It's not helpful for quitting smoking and it's harmful to your health! "E-cigarettes" add another hazard: all your teeth may be rotten

It's not helpful for quitting smoking and it's harmful to your health! "E-cigarettes" add another hazard: all your teeth may be rotten

Not only do they eat sweets and drink hand-cranked cups, but even addicts who like to smoke “e-cigarettes” may also need to pay attention to the risk of tooth decay? A study published in the “Journal of the American Dental Association” reported that smoking e-cigarettes may cause addicts to have darker smiles and increase the frequency of dental visits. This is because the various flavors of e-cigarettes all contain a certain amount of “sweeteners.” , which may change the oral microbial environment and cause tooth decay.

The dangers of e-cigarettes have increased! Study: Smokers have an 80% higher risk of tooth decay

A research team from Tufts University in the United States collected the medical records of 13,216 patients from 2019 to 2022, including 136 people who smoked e-cigarettes and 13,080 people who did not smoke e-cigarettes. The research team divided them into an e-cigarette group and a control group (those with past oral-related diseases), and found that the high risk of tooth decay in the control group was 59.6%; while the risk in the e-cigarette group was 79.1%.

Study author Karina F. Irusa said that in this study population, there was a significant correlation between the use of e-cigarettes and a higher risk of tooth decay. “One reason why e-cigarettes may lead to a higher risk of tooth decay is the sweetness in the e-cigarette liquid. Flavors. When e-cigarettes are inhaled through the mouth, they can adhere to teeth and cause damage to them.”

Irusa pointed out that research published in “PLOS One” as early as 2018 has confirmed that the properties of e-cigarettes with sweeteners are similar to gummies and carbonated drinks, and their impact on the oral cavity is even worse; and the Studies have also found that sweeteners increase the risk of bacteria adhering to tooth enamel by four times compared with those who do not smoke e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes have been shown to potentially alter the oral microbial environment, making it more susceptible to the growth of putrefaction-causing bacteria. In addition, vaping has also been observed to affect areas of the mouth that were previously less susceptible to decay, such as the upper edges of the front teeth, which may result in undesirable dental aesthetics. Irusa also revealed that even if medical measures such as fillings are taken after tooth decay, continued use of e-cigarettes may still lead to the recurrence of tooth decay.

Are e-cigarettes really healthier than cigarettes? A slap in the face from a scholar: It’s not helpful for quitting smoking and it’s harmful to your health!

Certain people have the impression that e-cigarettes are “healthier than cigarettes.” Is this theory true? In fact, in addition to affecting the oral environment, many studies have confirmed that the harm caused by e-cigarettes to the human body may exceed people’s expectations. As for the harm caused by e-cigarettes, which ones deserve special attention from the public? The conclusions of each study are as follows:

  1. Affects oral health. E-cigarettes may have many negative effects on teeth and oral cavity. Research in “PLOS One” shows that oral exposure to e-cigarette smoke can easily cause bacteria to breed in enamel; research published in “Oncotarget” also states that smoking e-cigarettes is associated with a higher risk of gum inflammation and may further lead to periodontal disease. There are even research reports stating that e-cigarette smoke can even affect the oral cells and oral tissues of other non-smokers.

  2. Affects cardiopulmonary function. Michael Joseph Blaha, MD, Johns Hopkins University, USA, said that nicotine in e-cigarettes and cigarettes is a toxic substance that can easily increase blood pressure and stimulate adrenaline, thereby increasing the possibility of arrhythmia and coronary heart disease. In addition, past studies have also pointed out that the use of e-cigarettes is related to the risk of pulmonary obstruction and asthma, and has a very severe impact on cardiopulmonary function.

  3. Make the sequelae of diagnosis worse. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), current smokers and those with a history of smoking may be at higher risk of severe illness after being diagnosed with COVID-19. Panagis Galiatsatos, also a doctor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, also pointed out that when the human body inhales e-cigarette smoke, the lungs will be severely irritated, which not only easily aggravates the symptoms of COVID-19 sequelae, but research also shows that e-cigarette smokers The risk of being diagnosed with COVID-19 is 5-7 times higher than that of the average person.

  4. It is difficult to help quit smoking. Many people use e-cigarettes to quit traditional cigarettes. However, Blaha believes that both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes contain “nicotine” and are basically addictive; and the nicotine from e-cigarettes is even more than traditional cigarettes, so e-cigarettes may not be the best smoking cessation tool.


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‘Vaping’ Increases Odds of Asthma and COPD

Using Vapes May Set the Stage for Dental Decay

Coronavirus: Smoking, Vaping, Wildfire Smoke and Air Pollution

Cariogenic potential of sweet flavors in electronic-cigarette liquids

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Association Between E-Cigarette Use and Cardiovascular Disease Among Never and Current Combustible-Cigarette Smokers

Further reading:

Are e-cigarettes healthier? Don’t be stupid, just smoking will make you “hard to get hard”!

Will you live 5 more years after myocardial infarction or stroke? Study reveals: Quitting smoking is as effective as taking 3 types of pills

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