Isn't the culprit a snail? Is "Terbufos" the key to the Taitung food poisoning case? Experts announce lethal dose

Isn't the culprit a snail? Is "Terbufos" the key to the Taitung food poisoning case? Experts announce lethal dose

On September 18, a food poisoning incident involving “snail millet rice dumplings” was reported in the Binmao and Liqiu tribes in Jinfeng Township, Taitung! According to reports, a total of 12 people were sent to hospital due to food poisoning, 3 of whom died and 9 are undergoing emergency treatment. According to the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare’s testing of “Macaranga tanarius”, “snails” and “food waste” in millet rice dumplings on September 19, it was found that the food waste contained the highly toxic pesticide organophosphorus Terbufos.

Is “Terbufos” the key to the Taitung food poisoning case? Experts announce lethal dose

In this regard, Chen Shiqing, distinguished professor and director of the Department of Life Sciences at National Central University, explained that Terbufos is an organophosphorus pesticide that mainly inhibits the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of insects or pests, causing nervous system disorders and death. ; Also toxic to mammals. Terbufos is used in agricultural production in Taiwan, but it must comply with pesticide regulations to avoid excessive pesticide residues in crops.

As for the specific harm of Terbufos to the human body? Professor Chen Shiqing pointed out that Terbufos will inhibit the body’s “acetylcholinesterase”, causing the nervous system to become over-excited, leading to symptoms such as difficulty breathing and epilepsy. In severe cases, it may indeed be fatal. The main ways in which humans are exposed to dangerous doses of Terbufos include:

  1. Direct contact: absorbed through the skin when handling or applying pesticides.

  2. Ingestion: eating crops or food with excessive residues.

  3. Inhalation: Exposure to Terbufos.

Professor Chen Shiqing said that the exposure time and dose of Terbufos are standardized, and research usually conducts animal experiments based on different doses and exposure times to determine the effects of acute and chronic poisoning. In acute poisoning, the lethal dose (LD50) of Terbufos is approximately 10-30 mg/kg body weight.

In terbufos poisoning, the common antidotes are atropine and pralidoxime. However, if an antidote is not available, the source of exposure should be eliminated immediately and supportive care should be given, such as maintaining respiratory and circulatory function.

Is high concentration of pesticide residue the culprit? Experts list 3 major possibilities

Is Terbufos the culprit in the Taitung food poisoning case? Associate Professor Shen Zhenfeng of the Department of Biotechnology of the National Huwei University of Science and Technology pointed out that according to the instructions of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, two different instruments are currently used to confirm that the organophosphorus agent TOEFL (positive reaction) was detected in the “food waste” samples of snail millet rice dumplings. It is the right approach to continue to trace the source and production process of food ingredients and try to clarify the source of pesticide contamination and the cause of poisoning.

Associate Professor Shen Zhenfeng believes that the concentration of pesticide residues on general agricultural products should not cause serious acute injuries. If high-concentration pesticide residues really caused this poisoning incident, the source may not be caused by normal application of pesticides. There are many possibilities for causing high amounts of residues, such as mismatching the concentration of the pesticide solution, improper application amount, or harvesting too early (the pesticide has not faded), etc.

Currently, Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Welfare, distributors, and farmers all have pesticide residue monitoring and voluntary control activities. Although pesticide residues may not be completely avoided (there may still be producers who do not comply with safety regulations), It should be able to reduce the level of pesticide residues on the market to a considerable extent. Buy more agricultural products with transparent production records (traceable to producers) and pesticide residue monitoring. Be sure to wash them with plenty of water before eating, which should provide you with extra protection.

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At present, relevant units have found that Terbufos remains in millet rice dumplings. The problem may be caused by improper application of pesticides or illegal use. Although not all rice products will be affected, regulatory agencies need to step up testing to ensure food safety. Professor Chen Shiqing also reminded consumers that the public should avoid contact with Terbufos through the following measures to avoid poisoning. First, choose organic or inspected food; second, wash the ingredients thoroughly, especially fruits and vegetables. Finally, avoid activities near agricultural fields where pesticides are applied.

In addition, scientific research can help determine the detection technology of pesticide residues and their metabolic processes in different foods, the degradation characteristics of pesticides during food processing and preservation, as well as set more stringent standards for pesticide use in the future and promote alternative Pest Control Technology. The above methods will help avoid similar incidents in the future and ensure food safety.


Update on the suspected food poisoning incident in the Binmao tribe in Taitung County – Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare

“Terbufos Residual Pesticide in Millet Rice Dumplings” Expert Opinion – Taiwan Technology Media Center

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