No more indigestion after eating rice dumplings! Nutritionists recommend "5 smooth foods": effective in reducing bloating and relieving constipation

No more indigestion after eating rice dumplings! Nutritionists recommend "5 smooth foods": effective in reducing bloating and relieving constipation

Recently, it is the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, and Taiwan has a long-standing custom of eating rice dumplings to suit the occasion. However, since most of the rice dumplings are made from glutinous rice, most people are worried about indigestion. To this end, Manman nutritionists stated in the community that when people eat rice dumplings or indigestible glutinous rice foods, they may wish to combine the following five fruits and vegetables to help gastrointestinal digestion and avoid constipation or flatulence:

1. White radish puree

White radish contains enzymes such as “amylase”, “protease” and “lipase”, which help digest food. However, enzymes are usually not heat-resistant and will be destroyed at around 50 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is recommended to grind the puree and eat it raw with meals, which can help the gastrointestinal digestion.

2. Shredded cabbage

Cabbage contains “vitamin U”, also known as “cabbage essence”, which helps strengthen the stomach and intestines and prevent ulcers. However, its nature is not heat-resistant, so it can be eaten raw in moderation. If you already have poor gastrointestinal motility, are prone to flatulence, or have thyroid dysfunction, you should pay special attention to cooking methods; you should try to avoid eating raw food, but cook it and eat it in small amounts.

3. Green kiwi fruit

Green kiwifruit contains “kiwibase”, which is a protein-decomposing enzyme that helps digest meat. Yellow kiwifruit contains less kiwibase, which is less helpful for digestion than green kiwifruit, but both are It can aid digestion and is good for the stomach if consumed in moderation.

4. Pineapple

Bromelain is a protein-degrading enzyme and is often used as an ingredient to soften meat when making meat dishes. Bromelain enzyme is also a type of enzyme that is not resistant to high temperatures and will be destroyed at about 60 degrees, so it can be consumed in moderation after meals to help digest meat.

5. Green papaya

Green papaya contains higher amounts of protein-degrading enzymes than cooked papaya, and can be made into salad dishes to help digest meat.

Manman nutritionist added that if you are a group of people who often suffer from indigestion and are unable to prepare suitable food combinations, it is recommended to choose “probiotics” certified to improve gastrointestinal function, or use “digestive enzymes” as auxiliary supplements. A great way to aid digestion. Finally, we also appeal to the public to avoid sitting for long periods of time and engage in more physical activity during the Dragon Boat Festival to promote normal gastrointestinal motility.

Extended reading: What is the healthiest way to eat rice dumplings that are high in calories and difficult to digest? Nutritionist teaches 5 tips for eating rice dumplings

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