaldehyde poisoning, it is recommended to seek formaldehyde removal companies for formaldehyde treatment. However, allergic children should pay special attention to whether the manufacturer uses “formaldehyde” to remove formaldehyde. After all, chitin is one of the common allergens. If you are not careful, It may induce chitin allergy. Especially for infants and young children, those who are allergic to seafood, and those with cystitis, because chitin is taken from the shells of crustaceans such as shrimps and crabs, and may cause various allergic reactions after contact, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. , skin problems, etc., so you should try to avoid choosing formaldehyde removal companies that use “chitin” as coatings.

Low temperature and air pollution cause “crazy coughing”. Nutritionist: Eat more of “these foods” to protect your respiratory tract!

The temperature dropped sharply during the Chinese New Year, but has warmed up significantly in recent days. The drastic temperature difference coupled with poor air quality can easily cause respiratory symptoms. If you were previously diagnosed and are still suffering from COVID-19, your cough or respiratory discomfort may be aggravated. Nutritionist Yu Zhuqing pointed out in the community that in addition to seeking medical treatment to clarify symptoms, you can also eat specific foods to protect your respiratory tract.

Nutritionist Yu Zhuqing further pointed out that overall, the following foods can protect the throat and maintain respiratory health through “four aspects”:

1. Moisturize and maintain the throat: pumpkin, persimmon, yam.

Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, which serves as the first line of defense for the respiratory mucosa and helps improve respiratory resistance. If you eat it with the skin, you can get more phytochemicals.

In addition, yams are rich in antioxidant nutrients such as mucin polysaccharides and diosgenin, which can lubricate respiratory organs. Moderate consumption has positive benefits for the trachea, lungs and other organs. Persimmon itself has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving coughs. After it is dried and made into “persimmon cakes”, the sugar exuded from the pulp condenses on the surface to form “persimmon frost”, which can help relieve pain caused by throat inflammation.

2. Lubricate the trachea and lungs: white fungus, lotus seeds, and lily.

White fungus is rich in amino acids, which can relieve dryness and itching, moisturize the lungs and relieve coughs; lotus seeds not only have the effect of “soothing the mind and nourishing the heart”, but also have a certain degree of moisturizing the lungs and relieving coughs. Lily is also a good food for maintaining the respiratory system in autumn and winter. It has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving coughs.

3. Alleviate allergic discomfort: garlic, lotus root, pineapple.

Studies have shown that the “water-soluble components” dissolved out of garlic after heating can help improve respiratory inflammation caused by allergies; while lotus root is rich in “mucin”, which can prevent dryness of the nasal mucosa and prevent allergic rhinitis. As for pineapple, it contains “pineapple enzyme”, which has certain preventive effects on anti-inflammation, respiratory allergies and allergic rhinitis.

4. Increase respiratory resistance: salmon, saury, apples, pears.

Deep-sea fish among fish, such as salmon, saury, etc., contain OMEGA-3 fatty acids, which not only fight inflammation but also increase the resistance of the respiratory tract. In addition, people often hear that pear stewed with rock sugar, made from pears, can relieve coughs and reduce phlegm and maintain the throat; and apples contain “quercetin”, a natural antihistamine that can reduce the chance of airway allergies.

Nutritionist Yu Zhuqing said that when consuming the above foods, the public should remember to focus on “prototype foods” that have not been overcooked or processed, so that they can more fully absorb the nutrients contained in the foods. In addition, excessive intake of any food is too much, especially persimmons, lotus seeds and other cold foods. Eating too much may cause gastrointestinal burden. If you have a history of chronic disease or cardiovascular disease, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist or physician before consuming it.

What should I do if I have a “COVID-19” cough that doesn’t stop? Doctors appeal: Doing “two things” less will help!

As the number of recovered people increases, many people are beginning to face the problem of the sequelae of COVID-19. If you unfortunately suffer from COVID-19 and keep coughing, besides eating more of the above foods, what other lifestyle measures can you take to improve it? Dr. Cai Yueting, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Kuangtian General Hospital, said that the proportion of Omicron-infected people suffering from COVID-19 is about 30-60%, which means that there may be at least 300,000 COVID-19 patients in Taiwan, who will need continuous care after recovery.

Dr. Cai Yueting pointed out that recently, many confirmed cases have been received clinically in which patients still have uncomfortable symptoms after recovery. The most common symptoms are fatigue, fatigue, and cough with phlegm stuck in it. Some people will experience chest tightness and difficulty breathing. Fortunately, Most people’s symptoms are mild, but because of the large number of cases, people still need to pay attention to their health even if they recover. According to existing research, people with COVID-19 are more likely to develop. Patients with “moderate to severe” and “chronic diseases” (such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.) are among the high-risk groups. Therefore, it is recommended that patients in this group eat a light diet and eat less raw or cold food; if their physical condition does not allow it, do not forcefully exercise and get cold, but rest more to allow the body to replenish its vitality.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Cai Yueting believes that when faced with the sequelae of COVID-19, the concept of “removing evil and making up for corrections” will be used to treat patients. “Generally speaking, it is still necessary to prescribe the right medicine based on the patient’s constitution. For example, some patients have more serious symptoms of weakness and fatigue, so they will take medicines according to this symptom.” In addition, Dr. Cai Yueting also recommends “Vitality Tea” based on traditional Chinese medicine. The three herbs, consisting of Astragalus, Atractylodes, and Fangfeng, have the effect of consolidating Qi and improving immunity.

Further reading:

Are you prone to breathlessness and fatigue after being diagnosed? Doctors reveal 3 key points of “self-care”: speeding up physical recovery

What should I eat if I am diagnosed with sore throat? Nutritionist named 1 food: Helps repair mucous membranes and immunity

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