The king of immune escape? Research: Omicron virus is 22 times more capable of escaping! You can get infected even after 3 doses of vaccine

The king of immune escape? Research: Omicron virus is 22 times more capable of escaping! You can get infected even after 3 doses of vaccine

Is it useless to take 2 doses of vaccine against Omicron virus? Study: Immune evasion ability is 22 times higher

Omicron variant viruses are rapidly causing a resurgence of epidemics in various countries. Has the virus evolved a more impressive ability to escape immunity? The latest research report published in the authoritative scientific journal “Science” claims that the Omicron variant virus has a stronger immune escape ability and will reduce the protective power of vaccines and the body’s natural immune system.

This report, jointly proposed by Columbia University and the University of Hong Kong, found that the Omicron variant virus has multiple mutations in the number of spike protein mutations, which may reduce the protective power of the new coronavirus vaccine and the therapeutic effect of monoclonal antibodies used in infected people.

The research team tested the antibodies after vaccination to simulate the neutralization of the Omicron variant virus. The results showed that compared with the original virus strain, two doses of the four most popular new coronavirus vaccines at present - Moderna, Pfizer, AZ, The antibodies produced by Johnson & Johnson are significantly less effective at neutralizing the Omicron variant virus. Antibodies from people who have been infected with the new coronavirus cannot even neutralize the Omicron virus.

The research team stated that after the Omicron virus was first discovered in November 2021, it quickly spread widely in more than 60 countries and regions. The surge in cases within 2-3 days shows that the Omicron virus is likely to become the next wave of strong strains of the virus. More than 30 surprising mutations were found on the spike protein of Omicron virus, and there were at least 15 in the receptor binding domain (RBD). Test results even showed that Omicron viruses are 22 times more capable of immune evasion.

The effect of neutralizing antibodies is greatly reduced. Four more spike protein mutations were discovered in Omicron virus.

During the test, it was found that if any of the mRNA vaccines were administered additionally, the protective effect was better, but the effect of neutralizing antibodies was still reduced. David Ho, director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and author of the study, believes that no matter you have been infected with the virus or have received two complete vaccinations, you are at risk of being infected with the Omicron virus again, and even the third dose of the vaccine cannot completely eliminate infection. Possibly, it is recommended that all ethnic groups receive at least one dose of vaccine to help obtain basic immunity.

The study pointed out that monoclonal antibodies were an effective way to treat patients infected with the new coronavirus before. However, when Omicron virus is infected, the therapeutic effect, including monoclonal antibodies and various therapies currently under development, has been significantly reduced. The research team stated that Omicron virus can resist various antibodies currently used and can be said to be the most powerful “antibody escape king” among the current new coronavirus variants.

The laboratory led by David Ho claimed that in the analysis of Omicron virus, four spike protein mutation points (S371L, N440K, G446S and Q493R) were found. These mutations can help the virus escape antibody capture. This mutation information shows that scientists are currently Research and design new methods to combat the emergence of newer virus variants in the future.


〈Striking Antibody Evasion Manifested by the Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2〉

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