Are there no serious illnesses but constant minor illnesses? Beware of the 10 warning signs of "autonomic nervous system disorder"! Nutritionists teach principles of diet improvement

Are there no serious illnesses but constant minor illnesses? Beware of the 10 warning signs of "autonomic nervous system disorder"! Nutritionists teach principles of diet improvement

No major illness but constant ailments? Beware of the 10 major warning signs of “autonomic nervous system disorder”

Recently, I have felt that my body is “weird”. I went to the hospital for a check-up, but no abnormality was diagnosed. Moreover, during vacations and relaxation, the abnormality in my body will disappear automatically. If people encounter a similar situation, they need to pay attention to the warning signs that it may be “autonomic nervous system disorder”! Dietitian Gao Minmin analyzed in the community that people with autonomic nervous system disorders often feel that they have no serious illnesses but have constant minor illnesses, combined with the feeling that “everything is wrong”.

What are the warning signs of autonomic nervous system disorder? Highly sensitive nutritionists list the following:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux: stomach bloating, stomach pain, and heartburn.

  2. Decreased sleep quality: insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night, and waking up too early.

  3. Postural hypotension: You will feel dizzy when you squat down and then stand up.

  4. Feeling of a foreign body in the throat: You cannot swallow saliva except for the pressure.

  5. Heart palpitations and chest tightness: The chest seems to be blocked and unable to breathe.

  6. Profuse sweating in a certain part: for example, sweating on the hands and feet or on the head.

  7. Headache: Unexplained contraction headache.

  8. Diarrhea, constipation: stomach pain or irritable bowel syndrome.

  9. Anxiety, panic, and tension: Abnormal work and rest or too much pressure can lead to autonomic nervous system disorders.

  10. Dry eyes and tinnitus: Normally, the autonomic nervous system controls the eyes and tear glands, and helps the blood vessels in the ears to contract normally. However, when the autonomic nervous system is out of balance, it cannot function normally.

Gao Senmin nutritionist explained that the body’s autonomic nerves will maintain normal physiological functions: the sympathetic nerves are responsible for alertness; the parasympathetic nerves are responsible for relaxation. If there is an imbalance between the two, it can cause various physical discomforts. For example, the psychological stress problems that modern people often face have a high probability of causing autonomic nervous system imbalance. If you are always busy at work and life, it is recommended that you should relax and rest appropriately.

How to eat to avoid autonomic nervous system disorders? Nutritionists teach 4 musts and 4 principles of no improvement

What changes can be made in diet if autonomic dysregulation is to be avoided? Nutritionist Gao Minmin suggests that mastering the “4 Eat More” and “4 Touch Less” principles will help maintain the normal operation of the autonomic nervous system:

Eat more

  1. Vitamin B complex. Nutrients that maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system and prevent depression and anxiety. It is recommended to have a balanced intake of various prototype foods, such as whole grains, meat, dark vegetables, etc.

  2. Calcium. Calcium can help relax muscles and relieve stress. It is recommended to supplement with milk, dried tofu, tofu skin, dried fish, black sesame, etc., which are all foods rich in calcium.

  3. Vitamin E. Lack of it can easily lead to hormonal imbalance and autonomic nervous system disorders. It is recommended to supplement egg yolks, vegetable oils, dark green vegetables, salmon, etc. to obtain the vitamin E needed by the body.

  4. Plain water. 70% of human blood is composed of water, and the body continuously excretes water through breathing, sweating, etc. Adequate hydration is an important element in helping physiological functions function properly.

Touch less

  1. Alcohol. It is easy to cause water loss and insomnia, and may inhibit parasympathetic nerve activity. In addition, drinking alcohol can cause inflammation in the body and reduce immunity, so alcoholics should quit drinking or reduce their drinking.

  2. Refined sugar. Fluctuations in blood sugar will reduce the stability of the autonomic nervous system. The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare recommends that the daily intake of refined sugar in the diet should not exceed 10% of the total calories, and it is best to reduce it to less than 5%.

  3. Caffeine. Excessive caffeine will stimulate the sympathetic nerves, and caffeine will affect the “adenosine receptors” in the brain and stimulate adrenal gland secretion, which can easily lead to anxiety and tension. People who already have stress and anxiety may suffer from caffeine. Symptoms are more severe. It is recommended that the daily intake of caffeine should be less than 300 mg so as not to have any impact on health.

  4. High-sodium foods. Sodium is one of the essential elements for the human body. It can maintain electrolyte balance in the body, nerve conduction, and normal muscle contraction and relaxation. However, too much may cause increased sympathetic nerve activity and difficulty in regulating the autonomic nervous system.

Based on the above, nutritionist Gao Minmin said that in addition to diet, normal work and rest are also very important, and it is recommended to maintain good sleep habits. If the symptoms of autonomic nervous system disorder have not improved yet, you should remember to seek medical assistance, or take advantage of the consecutive holidays to relax and put your work aside for the time being. “How to balance health and life is a topic that most people need to learn!”

Further reading:

Is it autonomic nervous system disorder that causes auditory hallucinations when hearing echoes after catching a cold? Doctor: Beware of otitis media complicated by 1 disease

Eat less, exercise and still gain weight! Is “stress fat” at work? Nutritionist: Eat the right “5 major nutrients”

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