No infection but frequent colds and minor illnesses? Nutritionist: Eat enough "vitamins A, B, C" to end the body's immune deficiency

No infection but frequent colds and minor illnesses? Nutritionist: Eat enough "vitamins A, B, C" to end the body's immune deficiency

Will major and minor diseases still persist in the post-COVID-19 era? What nutrients can boost immunity?

Specific nutrients play an important role in enhancing immunity and are critical in promoting human immunity! Although the COVID-19 epidemic is now showing signs of subside, viruses such as influenza, RSV, and hMPV are still looming large, and we cannot relax just because the epidemic is slowing down. It is recommended that people take in more of the following six nutrients to maintain basic immunity:

  1. Vitamin A. It is an important nutrient for maintaining eye health. A lack of vitamin A will affect the immune system and worsen the antibody response. Orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots and papaya are good sources.

  2. Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B complex is an important part of the human body in assisting enzyme metabolism. When the human body lacks vitamin B complex, it will appear weak and lose physical strength. Viruses can also easily take advantage of this gap. It is recommended to consume more grains, roots and milk foods.

  3. Vitamin C. Moderate supplementation of vitamin C can help improve the body’s antioxidant capacity and immunity. It can not only alleviate cold symptoms, but also have a certain disease prevention effect. Guava, custard apple, citrus, tomatoes, etc. are all fruits with high vitamin C content.

  4. High-quality protein. It is an important raw material for synthesizing immunoglobulin. In order to make the immune mechanism work and resist the threat of germs, the diet should be moderately supplemented with high-quality protein, such as meat, eggs, soy milk, tofu and other soy products, which are good sources of high-quality protein. .

  5. Sulfur-containing organic compounds. It has natural antibacterial and antiviral effects. Moderate consumption can help strengthen immunity. It can be obtained through garlic, onions, green onions and other spices.

  6. Zinc. Moderate intake of the mineral zinc can help improve the body’s immunity and resistance, and accelerate wound healing. Especially if you feel you are about to catch a cold or feel unwell, it is recommended to add more foods containing zinc, such as oysters, clams, clams, etc.

Save time and take care of your health by cooking at home! Nutritionists recommend “1 soup” to replenish energy and increase immunity

To sum up, if you feel like you are going to catch a cold or feel uncomfortable, you might as well cook a delicious healthy soup yourself: “Garlic Clam Soup”! Not only are the ingredients simple to prepare and cook, it also takes into account nutrition and can be cooked and drank when you are about to catch a cold. Here is a list of ingredients to prepare and cooking methods:

Ingredients: 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, 200 grams of clams (clamms are also acceptable), appropriate amount of salt, and a few green onions.


  1. Wash the clams, soak in salt water and spit out sand. Set aside.

  2. Wash and mince the green onions, crush and peel the garlic and set aside.

  3. Boil 600C.C. water, add garlic and clams in sequence, cover the pot and simmer.

  4. After the clams are opened, sprinkle with chopped green onion and appropriate amount of salt, then turn off the heat and drink.

Further reading:

Is the mask order just about to end the crisis? Intensivist: There are still “two major viruses” waiting for you

How to maintain immunity after the mask ban is lifted? Nutritionist reveals 5 must-eat nutrients in the “post-epidemic era”

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