How to improve immunity after being diagnosed with COVID-19? Nutritionist reveals the "6 major nutrients" that are essential for living in isolation

How to improve immunity after being diagnosed with COVID-19? Nutritionist reveals the "6 major nutrients" that are essential for living in isolation

The Omicron epidemic in Taiwan is heating up, with tens of thousands of confirmed cases every day. If you are unfortunately diagnosed, what nutrients can you supplement during home isolation to maintain body functions and enhance immunity? Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi pointed out in the community that people diagnosed with the disease can moderately consume the following “six major nutrients” to help the immune system function normally and fight against the new coronavirus:

1. Vitamin D

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi explains that vitamin D can help calcium absorption and also has a positive effect on the operation of the immune system. It is recommended to supplement the diet with oils, which can absorb vitamin D more comprehensively. You can usually consume oil-rich fish (such as mackerel, saury, salmon), mushrooms, milk, cheese, egg yolks, etc. Food intake: 15 minutes of daily sun exposure can also help synthesize the required vitamin D.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an excellent source of antioxidants, helping to resist oxidation and regulate immune factors in the body. Foods rich in vitamin C such as guava, kiwi, citrus, and broccoli. Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi reminds that vitamin C is easily damaged and lost by high temperatures, so it is better to take fruits or nutritional supplements.

3. DHA

Supplements such as fish oil and algae oil are rich in sufficient amounts of DHA, which help fight inflammation in the body. Only those taking anticoagulant drugs or those who have just undergone surgery are not recommended to take too much DHA.

4. Selenium

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi pointed out that the antioxidant effect of selenium is 2,000 times that of vitamin E, and it is known as the “King of Antioxidants”. In addition, selenium also has the function of regulating immunity and can increase the body’s immunity to respiratory infections. It can be supplemented in moderation through whole grains, milk, meat, and oysters.

5. Zinc

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said that zinc is rich in a variety of enzymes, and its ingredients can participate in the body’s immune system and bring antioxidant and anti-viral effects. By eating clams, oysters or red meat, you can replenish the zinc your body needs.

6. Probiotics

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said that the intestines are the largest immune organ in the body, and gastrointestinal health is closely related to the body’s immunity. Therefore, people can take probiotics in moderation to maintain the balance of intestinal bacteria and develop the immunity needed by the body.

In addition to taking in more of the above-mentioned nutrients, nutritionist Zhang Yuxi also reminds those diagnosed to drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, and get enough sleep. Moderate exercise is also an important factor in enhancing resistance. In addition, during the diagnosis period, you should avoid processed foods, high-sugar diets or fried foods, which can easily cause inflammation in the body and harm the immune system.

Further reading:

How to supplement glutathione deficiency? Nutritionist: 6 major risk factors to avoid first

Is it enough to just take health supplements? Which vegetables should you eat for antioxidants? Nutritionists recommend 6 top choices for eating out

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