International research points out that Korean ginseng supplementation can help improve "chronic fatigue," the most common sequelae of the epidemic.

International research points out that Korean ginseng supplementation can help improve "chronic fatigue," the most common sequelae of the epidemic.

Chronic fatigue is the most common sequelae of COVID-19 infection

Although infection with the new coronavirus is mostly mild and asymptomatic, the sequelae of “long-COVID” after diagnosis and recovery may last for up to six months or even more than a year. Many diagnosed patients still feel “extremely tired” after recovery and develop symptoms of “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)”, which in turn affects their daily lives and causes potential damage to the social economy.

According to literature research from various countries, people diagnosed with the new coronavirus may experience prolonged fatigue, lethargy, chronic cough, loss of smell, loss of taste, and difficulty breathing after recovery. Persistent fatigue and dyspnea are particularly common. According to research published online by “JAMA”, the sequelae of the new coronavirus may last for more than three months, leaving those diagnosed with physical and mental exhaustion and not getting better even after recovery.

Korean controlled experiment: Korean ginseng helps relieve chronic fatigue

In order to study how to help alleviate the long-term fatigue problem after infection, the “Korean Ginseng Society” released “The Effect of Red Ginseng on Improving Fatigue, Lethargy and Anti-Stress” at the 2022 Spring Conference. Stress Resistance), various studies in the conference have shown that Korean ginseng can help improve chronic fatigue.

A study led by South Korean family medicine expert Kim Kyung-cheol (transliteration) focused on 76 subjects aged between 20 and 70 years old. From a controlled experiment, it was found that the group supplementing Korean ginseng can enhance their ability to withstand stress. Symptoms such as fatigue and drowsiness are also relieved, especially in those with chronic fatigue caused by abnormal parasympathetic nerves.

Another 8-week randomized double-blind controlled study participated by Wonju Severance Christian Hospital and Gangnam Severance Hospital recruited a total of 63 menopausal women to participate in the trial. The results showed that women in the Korean ginseng supplement group not only improved fatigue symptoms and increased antioxidant Indicators, it was also detected that biological indicators related to mitochondrial DNA replication have improved.

Undiagnosed Korean ginseng can be used as a daily health supplement to replenish vitality, regulate immunity, and help build a healthy foundation.

According to information released by the World Health Organization, fatigue is the most common long-term sequelae of people diagnosed with the new coronavirus. Other symptoms include shortness of breath and cognitive dysfunction. Whether you are an undiagnosed person or a person who has recovered from the disease, only by maintaining a balanced immunity can you resist the accompanying chronic fatigue and decreased physical strength.

For those who are undiagnosed and hope to regulate their immunity through daily health care, Korean ginseng can greatly replenish vitality, nourish and strengthen the body. It is beneficial to enhance physical strength and improve the function of the organs. It can also regulate immunity and help build a healthy foundation. If you have used traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions such as “Qingguan No. 1” during the diagnosis, because the medicine is relatively cold in nature, it is easy for people with weak gastrointestinal problems to suffer from mild diarrhea. At this time, adding an appropriate amount of Korean ginseng can provide a balanced and warming tonic and relieve the discomfort of taking the medicine.

As for related physical symptoms after recovery, Korean ginseng can also replenish the yang energy of the five internal organs, relieve vomiting and thirst, and promote blood circulation. It can be used for conditioning after infection. If you have any need to use Korean ginseng, it is recommended that you consult a Chinese and Western physician before using it.

not only! Ginseng supplementation improves mean fatigue scores in cancer patients

In addition, Professor Kim Yeol-hong (transliteration) from the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Korea University Anam Hospital and 15 medical institutions formed a research team to randomly assign 438 colorectal cancer patients to a controlled trial. One group was in 16 Taking 1,000mg of Korean ginseng twice during weekly chemotherapy, the results showed that the average fatigue score of the control group using Korean ginseng was significantly improved.

Oh Se-gwan (transliteration), a professor at the Department of Molecular Medicine at Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, said at the annual meeting that there are many people infected with the new coronavirus in various countries who continue to suffer from symptoms of fatigue and lethargy even after recovery. A local research team in South Korea hopes to use Korean ginseng research to find ways to help alleviate these debilitating sequelae.


Sequelae in Adults at 6 Months After COVID-19 Infection

A clinical case definition of post COVID-19 condition by a Delphi consensus, 6 October 2021

Managing the long term effects of covid-19: summary of NICE, SIGN, and RCGP rapid guideline

Further reading:

What should I eat if I am diagnosed with sore throat? Nutritionist named 1 food: Helps repair mucous membranes and immunity

If you are diagnosed with fever, cough, or sore throat, don’t panic! Chinese medicine practitioner reveals “2 tricks” to help shorten the course of the disease

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