What kind of "sleep animal" are you? Intensivist reveals: Understanding the "4 sleep patterns" can help you have a good night's sleep

What kind of "sleep animal" are you? Intensivist reveals: Understanding the "4 sleep patterns" can help you have a good night's sleep

What kind of “sleep animal” are you? Maintaining “this sleep pattern” will make it easier to succeed!

Everyone can be divided into twelve zodiac signs and twelve constellations according to the difference in date of birth, and differences in sleeping habits can also divide people into the “four major animals”? Dr. Huang Xuan pointed out in a social post that American sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus published an online test on his sleep status website “Sleep Doctor”, which can divide a person’s sleep clock into four animal representatives, namely the bear. , wolves, lions and dolphins.

What do the four animals represent? Dr. Huang Xuan explains as follows:

1. Bear: It is the most common sleep clock type, accounting for about 60% of the people tested.

The Bear’s sleeping habits change with sunrise and sunset, adapting to traditional work hours and social life. This group takes a while to fully wake up after getting up in the morning; they will feel a little sleepy in the afternoon and want to go to bed around 10 p.m.

Bears are usually “friendly, cheerful, cooperative people who like team work and a stable environment.”

2. Wolf: Wolf has a sleep clock pattern of “going to bed late and getting up late”, accounting for about 15% of the people tested.

Werewolves are most active and awake in the afternoon or evening, and often feel extremely painful when they wake up in the morning. This group usually goes to bed after 11pm and wakes up after 8am.

Wolf people are usually “creative, smart, adventurous people who like freedom and flexible ways of working.”

3. Leo: Leo people have a sleep clock type of “early to bed and early to rise”, accounting for about 15% of the people tested.

Leo people are most active and awake in the morning and feel tired in the afternoon or evening. This group usually goes to bed around 9pm and wakes up around 5am.

Leo people are usually “ambitious, leadership-oriented, planning people who like challenges and competition.”

4. Dolphins: Dolphins are the most special group among the four types, accounting for about 10% of the test population.

Dolphin-type people have poor sleep quality, have difficulty falling or staying asleep, and are often in low spirits during the day. This group does not have a fixed bedtime or wakeup time, but changes according to their state.

Dolphins are usually “perfectionistic, sensitive, neurotic people who like details and logic.”

Can understanding sleep clock types improve sleep quality? What are the advantages of lion-type people and wolf-type people?

Why does knowing one’s own “animal sleep clock type” have a positive effect on improving sleep quality? Dr. Huang Xuan explained that multiple studies have found that there is indeed a correlation between the four time types of surgery and personal personality. For example, those who go to bed early and rise early perform better in school or the workplace. Among them, Leo people have an advantage in learning because they can adapt to the traditional education system and time schedule.

Wolf-type people who go to bed late and get up late have advantages in creativity. This group can use their imagination and inspiration at night and may be more talented in creative thinking. However, wolf people tend to be less physically active and sleep less during the day, putting them at increased risk for sleep apnea syndrome, obesity, diabetes, mental illness and metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Huang Xuan emphasized that the 4 types of sleep clocks can help you understand your ideal sleep schedule, but everyone’s circadian rhythm is different. If you have serious sleep problems or insomnia, it is still recommended to consult a sleep doctor or a psychosomatic department first. Doctors, eliminating possible stressors and changing eating habits, supplemented by moderate exercise, may be the fundamental solution to maintaining good sleep quality.


“Which animal type does your sleep belong to?” - Dr. Huang Xuan

What is Your Chronotype? - Sleep Doctor

Further reading:

Why do you get more tired when you sleep during holidays? Intensivist explains: It turns out he failed to do “4 things”

Sleeping well can help avoid depression! Cambridge research reveals: Do “7 things” more in life to get rid of negative emotions

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