It's not just hot pot soup base that's high in sodium! Nutritionists reveal 6 major "hidden landmines": even nuts are on the list

It's not just hot pot soup base that's high in sodium! Nutritionists reveal 6 major "hidden landmines": even nuts are on the list

The sodium content of a bowl of soup may go off the charts! Drink less of the “6 high-sodium soups” for winter supplements

The most popular meals in winter are the various pots and soups. But you know what? The hidden sodium content in it is unimaginably high. Drinking one more bowl may cause your daily sodium intake to exceed the standard! According to the recommendations of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, the total daily sodium intake should not exceed 2,400 mg, which is about 6 grams of salt. Excessive sodium intake can cause high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and heart disease. Statistics show that 10% of cardiovascular death cases are closely related to excessive sodium intake!

The following is a comparison of the sodium content of common winter supplements (based on a bowl of 325ml):

  1. Ginger duck: The sodium content is about 1350 mg. Drinking about 2 bowls will exceed the standard.

  2. Mutton stove: about 1200 mg. Drink 2 bowls to reach the maximum intake.

  3. Shiquan Dabu Decoction: about 1150 mg. Drink 2 bowls and it will be the standard.

  4. Medicinal pork ribs: about 1145 mg. Drinking 2 bowls will exceed the limit.

  5. Soup: 1600 mg, just drink 1.5 bowls to avoid exceeding the limit.

  6. Spicy hot pot: about 2500 mg, one bowl of soup will exceed the standard.

Even flavored nuts can be big landmines! Nutritionist reveals 6 “hidden foods high in sodium”

Not only hot pot soup base, but also other “hidden version” high-sodium foods that we often come into contact with in daily life, we should also pay special attention to the intake to avoid affecting our health:

  • Healthy low-sodium salt: Although healthy low-sodium salt contains less sodium ions, if you think the seasoning is not salty enough and add too much, it is still easy to consume too much sodium ions.

  • Pasta: In order to give the tasteless pasta a rich flavor, whether it is soup noodles or dry noodles, the sodium content is usually very high. Especially fried instant noodles, you need to pay attention to the intake amount.

  • Cheese: Don’t underestimate a small piece of cheese, it already contains a lot of sodium ions! If you add burgers, meat sauce and other high-fat foods together, the sodium content of the meal will probably “skyrocket”.

  • Processed foods: Filled foods such as steamed buns or dumplings have a lot of salt added for seasoning during the processing. If they are eaten with sauce, the intake of sodium ions will increase.

  • Seasoned nuts and jerky: Don’t think that just because nuts or jerky are healthier, you can eat them in abundance! Both have high sodium content. If they are eaten excessively due to “rinsing the mouth too much”, the sodium content can easily exceed the standard.

  • Sports drinks: In order to quickly replenish the ions lost during exercise, sports drinks often add a lot of sodium ions, which can cause physical burden for people who do less exercise.

Finally, try to choose soups rich in vegetables, protein and nutrients, such as vegetable soup, tofu soup, chicken soup, etc. Remember to limit your salt usage to lower your sodium intake and maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure.

Further reading:

Be careful when taking supplements in winter: “The more supplements you take, the bigger the hole will become!” Nutritionist reminds: “Six groups” may suffer from worsening of diseases if they eat hotpot

A bowl of “Laba porridge” is more nutritious than eight-treasure porridge! Nutritionist reminds: If you don’t do “these three things”, you may end up eating a lot of calories.

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