My limbs are thin but my belly is fat! Can the physique of "Puff Man" be saved? Nutritionist teaches 3 tricks to reduce fat and increase metabolism

My limbs are thin but my belly is fat! Can the physique of "Puff Man" be saved? Nutritionist teaches 3 tricks to reduce fat and increase metabolism

Slim limbs but a fat belly? You obviously eat very little but are you a puff person?

Compared with men, women are more likely to develop a puffy and plump figure. Is this related to their innate physique and acquired eating habits? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua accepted an exclusive interview with “healthorn” and explained that in general, women’s basal metabolic rate is lower than that of men because they are born with relatively less muscle mass and higher fat mass.

Wrong eating habits are more likely to keep your body fat rate high. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua gave an example. Many female patients in the clinic have small food intake and are accustomed to eating a meat bun or a bowl of instant noodles. Instead, they eat more food during non-meal times, such as afternoon tea snacks.

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua reminds that small food size does not mean low calories. If you continue to consume refined starch throughout the day, the total calories may still easily exceed the standard for women (it is generally recommended to multiply your body weight by 30 calories, which is about 1,500 calories for a 50-kg woman). In addition, Unbalanced composition of food choices is also a contributing factor to Puffman.

Puff people should be careful about “fatty liver”? Could it also increase the risk of diabetes?

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua said that if women consume excessive amounts of high-sugar and high-fat diets, fat will easily accumulate in the abdomen and thighs. Obesity may not be visible on the outside, but the internal organs may be filled with fat, which can also cause harm to health. This type of food will be metabolized by the liver and may cause accumulation problems. People with mild to moderate fatty liver disease will not Not uncommon.

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua explained that if the body fat rate or visceral fat is too high, it is easy to enter a “sub-health” state. Although the diagnosis does not necessarily directly meet the diagnostic criteria for chronic diseases, it is often in the pre-hyperglycemia, pre-hypertension or high-density liposome state. The protein index is too low and other conditions. In addition, these puffers often lack exercise and may have metabolic syndrome, making them a high-risk group for developing diabetes in the future.

How do puff people reduce body fat? Does eating garlic, chili pepper, and turmeric help?

If you are already a “puff person”, how can you successfully lose fat? Nutritionist Jian Yuhua recommends choosing low-calorie snacks such as zero-calorie jelly, dried konjac, konjac strips, and seaweed to satisfy your cravings, and eating as little high-calorie processed food as possible. It is best to maintain regular rations in daily nutrition distribution and avoid less than 2 meals a day. In particular, avoid eating snacks or afternoon tea as a main meal, as this can easily lead to insufficient nutrient intake and a decrease in metabolic rate.

Insufficient drinking of water will also affect body metabolism. Nutritionist Jian Yuhua reminds that when losing weight, it is best to drink enough water multiplied by 40 cc (for example, if the body weight is 50 kg, it is 2000cc). If you are worried about drinking too much water and causing edema, you should reduce the amount of water. Intake of baked goods or high-salt diet. Maintaining adequate fluids and getting enough sleep are both essential for ideal weight control.

Nutritionist Jian Yuhua suggests that spices can increase metabolism and help burn fat. Those who are not opposed to them can add chili, garlic or turmeric and other ingredients to cooking instead of soy sauce, mayonnaise and other sauces, and only consume them once a day. You can cook turmeric rice or eat it with vegetables and meat when eating hot pot. It is a feasible way to add spices to three meals.

Further reading:

Dessert “Calorie Mine” has 700 calories per serving? Nutritionist: Follow these 4 tips to avoid gaining weight by eating sweets

The culprit behind body fat loss? Nutritionist names “landmine food” at night markets and warns: It’s equivalent to drinking oil directly

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