Internal and external hemorrhoids worsened even after using folk remedies for half a year! Hemorrhoids in women become an "unspeakable secret"

Internal and external hemorrhoids worsened even after using folk remedies for half a year! Hemorrhoids in women become an "unspeakable secret"

Hemorrhoids are a civilized disease of modern people. Women, especially pregnant women, are more likely to develop hemorrhoids due to the enlarged uterus and increased abdominal pressure, which results in an increase in pressure in the rectum and anus. However, because the symptoms are located in a private place, most women are deeply troubled by it but do not care about it. Although people prefer to seek medical treatment, they often wait until the symptoms are very severe, such as bleeding, swelling and pain, before seeking help. Instead, the condition becomes more serious and may even require surgery to remove hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoid pads, refer to swelling or inflammation of the vascular tissue located near the anal muscles. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, but they will produce bright red blood in the stool during defecation. External hemorrhoids usually cause pain or swelling around the anus, which may cause blood clots and cause severe pain that makes you unable to sit still. There is currently no definite medical cause to explain the occurrence of hemorrhoids. It is speculated that long-term constipation, standing and sitting for long periods of time increase anal pressure, especially in pregnant women, because the uterus is enlarged, pelvic blood flow increases rapidly, and intestinal peristalsis slows down. , Difficulty defecation, and hemorrhoids are more likely to occur than the average person.

Regarding female anal diseases, Dr. Lin Shaojie of Tainan Xinru Clinic said: “There was once a female patient who had long-term internal and external hemorrhoid problems. However, because she was afraid of the pain, she tried various herbal remedies and fumigation remedies at home. Not only did it not work, but she became increasingly uncomfortable. I didn’t come to see a doctor until I had severe bloody stools. When I asked, I found out that I had endured it for more than half a year.” Dr. Lin went on to add that the traditional treatment of deeper wounds requires a longer recovery period, but now that technology is advancing rapidly, there are more advanced and painless treatment methods to choose from. He appealed to everyone who has “unspeakable secrets” and should seek professional help as soon as possible.

If small hemorrhoids are not removed, they may become serious diseases. Dr. Lin Shaojie reminds that if you want to prevent hemorrhoids, you can sit less and move more, do not squat on the toilet for too long, eat more high-fiber fruits and vegetables, drink more water to improve constipation, and eat less spicy food. , if you sit for a long time, you can take a regular sitz bath with warm water to reduce the pressure on the anus. If the anal swelling and pain have been a problem for a long time, do not mistrust folk remedies and it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Dr. Lin Shaojie

learning experience

  • Graduated from the Department of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University
  • Chief Physician of General Surgery, Chengdu University Hospital
  • Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Chief Physician, General Surgery Department, Tainan Hospital
  • Attending physician and clinical assistant professor of general surgery/colorectal surgery, National Cheng Kung University Hospital
  • Vice President of Xinru Clinic


  • surgical specialist
  • Breast surgery specialist
  • Colorectal surgery specialist

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