First local case of monkeypox virus reported! Both cases have no history of overseas travel. Taiwan Centers for Disease Control: Seek medical attention immediately if you encounter 6 major symptoms

First local case of monkeypox virus reported! Both cases have no history of overseas travel. Taiwan Centers for Disease Control: Seek medical attention immediately if you encounter 6 major symptoms

Monkeypox virus appears as “local case” for the first time! Will the opening of borders between countries make the epidemic worse?

Monkeypox virus appears as “local case” for the first time! The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Centers for Disease Control announced today (3/1) the 6th and 7th confirmed cases in Taiwan. They are male nationals in their 40s in the north and 20s in the south respectively. They live in Hsinchu County and In Kaohsiung City, in late February, symptoms such as fever, pimple-like rash, blisters, swollen lymph nodes, and tongue ulcers began to appear in the body. After evaluation by a doctor, the patient was tested and notified, and was diagnosed positive on February 26 and 27 respectively. Taiwan Centers for Disease Control stated that the two cases had no recent history of overseas travel and were determined to be local cases. They are currently being treated in isolation in the hospital. A total of 25 related contacts have been listed through epidemic investigation and have been undergoing health education and self-health monitoring for 21 days. .

Taiwan Centers for Disease Control pointed out that since the monkeypox outbreak broke out in the United Kingdom in mid-May last year, at least 109 countries around the world have reported more than 86,000 confirmed cases. The number of cases is mainly distributed in the Americas (58,367 cases) and Europe (25,849 cases). , with 30,193 cases in the United States accounting for 35.1% of the global total, the largest number. Recently, the global epidemic has slowed down, and the number of new cases is mostly distributed in the Americas (183 cases).

As for neighboring countries, Japan has a total of 22 cases, Singapore has 21 cases, and Thailand has 15 cases. Cases have also been reported in South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and China. Local cases have begun to appear in Asia, which may be related to the slowdown of the COVID-19 epidemic, the relaxation of epidemic prevention measures in various countries, and the unblocking of borders. The recovery of international tourism may increase the conditions for the spread of monkeypox and make it more threatening to humans.

For monkeypox, please pay attention to “human-to-human transmission through close contact” Taiwan Centers for Disease Control: Seek medical attention immediately if you have 6 major symptoms

Taiwan Centers for Disease Control explained that Taiwan has declared monkeypox as the second category of notifiable infectious disease on June 23 last year. As of today, a total of 47 suspected cases have been reported, including 2 confirmed local cases and 5 imported cases (infections). The countries included were 1 case in Germany, 3 cases in the United States, and 1 case in Austria), and the remaining 40 cases were excluded.

Taiwan Centers for Disease Control reminds that monkeypox transmission targets are limited. This wave of epidemic is mainly “human-to-human transmission through close contact”. It reminds the public to implement self-protection and avoid possible entry and exit when going to endemic areas or high-risk areas in Taiwan. High-risk areas such as social activities with close contact with unspecified people, such as skin lesions (rashes, blisters, etc.), fever, chills/shivers, headaches, muscle pain in various parts of the body, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph glands (such as If you have any suspected symptoms such as around the ears, armpits, neck or groin, etc.), you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible and actively inform the doctor of your travel and contact history.

Will monkeypox virus continue the new coronavirus pandemic? Experts point out 2 key differences

Last year, academic circles were generally concerned about whether the monkeypox virus would cause a global pandemic like the new coronavirus. Shi Xinru, director of the Center for Emerging Virus Infection Research at Chang Gung Memorial University, said in a previous interview that the two are quite different. The new coronavirus is mainly transmitted through droplets, while monkeypox tends to be infected through close contact. The scope of infection of the two is different.

In addition, the new coronavirus is an RNA virus. After humans are vaccinated, the new coronavirus will undergo immune escape and continue to mutate, causing the vaccine to become increasingly less effective. Monkeypox is a DNA virus with less morphological variation. Therefore, even if the smallpox vaccine is administered, it still has an 85% protective effect against the monkeypox virus, which is also a poxvirus.

Avoid close contact in case of local monkeypox epidemic! Spraying alcohol frequently and washing hands frequently can still protect against viruses

Director Shi Xinru reminded that the monkeypox virus can still be transmitted from person to person. When infected, you should avoid close or intimate contact with others to avoid people around you from being exposed to the virus. Monkeypox virus is a virus with a mantle. Frequent hand washing and alcohol disinfection are relatively important.

The current anti-epidemic measures against the new coronavirus are actually effective in preventing the infection of monkeypox virus. The general public should not panic too much. In addition, in addition to continuing to strengthen quarantine measures at international ports, as well as public risk communication and health education promotion, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control has also purchased and allocated antiviral drugs and monkeypox vaccines for use by eligible people, and has strengthened monitoring, reporting, and timely adjustments. Relevant prevention and control policies.

WHO warns that monkeypox virus may enter high-risk groups such as pregnant women and children. Director Shi Xinru said that humans have been facing poxviridae for decades longer than the new coronavirus, and there are already weapons such as antiviral drugs and effective vaccines to control the infection. Even after washing the clothes of an infected person, the viral load has become extremely low. People often use alcohol and wash their hands frequently, which is enough to achieve a certain effect in preventing monkeypox virus.

Is there a vaccine currently available for monkeypox? How can people prevent monkeypox?

What monkeypox vaccines are currently available in Taiwan? Dr. Cai Maosong from the Department of Infectious Diseases of Yadong Hospital said that there are currently two monkeypox-related vaccines in the world, namely “JYNNEOS” and “ACAM2000”; the vaccine purchased in Taiwan is the former, and the US FDA has approved it for marketing in 2019. JYNNEOS is a new vaccine made from attenuated smallpox virus strains and can prevent smallpox and monkeypox infections. ACAM2000 is a smallpox vaccine containing live virus. It is currently approved by the US FDA for use in people at high risk of smallpox infection, such as those who work with smallpox viruses in laboratories.

As for how to prevent monkeypox at this stage? Dr. Cai Maosong recommends the following 4 points:

  1. Reduce the risk of zoonotic transmission. When traveling to areas where monkeypox virus is endemic, avoid contact with rodents and primates as well as sick or dead animals, and all food must be cooked thoroughly before consumption.

  2. Reduce the risk of interpersonal transmission. Avoid contact with people infected with monkeypox.

  3. If you have any suspected symptoms, you should seek medical treatment promptly and inform your travel and contact history.

  4. People in occupations with high risk of exposure, or those in close contact with high risk of infection, may consider getting the JYNNEOS vaccine. People who have been infected can also take antiviral drugs to avoid worsening of symptoms.

Currently, the monkeypox vaccine is only available to “laboratory personnel operating orthopoxvirus cultures” and “close contacts with high risk of exposure”. Applications must be submitted to the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control through the Health Bureau and used after review. However, in response to monkeypox cases starting to appear in the local area, the Epidemic Command Center also stated that it would begin to convene expert meetings to discuss whether to relax the scope of pre-exposure prophylaxis vaccination.


In response to the demand for monkeypox prevention and treatment, the monkeypox vaccine JYNNEOS® purchased from Taiwan arrived in

Taiwan today. Two confirmed local cases of monkeypox have appeared in Taiwan. The public is urged to protect themselves. If you have suspected symptoms, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible and inform your travel history and contacts. history

Further reading:

Will the accelerated mutation of monkeypox virus lead to the next wave of new coronavirus pandemic? Experts reveal 2 key differences

Will monkeypox cause a “local epidemic”? Is it necessary to get vaccinated? Doctors must learn “4 measures” to fight the epidemic

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