Can "Indiscriminate dieting" cause cardiovascular problems for diabetics? JAMA: Fluctuations in weight increase heart burden

Can "Indiscriminate dieting" cause cardiovascular problems for diabetics? JAMA: Fluctuations in weight increase heart burden

Diabetics should not diet recklessly? “Excessive weight loss” may increase cardiovascular burden

“Obesity” is one of the main causes of type 2 diabetes, so controlling waist circumference, BMI and other related values ​​is a key indicator to prevent the occurrence of diabetes. Weight control and appropriate exercise are also considered effective ways to regulate blood sugar. However, a recent study published in “JAMA Network Open” pointed out that if diabetic patients gain weight again after losing weight, it may be related to diabetic patients suffering from cardiovascular disease. Excessive “weight fluctuation” will lead to higher cardiovascular death. Rate.

The research team divided 3,604 diabetic patients into “intervention group” and “control group”. The subjects in the intervention group achieved the goal of losing more than 7% of their weight by increasing “physical activity”, every week for the first 6 months. Do it once and reduce the frequency the rest of the time.

The control group participated in three group meetings per year in the first four years, and only participated in one group meeting per year in the remaining years. The content was based on “diet” as the main prescription. It was found that subjects in the control group had more weight fluctuations than those in the intervention group.

The research team analyzed the relevant cardiovascular event data of the two groups of horses and found that in the control group, the probability of suffering from cardiovascular disease increased by 3% per year due to “fluctuation in BMI value”, and the probability of suffering from cardiovascular disease due to “fluctuation in waist circumference value” also increased by 2.6% per year. As much as %.

This study claims that if we look at data such as comprehensive mortality, cardiovascular disease (such as myocardial infarction, stroke) mortality, and cardiovascular event mortality (multiple cardiovascular disease comorbidities), the obesity index of the “control group” Long-term changes are positively associated with higher rates of cardiovascular disease symptoms and mortality. It is worth mentioning that the fluctuation of BMI value has a more significant impact than the “waist circumference” value.

Does constant weight loss and weight gain increase inflammation and metabolic disorders?

The research team emphasized that the relationship between long-term changes in obesity (such as weight loss and regaining weight after dieting) and the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes cannot yet be fully clarified. However, previous studies have proven that after initial successful weight loss, subsequent weight gain or weight gain can lead to rapid expansion and proliferation of adipose tissue. This may be the result of metabolic changes in the body that favor fat accumulation.

Another possible reason is that people with obesity-related body indexes, such as waist circumference and BMI, have a higher concentration of “C-reactive protein”, which increases their risk of mild inflammation. In addition, repeated circulation of weight numbers will cause adipose tissue to accumulate more immune T cells (CD4+, CD8+), which may also lead to adverse consequences such as metabolic dysfunction.

Is it easier to lose weight just by dieting? Exercise and medication should be carried out simultaneously

How to reduce the chance of adverse cardiovascular events caused by weight fluctuations? Study author Arnaud D. Kaze said that from the weight intervention process of the intervention group, it can be known that a fixed exercise plan can reduce the chance of changes in abdominal fat tissue compared with diet alone. In fact, exercise training has been shown to be quite effective in reducing abdominal and visceral fat, and can improve obesity symptoms in most people with diabetes.

Kaze said that although the causal relationship between the study’s conclusions needs to be clarified, a weight loss strategy that includes an exercise program is a lifestyle that should be implemented by people with high BMI, waist circumference index and diabetes. For people with diabetes, diet control is not entirely harmful, but a better approach is to combine exercise training with drug treatment to achieve good blood sugar control and reduce the occurrence of weight fluctuations.


Body Weight Variability and Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Death in the Context of Weight Loss Intervention Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

Further reading:

Endocrine disorders causing you to gain weight? Doctors reveal the truth: There is no such thing as a “body prone to obesity”! Do 3 things right to lose weight

“5-day fast” to lose weight super fast but at the cost of “gallstones” in the body? Doctors call out high-risk groups not to try indiscriminately

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