What should you do if you love sweets but are afraid of high blood pressure? Study: Eating fruit can help reduce the incidence of diabetes

Due to poor eating habits of modern people, chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes are becoming younger year by year. Currently, 1 in 11 people in the world has diabetes. In Taiwan, which is known as the “City of Food”, the number of diabetic patients in 2019 It has exceeded 2.2 million people, of which 59% are patients aged 40 to 64 years old. These data show that Taiwanese people generally have poor eating habits. Elevating blood sugar levels by eating foods that are too oily and too sweet may be one of the main causes of chronic diseases. If you are already at risk of developing diabetes, according to the latest Australian research, eating more fruit may help your body escape the clutches of diabetes!
Consuming more than 2 servings of fruit per day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
The research was conducted by Nicola. Led by Dr. Nicola Bondonno, the researchers collected data from 7,675 subjects from the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, who asked them through questionnaires what they usually eat. What is the amount and frequency of fruit intake. Researchers found through questionnaires that subjects who usually consumed more than two types of fruit were 36% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes after five years than subjects who ate less than half a serving of fruit!
Bondono believes that fruit intake may be related to the secretion of insulin in the body, because excessive insulin can cause blood vessel damage and may lead to heart disease , obesity and high blood pressure. This also means that people who are accustomed to eating fruit may be able to Use smaller amounts of insulin to lower blood sugar concentrations. At present, this study cannot determine whether there is a causal relationship between eating fruit and reducing type 2 diabetes, but it is an important reference for the future treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Comprehensively change your living habits and don’t give chronic diseases any chance to develop.
According to the above-mentioned research, diabetes may be improved by eating more fruits, but this does not mean that you can safely eat chicken steaks and suck large amounts of breast milk! Young people who like to drink full-sugar drinks and eat fried foods will not only develop diabetes over a long period of time, but may also suffer from three types of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and even pancreatic cancer at an early stage. If the elderly suffer from severe diabetes, it may even lead to sarcopenia. , prone to falls and injuries while walking. These conditions can be fatal to people with diabetes.
The life of a diabetic patient is actually quite hard. In addition to having to regularly measure the blood sugar index, there are also dietary restrictions. If you don’t want to suffer from diabetes at a young age, you must first adjust your daily routine and establish good sleep habits, and then combine them with correct eating habits, supplementing with more vitamins, proteins and high-quality carbohydrates, and staying away from sugar and cholesterol. If you eat healthily, you will be able to exercise more smoothly and lose weight faster. Remember, these are all elements that make you healthy, so get started! Stop punishing your body with bad lifestyle habits.
Associations Between Fruit Intake and Risk of Diabetes in the AusDiab Cohort