It's mental illness but it doesn't matter? If you have insufficient attention since childhood, you may suffer from depression when you grow up!

It\'s mental illness but it doesn\'t matter? If you have insufficient attention since childhood, you may suffer from depression when you grow up!

I look out the window from time to time and can’t concentrate; I often chat with my classmates when I go to school and interrupt the teacher’s lectures; I often feel idle when talking to others, as if I’m not listening; I tend to forget things and am impatient… and other such behaviors , we inevitably did it several times when we were children, after all, who has never been naughty? But if you are currently suffering from depression, anxiety, etc., and often engaged in the above behaviors in childhood, your unstable mental state may be the result of a lack of attention as a child.

Are you listening to what the teacher is saying? Beware of these behaviors in children as they are precursors to mental illness

Hyperactive behavior in childhood can easily be interpreted by parents as naughty and mischievous, while ignoring the dangers lurking behind ADHD/ADHD. An international research team composed of the University of Birmingham in the UK and Finnish psychologists published a study in the “JAMA Network Open”, focusing on cognitive impairment in children (such as insufficient attention, poor memory, lack of self-control) on the psychological impact of young people, and analyzed the data of 13,988 subjects born between April 1991 and December 1992, and found that there is indeed a difference between the two. Relevance:

  • Children as young as 8 years old have persistent attention deficit and will develop symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) at 11 to 12 years old and depression at 17 to 18 years old.

  • Children as young as 8 years old have insufficient self-control and may develop mental illness problems by the time they are 17 to 18 years old.

  • Memory deficits in children as young as 10 years old are associated with hypomania at 22 to 23 years of age.

Isabel, who leads the main research. Dr. Isabel Morales-Muñoz said that this study points out the potential impact of cognitive impairment in children on the psychology of young people. To prevent problems arising from cognitive impairment in children, we must focus on Help reduce the likelihood of children developing related mental health problems in adolescence and early adulthood.

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Mental illness can be said to be a disease that cannot be ignored in the world - at least nearly 10% of children and adolescents worldwide suffer from mental illness, and 75% of adults diagnosed with mental disorders have had an episode in childhood or adolescence . Bipolar disorder, depression, and psychosis often appear in adolescence and persist into young adulthood, and such developmental patterns may be related to psychological, physical, or environmental factors. Co-researcher Matthew. Matthew Broome believes that the most important aspect of this research is to find out how and in what way mental illness occurs in the early stages, so as to prevent its occurrence as early as possible.

Mental illness has its origins and involves many complex factors, making it more difficult for many patients to socialize than ordinary people. There was a very popular Korean drama last year called “It’s Okay, It’s Mental Illness”, but there is a strong connection between mental illness and childhood cognitive impairment! If you were a child, or the children around you showed signs of chronic attention deficit, poor memory, lack of self-control, etc., don’t ignore the behavior! Early diagnosis is the best policy, after all, prevention is always better than cure.


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Image source: Shutterstock

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