Is just taking health supplements enough? Which vegetables should you eat for antioxidants? Nutritionists recommend 6 top choices for eating out

Is just taking health supplements enough? Which vegetables should you eat for antioxidants? Nutritionists recommend 6 top choices for eating out

Too many free radicals lead to inflammation and aging! Get more antioxidant nutrients

Modern people stay up late, are stressed, work overtime, or are exposed to environmental hormones and other factors, which can easily lead to excessive concentrations of “free radicals” in the body, increasing the risk of aging, disease, inflammation, etc. In order to reduce the impact of free radicals on human health, how can we consume more antioxidant-related nutrients in our diet?

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said in an exclusive interview with “healthorn” that antioxidants are one of the key reasons for reducing cancer, inflammation in the body, and even cardiovascular diseases. Vegetables, fruits, and health products can be used as ways of intake. However, we should also pay attention to the fact that excessive concentration of antioxidants in the body may cause certain toxicity. Therefore, when taking in antioxidant nutrients, food should be given priority and health products should be supplemented.

How can outsiders eat to increase antioxidants? You can add these items to your bento dishes

Which daily foods are rich in antioxidants? Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said that people who eat out or work at home can choose fruits and vegetables with high content of “phytochemicals” and “vitamin C” as their source of intake. The recommended intake is 579 fruits and vegetables, 9 servings of fruits and vegetables for men (5 vegetables and 4 fruits), 7 fruits and vegetables for women (4 vegetables, 3 fruits and vegetables), and 5 fruits and vegetables for preschoolers (3 vegetables and 2 fruits). Try to eat fresh and multi-colored vegetables. Mainly fruits, the more colors, the richer the phytochemicals.

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi pointed out that “phytochemicals” are commonly found in plants with rich colors. If those who eat out are unable to cook by themselves, it is recommended to consume vegetables of various colors when buying lunch boxes or buffets. For example, red (such as red peppers, carrots), green (such as spinach, cauliflower) or yellow (such as corn, pumpkin) plants can be eaten together.

Whole grains such as brown rice and purple rice are also rich in phytochemicals and can be considered as a staple food instead of white rice. Vitamin C is commonly found in fruits and vegetables (such as oranges, guava, cauliflower), while vitamin E is commonly found in fat-soluble substances or vegetable oils and nuts.

The higher the ORAC, the higher the antioxidant capacity? Adequate sleep and relaxation are more important

There have been rumors on the Internet that the higher the “ORAC” (oxygen radical absorption capacity) index of foods (such as cloves and cinnamon), the better the antioxidant effect. Do these values ​​have reference value? Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi clarified that the ORAC index lacked clinical experimental confirmation and was withdrawn in 2012.

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi reminds that everyone absorbs antioxidant ingredients to different extents, and the numerical values ​​are not necessarily accurate. To increase the body’s antioxidant capacity, you should still focus on a healthy diet, coupled with appropriate exercise and good sleep quality.

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said that to maintain good antioxidant capacity, you can eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet, and it is not recommended to use a single food as a supplement source. Sleep quality is related to the body’s repair function. Try to sleep for 6-8 hours and avoid staying up late. In addition, exposure to too many environmental hormones may cause excessive free radicals in the body. Pay more attention to reducing exposure to plasticizers and dioxin. Emotions and stress may also increase the body’s oxidative response. It is recommended to take appropriate measures to reduce stress and relax, such as meditation or abdominal breathing, which are also beneficial to health.

(Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi reminds that to maintain good antioxidant capacity, you can consume more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet, and pay attention to sleep quality and appropriate exercise.)

Further reading:

How to supplement glutathione deficiency? Nutritionist: 6 major risk factors to avoid first

How to improve morning sickness? Eating more “vitamin B6 foods” can help relieve symptoms? Nutritionist: Avoid 4 behaviors first

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