Even love must be deceived! Don't believe the call from the hospital to change the installment payment. Charity groups urge: Don't stop loving.

Even love must be deceived! Don\'t believe the call from the hospital to change the installment payment. Charity groups urge: Don\'t stop loving.

Fraud incidents dampen people’s willingness to donate, legislators call for: All efforts should be made to investigate cross-border crimes

Recently, there has been a serious situation where the personal information of donors has been stolen from public welfare websites by intentional persons. In order to prevent the public from reducing their willingness to donate, a total of 8 public welfare groups jointly held a press conference on “Public Welfare and Love to Avoid Victimization” on August 26, respectively. Children’s Foundation, Credit Suisse Children’s Medical Foundation, Children’s Cancer Fund of Taiwan, National Taiwan University Children’s Health Foundation, Lezuo Creative Association of Taiwan, Father Bai Yong’en Social Welfare Foundation, Motor Neurone Disease Patients Association of Taiwan, Catholic Spiritual Healers Association .

Legislator Lin Yihua called on the public to be careful about fraud crimes at the press conference. If you receive information, please report it to the 165 platform to provide fraud prevention information. All charity groups are also victims, and the public is asked not to stop donating. Legislator Qiu Taiyuan also requested, The government should make every effort to investigate cross-border crimes and hope that everyone will not stop showing love.

Lin Yihua said that due to the COVID-19 epidemic, donations from charity groups have dropped sharply, and fraud incidents have also affected people’s willingness to continue donating. In response to this incident, the 165 platform counted 243 public welfare frauds, 73 of which involved money, with a total amount of more than 25 million yuan. , asking the police investigation system to speed up fraud detection, so as not to let the people lose confidence in public power, and also hope to help public welfare groups find love back. Please continue to support public welfare groups to help the disadvantaged in society.

Public welfare groups call for active investigation of criminal acts. Police Department: It has gradually mastered relevant information

Lin Dongcan, chairman of the Children’s Cancer Foundation of Taiwan, also expressed his sadness. He believes that the fraud incident defrauded children with cancer of life-saving money, and the system company responsible for managing information security management should take responsibility. He also thanked countless caring people for their continuous support to all charity groups over the past year, and each group will strengthen its efforts in the future. Information security on all platforms.

Wang Zhuke, CEO of the Children’s Heart Disease Foundation of Taiwan, said that the Children’s Heart Disease Foundation of Taiwan has entered its 50th anniversary and is the first children’s medical charity in Taiwan. This event is mainly for online personal donations, and many donations have been made. The People’s Contact Association has stopped donating, which has a huge impact on the foundation, because there are still many children with heart disease who are waiting for the foundation to assist them in receiving the treatment they need. In addition to calling on everyone to guard against fraud, please also urge the system company to take full responsibility, and Please government to bring criminals to justice as soon as possible.

Wu Chunfu, chairman of the Credit Suisse Children’s Medical Foundation, revealed that since July, donors have received fraudulent calls one after another, and they have contacted donors under the pretext that staff members have made mistakes in charity donation operations to fraudulently collect love donations. They are mainly credit card donors, and some have been victims. The victim did not receive any calls, but because personal information and financial assets have been leaked, the criminal group directly stole credit cards online, and these foundations cannot be contacted. The situation that the victim only became aware of after the incident must be actively investigated by the government. The people and government agencies have no public power.

Wu Meihuan, chairman of the National Taiwan University Children’s Health Foundation, explained that regarding this major information leakage, all charity groups have actively contacted donors as soon as possible and paid attention to the words and techniques that fraud groups may use. Wu Meihuan said that what was hurt by this incident was actually the public’s willingness to do charity. People may have never thought about supporting charity and would be set up and victimized. What this incident actually hurt is the foundation of society. Therefore, we once again call on the public to be careful about fraud incidents, and at the same time, we can continue to use actions to support all our public welfare groups.

Chief of the Prevention Division of the Criminal Police Department of the Police Department, Chen Ruiqi, said that this case is currently targeting the system provider responsible for network management, as well as cross-border telecommunications, capitation account and other information after the fraud occurred. Some hope that overseas investigations will be carried out through diplomacy. The Ministry of Justice will assist in the investigation and will definitely investigate this case with maximum strength and in the shortest possible time. Chief Liu Jiarong of the Information Security Division of the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice called on the system company itself responsible for information management to be held responsible for this incident and not social welfare groups. System vendors will be asked to improve their information security awareness, and all parties are welcome. The group provides relevant new evidence to the Bureau of Investigation at any time to assist in crime detection and prevention.

In recent years, with the development of Internet technology, fraud incidents through the Internet and social groups have been reported frequently, and the methods are changing with each passing day. The press conference hopes that the government will actively assist in the investigation of Internet fraud, and also asks the police to think about how to effectively combat crime and protect the rights and interests of Taiwanese people. Don’t leave victims without recourse.

Source: Office of Legislator Lin Yihua

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