Will you lose weight if you don't eat enough to reach your basal metabolic rate? Doctors expose the "fat loss myth": caloric deficit is the key

Will you lose weight if you don't eat enough to reach your basal metabolic rate? Doctors expose the "fat loss myth": caloric deficit is the key

Will you lose weight if you eat to your basal metabolic rate? Caloric deficit is the key

Calorie control is the key to weight loss. Will eating less than the basal metabolic rate affect the speed of weight loss? Dr. Scott (Wang Siheng) of Hengxin Rehabilitation Clinic explained that the “Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)” (Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR) required to maintain normal physiological functions such as heart, brain, and breathing, accounts for about 70% of daily caloric consumption. , is the most important part of daily body calorie consumption and is related to weight, height, gender, and age.

The other 30% of calories consumed by the body every day comes from various activities such as walking, moving, exercising, gastrointestinal digestion and absorption. Based on the intensity of daily activities, the total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) can be calculated. For people who do not exercise at all, the total daily caloric consumption is about 1.2 times the basal metabolic rate; for those with the highest activity intensity, the total daily caloric consumption can reach 2 times the basal metabolic rate.

Dr. Scott points out that when calculating the “calorie deficit” during weight loss, the “total daily caloric consumption” should be used as the basis. Some claims that if the caloric intake is lower than the basal metabolic rate, the body will enter an “energy-saving mode”. However, there is actually no scientific research to prove this statement.

“The most important thing when controlling weight is the magnitude of the ‘calorie deficit’. Whether it is less than the basal metabolic rate does not matter. Don’t worry too much!” Dr. Scott reminded that as long as the caloric deficit is reached, fast for 24 hours or take in daily There is no significant difference in weight loss between 50% and 70% of the total daily caloric consumption.

Can just losing muscle mass reduce visceral fat? Does body fat rise instead of falling when losing weight?

Some people think that when losing weight, it is easy to lose only muscle, and “visceral fat” will increase instead. Dr. Scott pointed out that this kind of statement is also a wrong myth. Whether you lose weight through exercise, diet, or even drugs or surgery, as long as you lose weight, you will almost always lose visceral fat.

However, why do we experience an increase in body fat when we strive to lose weight? Dr. Scott said that during fat loss, the amount of starch and water intake usually decreases, and the body’s water production also decreases. At this time, using a general resistance-type body fat meter or body composition analysis can easily lead to false body fat percentages. rise.

“Resistive body fat measurement is not very accurate and is easily interfered by body water. The body fat number is just a reference. There is no need to let this number affect your mood!”

Three principles of fat-reducing diet: eating prototype foods to help regulate appetite

Dr. Scott reminds that in order to achieve healthy fat loss, the diet should be based on “original foods, high protein, and high fiber” foods. Experiments have found that two meals with the same caloric and nutrient content are more likely to consume 500 calories more per day when eating processed food. On the contrary, when ingesting prototype foods, appetite is more easily controlled and it is less likely to be overeating.

Dr. Scott pointed out that the key to weight loss is to control total calories. Compared with prototype foods, they feel more satiating, which can help reduce excess calorie intake and avoid fiber and trace element deficiencies. For those who want to lose weight or fat, it is still recommended to develop the habit of choosing healthy foods to make it easier to achieve their weight management goals.

Further reading:

When is the best time to exercise in the morning, noon and evening? How to make a breakthrough if your fitness results are not as good as expected?

Are the benefits of weight training as good as aerobic training? Japanese study: 1 hour per week can reduce mortality by 20%

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