Not just longer! 10 tips named by Harvard to increase happiness and reduce risk of stroke, coronary heart disease and diabetes

The happier the healthier? Study: Sick absences reduced after receiving psychological counseling
Many psychological studies have pointed out that happier people usually live healthier lives. Can increasing happiness and joy really lead to better physical and mental health? Most people seek happiness but cannot find it, so how can they solve it?
A randomized research trial showed that six months after participating in psychological counseling, people who received psychological counseling not only became happier, but also took significantly fewer sick days afterward. The research team claims that through randomized controlled trials, they can initially prove that “subjective well-being” is not just a feeling, but does have a partial causal relationship with physical health.
Another prospective study also showed that healthy adults with a higher sense of well-being have a relatively lower chance of cardiovascular events. Mental health indicators—including positive emotions, satisfaction with life, having clear goals, and an optimistic attitude—can reduce cardiovascular accidents in high-risk groups. And mental health in childhood may significantly affect future cardiovascular conditions.
Negative emotions affect life? ‘Toxic stress’ in childhood may increase heart disease
Whether there is a causal relationship between positive emotions described by “happiness” and “happiness” and health is sometimes a controversial proposition. However, the “toxicity” of negative emotions to the body is unanimously recognized.
Jack P. Shonkoff, professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, pointed out that long-term mental stress and fear will change the system function of the organism. Over time it can lead to heart disease, diabetes and stroke. And the seeds of these serious diseases may have been sown in childhood.
Shonkoff pointed out that if young children face long-term domestic violence or live alone with a parent with severe mental illness, these experiences containing “toxic stress” will trigger a stress response, affecting the brain and various organs, leading to accelerated heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and stress. Problems such as excessive hormonal secretion. Relevant research shows that children who have a happy and positive attitude at the age of 7 will have better health and fewer disease problems 30 years later, and their risk of coronary heart disease will be reduced by half.
How to increase happiness and improve health? Harvard named 10 behaviors
According to Harvard Medical School Health Publishing, people who consider themselves happy tend to have fewer health problems, have a lower risk of depression, and live longer. However, if you are not naturally cheerful, is there any way to make yourself happier? Especially in times of more difficult physical and mental state or external environment, people seem to have less control over happiness.
In fact, about 50% of people’s feelings of happiness are determined by genes, the other 40% can be controlled by humans, and the last 10% depends on chance. Harvard Medical School suggests possible ways to help increase happiness in your life include:
Good interpersonal connections: Close relationships between family and friends are closely related to happiness. Good relationships will stimulate positive emotions. On the contrary, loneliness is an “emotional destroyer”. Many studies have found that loneliness is associated with depression and suicide risk. related.
Participate in volunteer services: Having a “sense of mission” in life can change people’s perspective on the world. A 2016 BMJ study found that elderly people over 70 years old can help improve their lives if they participate in volunteer activities. Boost positive emotions.
Select a date for doing good deeds: Add specific days for “doing good deeds” in your schedule and arrange various activities to help others. In addition to the positive cycle of doing good, interestingly, planning to do good things for others can also trigger feelings of happiness.
Effectively save time: A 2017 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that compared to using money to buy material goods, people who spend money on products that save time (such as household tasks) have higher life satisfaction , and there is a consistent trend regardless of income level.
Increase life experience: Life experience is a way to gain happiness. It does not necessarily require investing huge amounts of money. You can try dining in restaurants with special cultural characteristics, watching theater performances or visiting exhibitions. Studies have found that people who spend money on experiences experience longer-lasting satisfaction because they create more happy memories.
Make positive friends: Happiness is contagious and can easily be spread through social gatherings. People’s optimism and happiness will trigger a chain reaction, making friends and family around them happier, and they will be more willing to share happiness, forming a good happiness cycle.
Appreciate green vegetation: Humans have a natural tendency to be close to nature. A 2021 survey of residents in 90 global cities showed that the size of green spaces such as parks, gardens, and rivers will affect citizens’ happiness. You can arrange gardening space in your life, or you can get closer to nature during holidays.
Occasionally flip the routine: Variety in life is a factor in happiness. Even small changes such as trying a new sport every two weeks, listening to a different style of music, or changing the route to work can help. To enhance the feeling of happiness.
Write down events of gratitude: Set aside a period of time to write down things worth being thankful for, such as receiving compliments from the heart, reading a good and refreshing book, or rare good weather and delicious food, and record your gratitude. The mood often deepens the sense of happiness.
Reduce decision-making fatigue: Life is limited and desires are endless, but more choices will not bring more happiness. On the contrary, people who have more choices are more likely to feel regret and worry. Try to limit the items you need to choose in your life, or reduce the number of options. Once you make a decision, don’t regret and hesitate again and again, and spend your time and energy on more important issues in life.
Health and happiness go hand in hand
Does Happiness Improve Health? Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial
The biology of emotion—and what it may teach us about helping people to live longer
Further reading:
Does partying at the end of the year improve mental health? Study: “3 types of gatherings” best help relax