Just finished your meal and are you hungry? Use 4 tricks to fight against "false hunger": Chewing gum can also help

Just finished your meal and are you hungry? Use 4 tricks to fight against "false hunger": Chewing gum can also help

Are you full after dinner but still craving for food? Are you falling into the trap of “false hunger”? After a long vacation, many people obviously eat regular meals, but they often feel greedy and still feel hungry after eating. Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out in the community that the definition of false hunger is: even if you have eaten a meal and feel full, you still feel hungry. It is easy to eat unnecessary calories invisibly for a long time, resulting in weight gain and blood sugar. Rising, causing metabolic problems in the body.

What should you do if you feel hungry after eating? 4 tricks to easily solve “fake hunger”

Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that through changes in eating habits, the feeling of fullness can be effectively prolonged and the occurrence of “pseudo hunger” can be avoided. The following 4 points are feasible practices that people can try if they feel hungry frequently:

  1. Eat less high GI refined starches. Starch intake is mainly based on prototype foods, such as sweet potatoes, corn, taro, etc., and the texture of unrefined foods is relatively rough, which can slow down the eating speed and increase the feeling of satiety.

  2. Eat a balanced nutritional intake. Such as vitamins, proteins, healthy lipids and starch, it is best to have a balanced intake, and the meals should be regularly and quantitatively. The content of meals is recommended to eat prototype foods, which can better maintain satiety, delay hunger, stabilize blood sugar, and meet nutritional needs.

  3. Drink enough water regularly. In addition to diet, hydration is also important. Many people feel hungry. In fact, they are craving for food due to “thirst”. Since the human body processes hunger and thirst in the same area of ​​the brain, the feelings of hunger and thirst are easily confused. Drinking plenty of water can also help with metabolism, keep the body functioning healthily, and maintain a good mental state.

  4. Chewing gum greedily. Chew sugarless gum to keep your mouth chewing and determine whether you are actually hungry.

If you don’t get enough sleep and are stressed, you will be more likely to be greedy! Are eating when you are too hungry and using your mobile phone while eating all food mines?

In addition to dietary adjustments, nutritionist Gao Minmin also emphasized that dealing with pseudo-hunger can start with improving lifestyle. In general, people can try to make the following 4 changes to avoid eating too many calories:

  1. Make sure you get enough sleep. When the human body is asleep, it secretes leptin and ghrelin to help control satiety; staying up late will cause leptin levels to decrease and ghrelin levels to increase, making it easier to be craving for food.

  2. Develop an exercise habit. Many doctors and nutritionists emphasize the importance of exercise. In fact, you need to have a good figure and a healthy body. Only by combining “7 minutes of eating and 3 minutes of exercise” can you improve the efficiency of weight loss. Adequate exercise can help improve metabolism, lose weight, improve cardiopulmonary function, consume calories, and divert attention from food.

  3. Identify sources of stress. Accumulating too much stress due to study and work will not only make you feel depressed and anxious, but your physical functions will also be greatly affected. In particular, emotional hunger can easily lead to cravings, leading to the condition of “emotional eating.” Therefore, “stabilizing emotions” is a crucial issue in the weight loss process. If you have emotional problems, it is recommended to find out the cause and improve it, or seek help from a doctor or psychologist.

  4. Eat without distractions. Many people are accustomed to watching videos or scrolling on their mobile phones while eating. In fact, studies have found that the blue light from the screen can induce hunger and may also reduce the secretion of “melatonin” in the body, thereby causing sleep disorders. Therefore, you should avoid using electronic products when eating. Chew each mouthful at least 20 times and eat for at least 20 minutes. Feel the taste of each mouthful of food in your mouth. This can send the “full” message to the brain and reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. .

Finally, dietitian Gao Minmin reminds you that you should pay special attention to several points when eating, such as avoiding waiting until you are extremely hungry before eating; not eating regularly will not only lead to eating more, but may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort. It is a better eating habit to remember to take in a certain amount of food on time when eating, and to maintain balanced nutrition at each meal but not fullness.

Further reading:

Cholesterol not up to target? 8 “blood-vessel-clearing foods” to help lower bad cholesterol

Protein helps with weight loss, but don’t eat too much! Will eating too much damage the liver and brain? Doctors reveal 3 major signs

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