It's possible to transfer within 2 centimeters! The recurrence rate of pancreatic cancer exceeds 80%, which screening tool is most effective?

It\'s possible to transfer within 2 centimeters! The recurrence rate of pancreatic cancer exceeds 80%, which screening tool is most effective?

The 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is less than 5%? Lack of early screening tools to blame?

Pancreatic cancer is known as the “King of Cancers” and ranks seventh among the top ten cancers in terms of mortality in the latest 2019 cancer registration data. Although the number of pancreatic cancer cases is relatively small, the five-year survival rate is only 1%-4%. Many celebrities have even died of pancreatic cancer, which has shocked the Taiwanese people.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen from the Oncology Department of Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital said that only about 10% to 20% of pancreatic cancer can be operated upon after diagnosis. It is also a cancer that is very easy to relapse. Its malignancy is indeed more difficult than other cancers that occur more frequently.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen pointed out that one of the reasons why pancreatic cancer is so dangerous is that there are few clinical tools available for regular screening. The main method for early examination is ultrasound, but the pancreas is located in the retroperitoneal cavity and is easily blocked by other organs, making judgment more difficult. When pancreatic tumors are too small, it is difficult to detect them early through ultrasound.

Another pancreatic cancer screening tool is “computed tomography”, but there are also problems with tumors that are too small to detect. Dr. Wu Jiaoen said that for early-stage pancreatic cancer, the most sophisticated examination tool is “MRI”, but it is time-consuming and costly, and is not suitable for routine examination.

It may metastasize when it only grows to 2 centimeters! The recurrence rate of pancreatic cancer is nearly 80%?

What’s more difficult about pancreatic cancer is that it has a higher probability of metastasis and spread than other cancers. Dr. Wu Jiaoen pointed out that some pancreatic cancers may metastasize when they only grow to 1-2 centimeters. Even if cancer cells are detected early through CT scan, it is often found that the cancer cells have metastasized to other organs such as the liver after MRI scan.

In addition, pancreatic cancer resection surgery often requires high risks and is more likely to affect surrounding blood vessels and organs. Dr. Wu Jiaoen said that even if pancreatic cancer can be operated upon after evaluation, sometimes surgery may not be able to completely remove the cancer cells. The recurrence rate of pancreatic cancer after surgery is as high as 70%-80%, making it difficult to treat pancreatic cancer. reason.

Is pancreatic cancer difficult to prevent and should genetic testing be done? Can positron scans find early cancer?

As the environment and diet change, the age at which many cancers are diagnosed decreases. Should adults receive cancer genetic testing in advance? Dr. Wu Jiaoen believes that if you have a family history of cancer, such as a second-degree relative who has suffered from a specific type of cancer, and more than one relative has developed the disease, you may consider receiving genetic testing screening.

However, the increased risk of cancer caused by a specific gene is about less than 1%, which does not mean that you will definitely develop cancer. Dr. Wu Jiaoen reminds that regular physical health examinations, colonoscopy, and gastroscopy are effective preventive measures. Whole-body positron scans, although expensive, are currently the only tool that can detect multiple cancers at once, including pancreatic cancer.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen pointed out that medical technology is advancing rapidly, and now there is technology to detect tumor DNA in blood. When cancer DNA is detected in excess of a certain amount, it indicates that there may be a risk of cancer in the body. However, at present, this type of examination cannot predict the location of cancer, which may cause patients to face long-term panic like holding an invisible bomb. It may be paired with a positron scan to help detect traces of cancer early.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen reminded that seeking appropriate screening can help detect pancreatic cancer and various cancers early. You should also pay attention to your daily routine and eating habits. In particular, tobacco, alcohol, and betel nut are highly related to various cancers. It is recommended to consume a variety of vegetables and fruits, maintain exercise habits and maintain a normal weight, which can help reduce the incidence of pancreatic cancer and other cancers.

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