Why are we more likely to get sick than others in the same job and environment? Are the culprits autonomic nervous system disorders and "white blood cell imbalance"?

Why are we more likely to get sick than others in the same job and environment? Are the culprits autonomic nervous system disorders and "white blood cell imbalance"?

Problems with the immune system and circulatory system are causes of illness

Before introducing specific methods that are beneficial to the autonomic nervous system and can be used to improve lifestyle habits, I would like to first explain the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and immunity. From a medical point of view, the reasons why healthy people become sick can be roughly divided into two types: one is a problem with the immune system, and the other is a problem with the circulatory system.

Both of these problems are closely related to the function of the autonomic nervous system. Our body has a system called “immunity” that protects the body from disease. The immune system can prevent diseases caused by bacterial or viral infections and protect the body from the clutches of infectious diseases.

Even if they are doing the same job in the same environment, some people are more likely to get sick. The difference between getting sick easily or not lies in the level of immunity. A high immunity can eliminate bacteria and viruses that invade the body without getting sick. On the other hand, if the immunity is low, we will suffer from diseases because we cannot resist the bacteria and viruses that enter the body. It can be said that high immunity means strong resistance to disease.

White blood cells in the blood are the core of the immune system

So what does the important immune system, which protects the body from diseases such as colds or cancer, have to do with the autonomic nervous system? Responsible for the core of immunity is a component in the blood called “white blood cells.”

White blood cells can be divided into three types: “granules” that process larger foreign matter such as bacteria, “lymphocytes” that eliminate smaller foreign matter such as viruses, and “monocytes” that contain rich cytoplasm. In recent years, studies have learned that when the sympathetic nerves are dominant, granule balls will increase; when the parasympathetic nerves take the lead, lymphocytes will increase.

If the autonomic nervous system is balanced, it will also improve the balance of white blood cells, as well as granule cells and lymphocytes, thereby making the human body have higher immunity. On the contrary, if the autonomic nervous system is disordered, white blood cells will be imbalanced, and the body’s immunity will also decrease. What’s more serious is falling into a state of sympathetic overactivity.

When the sympathetic nerves dominate and the number of granules increases, the resistance to infectious diseases will basically increase. But if the sympathetic nerve is always in a state where the sympathetic nerve is too superior, the situation will be completely different.

Particle balls have the function of absorbing foreign matter and using their own “catalytic enzymes” and “active oxygen” to process foreign matter. If there are no bacteria (foreign matter), if the number of particles increases excessively, the bacteria necessary to maintain health will be eliminated together, and the immunity will decrease.

Autonomic nervous system disorders will not have immediate effects

On the other hand, overactive parasympathetic nerves can also cause problems. When parasympathetic nerves dominate, lymphocytes will increase, basically speeding up the response to antigens, so the body is less susceptible to viral infections. However, if the parasympathetic nerves are too active and lymphocytes increase too much, it is easy to react to some micro-antigens, which is called “allergy”.

Particle balls and lymphocytes will both improve immunity, but they still need to be taken in moderation to be healthy. In addition, it takes some time for changes in the autonomic nervous system to be reflected in the immune status.

The autonomic nervous system will be affected by stress, diet, and sleep, but the results will not be obvious immediately. For example, if you stay up all night due to work, the sympathetic nerve will be more dominant and the role of the parasympathetic nerve will decrease, but this does not mean that the number of pellets will immediately increase significantly.

Using diet to restore and adjust the intestinal environment (i.e. autonomic nervous system balance) can prevent immune abnormalities. I hope that before you get sick, you can try to improve your immunity by regulating your autonomic nervous system.

Further reading:

Heart palpitations, chest tightness, and dizziness do not necessarily mean you are infected with the epidemic! Excessive panic about the epidemic may lead to the outbreak of “autonomic nervous system disorder”

Are headaches, constipation, and chest tightness all caused by “stress”? Doctor reveals “two major tests” to help clarify the source of anxiety

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