Isn't it hard enough to start at the age of 28? Are young men worried about their hardness? Doctor: Mostly mixed erectile dysfunction

Isn\'t it hard enough to start at the age of 28? Are young men worried about their hardness? Doctor: Mostly mixed erectile dysfunction

There are more “weak men” in Taiwan than imagined! Forty percent of people over 40 are not strong enough

Not only is the “length” of Taiwanese men not outstanding enough, but the proportion of “hardness” is also higher than expected? Dr. Chen Yu, chairman of the Taiwan Andrology and Sexual Medicine Association, pointed out that clinical erection hardness is divided into four levels: “small cucumber”, “peeled banana”, “peeled banana” and the most serious “konjac”. Level 3 or below can be defined as erectile dysfunction (ED). About 52% of men aged 40-70 have erectile dysfunction, and 40% of men over the age of 40 will suffer from insufficient erection hardness.

“Most men in Taiwan have mild erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a comprehensive manifestation of physical health. Early medical treatment is not only to treat “not hard enough”, but more importantly to treat underlying chronic diseases!” Dr. Chen Yu pointed out that common Symptoms of erectile dysfunction include inability to maintain an erection after penetration, collapse before ejaculation, or inability to successfully penetrate the vagina. There are also many men who soften during “difficult positions”, which may be a sign of erectile dysfunction.

Three major factors affecting sexual life satisfaction: Male hardness and durability are key

Dr. Chen Yu explained that the causes of erectile dysfunction can be roughly divided into psychogenic and physiological causes. The two will affect each other. Psychogenic factors include poor relationship with partners, busy schedule, fatigue, etc.; physiological causes include three highs, Pelvic surgery, stroke, spinal injury, etc. can all affect erectile function, and patients must be helped to find out the root cause in order to truly improve sexual health.

According to the “2022 Sexual Life Cognition and Satisfaction” survey, the relationship with your partner, the preparation of sexual foreplay, and the hardness and durability of male erections are the top three reasons that affect sexual life satisfaction. However, the survey shows that , the average dissatisfaction of men and women with their sexual lives is as high as 70%, while the proportion of men seeking medical treatment for erectile dysfunction is only about 20%, which shows that although many men know that their erectile function is abnormal, they do not actively seek medical help.

Will you have erectile dysfunction at the age of 28? Treatment with partners is more effective

Dr. Wu Jiazhang, secretary-general of the Taiwan Andrology and Sexual Medicine Association, said that clinically, men with sexual dysfunction range from 28 to 88 years old, and there are also many young adults aged 30-40 years old. Most of them are psychogenic and organic. Interactive “mixed” erectile dysfunction. If men have diabetes and obesity, it may be due to problems with their lifestyle habits and diet. If they seek medical treatment early and through exercise, weight loss and appropriate treatment, not only will their blood sugar and weight improve, but their erectile function will also be greatly improved after they regain health.

Dr. Wu Jiazhang explained that the current first-line treatment for erectile dysfunction is medication. When medication is ineffective, low-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy can be used to stimulate new blood vessels in the penis and help with congestion and erection. The final step is to use surgery to implant an artificial penis.

Dr. Wu Jiazhang reminds men that when they feel they have mild erectile dysfunction, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to reduce drug dependence. When a partner participates in the treatment, it only takes 50%-70% of the time to achieve good improvement, which shows that the partner’s Accompanying you can effectively improve the efficiency of erectile dysfunction treatment.

90% of people believe that sex life is important! Half have considered breaking up because of “sex life”

“2022 Sexual Life Cognition and Satisfaction” is the largest survey conducted by the Taiwan Andrology and Sexual Medicine Association in recent years, with more than 2,000 samples. The results show that more than 90% of the people believe that sex life has a huge impact on the relationship between the sexes. However, when faced with sexual incompatibility, more than 60% of the people are unwilling to communicate, and half of the people have considered divorce due to insufficient sexual life satisfaction. Or break up.

Dr. Hu Rujuan from the Department of Urology at Taichung Veterans General Hospital said that women care more about foreplay and other feelings, while men pay more attention to hardness and durability. Men generally care more about erection hardness as they age. When faced with incoordination in sexual life, partners should communicate openly about each other’s needs. They can also consult a urologist, such as a “coach”, to take formal medical treatment to solve sexual problems and help improve the relationship between the sexes. Never seek home remedies or buy impotence drugs from unknown sources.

The Taiwan Andrology and Sexual Medicine Association stated that oral drugs, the first-line treatment for erectile dysfunction, not only have been on the market for a long time and are highly safe, but also have indications for improving urinary tract disorders such as nocturia and urgency. The public’s acceptance of correct health education concepts and medication has increased. Men with erectile dysfunction are reminded not to hide their condition and avoid medical treatment. If they find that the erectile dysfunction is insufficient, they should seek medical treatment in advance. They can also check whether there is a lack of hormones leading to low sexual desire, and fundamentally solve the health problem of “not being erectile enough”.

Further reading:

Is it easier to stop watching too many porn movies? Study slaps the face: “6 reasons” are the culprits of sexual dysfunction

Cristiano Ronaldo takes botulinum to make his little brother “become majestic”? Doctors reveal the truth: Only 2 treatments can increase “erect length”

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