Just lost weight and immediately gained weight again? Nutritionists reveal the 6 key points of the "diet for losing weight": Losing weight quickly is not as long as losing weight for a long time

Just lost weight and immediately gained weight again? Nutritionists reveal the 6 key points of the "diet for losing weight": Losing weight quickly is not as long as losing weight for a long time

In order to achieve immediate weight loss results, many people often pursue losing weight in the shortest time. In fact, this is not the best solution for weight loss. Instead, it can easily lead to weight gain and make the weight loss plan in vain! Dietitian Gao Minmin explained in the community that weight loss is about “losing weight for a long time” rather than “losing weight quickly”. Every time you lose weight quickly, you will gain weight again, and body fat will often show “retaliatory growth”, and the more you lose, the more you gain weight.

Dietitian Gao Minmin suggests that to avoid the “yo-yo effect” of regaining weight, those who lose weight may wish to maintain the following 6 dietary methods to avoid the sudden rise and fall of weight and achieve the true goal of weight loss:

1. Ingest prototype foods.

Maintain a basic balanced diet, with an equal intake of the six major food categories. Starch can be paired with “non-refined staple foods” such as black rice, brown rice, oats, etc.; or use prototype whole grain foods to replace part of the white rice and white noodles, such as Corn, sweet potato, potato, taro, etc.

2. Eat less oil for cooking.

If you don’t want to consume too many calories, the cooking technique is a very important factor. Avoid eating high-fat foods, high-calorie foods, thickened soups, etc. Try to use “steaming, boiling, stewing, roasting” instead of “frying or deep-frying”.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables every day.

Vegetables are mainly various vegetables, mushrooms, and algae, which are rich in dietary fiber and can help smooth defecation. Eat 2 fist-sized portions of fruit every day, or put it into a bowl with an 8-minute serving. It can help to supplement dietary fiber and vitamin C, increase satiety, and help with weight loss. It can also fight inflammation.

4. Choose snack types carefully.

There is no need to deliberately suppress the desire to eat snacks. Occasionally eating healthy snacks will not affect weight loss, such as edamame, black beans, wild bamboo shoots, corn shoots, large tomatoes, etc., which can replace high-calorie potato chips or biscuits; you can also eat them Fruit, drink a cup of soy milk or milk, yogurt, chicken breast to increase satiety and promote health.

5. Eat high-quality protein.

Even during the weight loss period, you still need to consume enough protein. Help maintain muscle mass, physiological functions, and basal metabolic rate. It is recommended that the public give priority to plant-based protein and white meat, in the order of beans → fish → eggs → meat; and eat less processed meat, sausages, bacon and other foods to avoid inflammation in the body.

6. Avoid casual dieting.

In fact, when controlling calories, the biggest worry is “feeling hungry after eating too little.” Although controlling your diet is an important part of maintaining your body shape, “not eating” does not mean “losing weight”, but may lead to weight gain again. It is recommended to avoid insufficient caloric intake in order to lose weight. Too little food can easily consume muscles and reduce metabolism. In addition, the public is also reminded not to wait until they are hungry before eating. Better eating habits are to consume food regularly and regularly, and to maintain balanced meals but not fullness.

In addition, dietitian Gao Minmin also reminds those who lose weight not to indulge in “empty calorie foods” such as fried foods, processed foods, breads, desserts, etc., and to replace them with vegetables or low-calorie prototype foods. Finally, weight loss does not result in a short period of time. Remember, “Don’t compete with others to lose weight faster, but lose weight for a longer time.” Only by maintaining good eating habits and finding the most sustainable way can you become more “slim.” .

Further reading:

A must read for anyone trying to lose weight! Are you counting calories or is it still “difficult to lose weight”? Doctors urge you not to fall into the “three major traps”

Why do weight loss efforts always fail? Research announces “4 major types of obesity”: These people eat 60% more calories to feel full

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