JAMA study: Intermittent fasting from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. can help you lose 2.3 kilograms

Intermittent fasting can help you lose 2.3kg by eating from 7 to 3pm every day
Intermittent fasting is a popular weight loss method in recent years. However, the effect of fasting may be affected by the time period, and may even affect cardiometabolic health? A study published in “JAMA Internal Medicine” in August 2022 pointed out that “early time-restricted eating” (eTRE) is more effective than eating 12 hours or more. Eating is more effective in achieving weight loss.
There were a total of 90 participants in this study, all of whom were overweight with a BMI between 30 and 60. They were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to the “earlier time-restricted eating group” (hereinafter referred to as the eTRE group) or the control group. Among the groups, the eTRE group refers to concentrating eating time during a relatively early period of the day. The subjects of this study were prescribed to control their daily diet between 7:00 am and 3:00 pm for up to 14 days. week.
The results of the study showed that the eTRE group lost an additional 2.3 kilograms after 14 weeks compared with the control group, but in the analysis of the overall trial, there was no statistically significant difference in body fat loss. According to the results of this study, the period of “intermittent fasting” seems to affect the weight loss effect. However, no diet can achieve the same effect for everyone. You should still talk to your doctor before making any dietary adjustments. , nutritionists and other professionals for detailed discussion.
When losing weight, focus on “body composition”. Don’t just lose weight on water or muscle.
Chien Yi-wen, a professor at the Department of Health and Nutrition at Taipei Medical University, said that intermittent fasting has become quite popular in recent years, and common ones include the 168-day fasting method and the 52-day fasting method. The results of the study showed that limiting eating time from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. was more effective than fasting for 12 hours. However, all subjects met caloric restriction and exercise plans, and it is important to demonstrate empirically the effect of fasting on body energy metabolism.
This study claimed that after 14 weeks of fasting, the eTRE group had better weight loss, diastolic blood pressure, and mood improvement than the control group. Professor Jian Yiwen believes that the weight loss effect focuses on body composition. Although the weight loss effect of the eTRE group is greater, there is no significant difference in body fat loss between the two groups. It must be noted that if the weight lost is water or muscle weight, in health It’s actually not healthy in terms of promotion.
Professor Jian Yiwen pointed out that when looking at this fasting study, one should understand that caloric restriction (Editor’s note: or what most people understand as caloric deficit) is the basic principle of weight loss. If combined with controlling eating periods, there may be a better chance of achieving weight management goals. It is recommended that the general public go to bed early and get up early, have a regular schedule, and eat dinner earlier, which is more helpful than eating at dinner or midnight snack time.
Intermittent fasting can help improve metabolism. Eat easily digestible food after exercise.
Hou Jianwen, a professor at the Institute of Exercise Science at Taipei City University, said that intermittent fasting usually limits eating to 10 hours or less per day. Research results show that intermittent fasting in a short period of time can reduce weight or body mass better than caloric restriction. fat, and improve metabolism.
Professor Hou Jianwen believes that under the premise of caloric restriction, paired with “earlier time-restricted diet” seems to be more beneficial in weight loss, blood pressure and mood improvement, but there is no significant difference in the “fat loss” effect between the two groups of subjects, which may be It is related to the subjects not taking in enough nutrition after exercise.
Professor Hou Jianwen reminded that reducing the eating time throughout the day and trying to finish the day’s food intake during work days is somewhat similar to the traditional “no eating after lunch” dietary principle. When there is no exercise, it is feasible to adopt a time-limited diet. But if you exercise in the afternoon or evening, you need to change this principle. You must eat easy-to-digest food after exercise.
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