What kind of "vertigo" constitution do you have? Qi and blood deficiency, poor metabolism, and excessive fire-qi. TCM doctors teach the correct way to take care of them.

What kind of "vertigo" constitution do you have? Qi and blood deficiency, poor metabolism, and excessive fire-qi. TCM doctors teach the correct way to take care of them.

Always feeling dizzy? Chinese medicine practitioners reveal the three most common types of constitution

Frequent dizziness and dizziness, is it related to long-term physical imbalance? Li Qi, a Chinese medicine practitioner, said in an interview that there are three main types of constitutions that are prone to dizziness. The first type of people belong to “insufficient Qi and blood”. The body is too weak and the blood flow to the brain is insufficient, causing dizziness. The second type of people have “poor water metabolism”, which causes too much water to remain in the body, which can also cause dizziness.

The third type of people are “too angry” and are prone to anger, stress, and tension. The anger of this type of people rushes up to the head and face, and they may also feel dizzy, but the manifestations are different from the first two. Dizziness usually causes a feeling of bloating and dizziness. Although the head is not spinning, it is difficult to think clearly.

How can dizziness be improved by regulating Qi and blood deficiency, poor metabolism, and excessive anger?

Li Qi, a Chinese medicine practitioner, reminds you that if you have “insufficient Qi and blood”, you must rest more and get enough sleep. Pay attention to a balanced diet and don’t let your body starve. It is also not recommended to exercise excessively, but you can walk as fast as possible. If you do too high-intensity exercise, you may become dizzy.

For people with poor water metabolism, the focus of life adjustments is to improve water metabolism and strengthen body functions. Therefore, they should pay more attention to sleep and increase their rest time. Avoid eating cold foods such as ice water, sweets, etc. Don’t eat too much raw and cold fruits and salads, just 1 to 2 times a week. Eat the right amount of water and don’t overdo it.

Groups with “too much anger” should reduce their anger, be less angry, and moderately relieve stress. Exercising more is a good way to relieve stress. They should reduce the intake of fried, roasted, spicy and spicy foods, and avoid staying up late to reduce the risk of anger. Cause symptoms such as dizziness.

If dizziness is not good for a long time, only taking a single traditional Chinese medicine is not the solution.

Why do some people suffer from chronic dizziness and cannot see well? Li Qi, a Chinese medicine practitioner, explained that the body constitution is caused by accumulated living habits over time, and it is impossible to completely change the habits, or the person may be taking medication to deal with the disease, or certain living habits constantly induce dizziness. In addition, many people’s vertigo is related to poor blood pressure control. As long as blood pressure is properly controlled, some vertigo problems can be significantly alleviated.

In addition, although insufficient Qi and blood is one of the causes of dizziness, it is not recommended that people take nutritional supplements containing a single traditional Chinese medicine such as ginseng to replenish their health. Chinese medicine doctor Li Qi said that ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine can be roughly divided into two types: white and red. Red ginseng, such as Korean ginseng, is warmer in nature. For subtropical peoples, excessive intake of ginseng can easily lead to internal heat.

If you have physical fatigue problems, you should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner for diagnosis and symptomatic treatment. Many people have multiple problems such as insufficient Qi and blood and poor metabolism at the same time. Just supplementing with a single medicinal material is not the solution.

The proportion of vertigo among young people has increased. Eating white rice and sleeping can help with time

Dr. Li Qi, a Chinese medicine practitioner, said that modern people are going to bed later and later. In addition, young people are busy with work, do not pay attention to diet control and work too long hours, and the proportion of vertigo problems has also increased. A female patient in her early 20s once sought treatment at the outpatient clinic. She suffered from dizziness due to studying in an air-conditioned room for a long time. After treatment, she gradually relieved and returned to a good state of concentration.

“We will remind such patients to eat an appropriate amount of white rice every day, avoid foods that are not easy to digest, and go to bed at a fixed time to reduce the physical burden caused by stress during the day!” Li Qi, a Chinese medicine practitioner, pointed out that life and work patterns may not be able to It will change immediately, but it can still be improved through medication and work and rest adjustments. When vertigo occurs, you should seek professional advice from a Chinese medicine practitioner to avoid worsening of symptoms and affecting normal life.

Further reading:

Don’t misunderstand me again! Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner: There are 6 kinds of foods that can improve blood circulation and strengthen the body. People should eat them every day.

Is fainting just due to insufficient perfusion or is it caused by a brain tumor? Doctors reveal the biggest difference between fainting, dizziness and coma

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