Lin Kunhai died of head and neck cancer! Why are half of head and neck cancers diagnosed at an advanced stage? Which risk factors and symptoms are most dangerous?

Lin Kunhai died of head and neck cancer! Why are half of head and neck cancers diagnosed at an advanced stage? Which risk factors and symptoms are most dangerous?

It is reported that Lin Kunhai, chairman of Sanlih TV, died of head and neck cancer. Taiwanese patients with head and neck cancer often neglect early detection, resulting in delayed treatment and missed golden time. Among the top ten newly announced cancers, oral cancer (including oropharynx and hypopharynx) ranks fifth and is closely related to long-term bad living habits.

Risk factors for head and neck cancer? Beware of periodontal disease if you live an uncontrolled life

Dr. Liu Gengliao, director of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck, Guangtian General Hospital, said in an exclusive interview with “healthorn” that the main risk factors for head and neck cancer are still tobacco, alcohol and betel nut. Long-term tooth decay that is not treated or wearing inappropriate dentures may lead to viral infection or long-term friction in the oral mucosa causing cancer. In addition, chronic inflammation caused by periodontal disease can also increase the risk of oral cancer.

“Many head and neck cancer patients have a bold personality and don’t care about their physical condition. They can even be said to be tough!” Dr. Liu Gengliao said that more than half of head and neck cancer cases are already in stages 3 and 4 when diagnosed, and the cancer cells may have metastasized to the lymph nodes in the head and neck. To the chest, lungs, and liver, most of these patients are exposed to carcinogens such as cigarettes, alcohol, and betel nut for a long time. They live a less restrained life and tend to ignore the risk of cancer.

What are the symptoms of head and neck cancer? White spots, erythema, broken mouth, 2 weeks old, seek medical advice immediately

Are there early symptoms of head and neck cancer that can be detected? Dr. Liu Gengliao reminded that if you find that your mouth often breaks, white spots, red spots appear, oral ulcers have not healed for more than 2 weeks, or you feel lumps in the lymph nodes of your neck, you should go to a major hospital for examination as soon as possible. In addition, hypopharyngeal cancer related to drinking may cause a lump in the throat and chest tightness. Or a blood-streaked cough or hoarse voice may be signs of cancer in the oropharynx.

“Carcinomas in the oropharynx are sometimes in relatively deep locations and may not be visible on the surface. It is most important to be alert as early as possible!” Dr. Liu Gengliao said that when lymphatic masses appear in the neck, many are already in stages 3-4 of head and neck cancer. Advanced head and neck cancer is not only relatively difficult to treat, but the prognosis is also less than ideal. For stage 4 hypopharyngeal cancer, the 5-year survival rate is only 20-30%.

How is head and neck cancer treated? Can’t be removed even by surgery?

Dr. Liu Gengliao explained that for stage 1-2 head and neck cancer, surgery is the main treatment, while for stage 3, surgery plus radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be considered. Stage 4 patients are divided into operable and inoperable patients. Patients who are inoperable will receive radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy or new targeted therapies. At present, there are also proton therapy, immunotherapy and other methods, but most of them will only be considered after conventional treatments are ineffective.

“The best situation is to be able to operate an operation, but if the tumor invades the aorta, vertebrae, skull base bones of the brain, etc., it cannot be completely removed with an operation, so systemic treatment can only be used!” Dr. Liu Gengliao pointed out that about 9% of head and neck cancers occur For above-average epithelial squamous cell carcinomas, epidermal growth factor-targeted therapy combined with adjuvant radiation therapy can be used to achieve good results in some patients.

How long should head and neck cancer be tracked? Can it turn out to be cancer even if the biopsy is normal?

Dr. Liu Gengliao reminded that oral cancer usually changes from chronic inflammation to cancer after long-term exposure to carcinogens for 10-12 years. People who have been exposed to tobacco, alcohol, betel nut, or high-risk groups for a long time must undergo regular oral mucosal examinations and quit bad living habits. There was a patient whose biopsy report was benign 2 years ago, but a reexamination 2 years later revealed malignant cell mutations and was diagnosed with tongue cancer.

“There is nothing wrong with the current examination, but it does not mean that the cells will still be normal 2 or 3 years later. The cells of head and neck cancer and oral cancer are a process of slow mutation, just like hepatitis B gradually turning into cirrhosis!”

Dr. Liu Gengliao pointed out that small-scale oral precancerous lesions can be removed through outpatient surgery. Extensive lesions should be followed up at least once a year. Once changes in cell morphology are found in the sections, they should be followed up closely every 3-6 months.

How to prevent head and neck cancer? Pay attention to oral hygiene and get HPV vaccine

How to prevent head and neck cancer in daily life? Dr. Liu Gengliao reminds you to avoid tobacco, alcohol, and betel nuts, and pay more attention to oral and dental hygiene to avoid viral infections caused by tooth decay, or long-term friction caused by inappropriate dentures. Family history and cancer genes are also risk factors for head and neck cancer. You should also prevent gastroesophageal reflux in daily life. Don’t eat too much or lie down immediately after eating.

Dr. Liu Gengliao emphasized that health examinations are an important way to prevent cancer. 4. Regular screenings should be carried out after the age of 50. Do not wait until you are feeling unwell before getting checked. In addition, the HPV (human papillomavirus) virus may infect tonsils and increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer. Now both men and women can receive the HPV vaccine to reduce the chance of themselves carrying the virus and infecting others.

Further reading:

Is HPV virus related to “6 types of cancer”? Do boys also need to get the HPV vaccine? Doctor: Of course!

Cai Tou died of liver cancer. Was it too late to seek medical treatment for abdominal pain and bleeding? Doctors explain the difficult truth about advanced liver cancer

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