The ICU ward is full during the annual holiday! Stroke and myocardial infarction may lead to death within a few hours. Medical education "1 exercise" helps blood vessels rejuvenate

The ICU ward is full during the annual holiday! Stroke and myocardial infarction may lead to death within a few hours. Medical education "1 exercise" helps blood vessels rejuvenate

The ICU ward is surprisingly full during the Chinese New Year! Smoking, drinking and cold weather at parties may be fatal factors

The Chinese New Year is a warm time for family reunions and reunions after a long separation; however, the continuous low temperature has also taken away many precious lives, causing the tragedy of eternal separation between heaven and earth. According to reports, a nurse revealed that during the Chinese New Year period, due to the extreme low temperature and the extreme temperature difference between day and night, the number of patients with sudden strokes and myocardial infarction increased overnight, causing the ICU ward to be “instantly full of beds”, and there were even patients under 50 years old. People with high blood pressure die in just a few hours.

Dr. Du Zongming, director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory of Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, pointed out in an exclusive interview with “healthorn” that there are many parties at the end of the year, and people often choose hot pot, Taiwanese restaurants and other occasions to celebrate, and the diet is easy to eat a lot of fish and meat; coupled with the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors If it is too large and has a history of arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, obesity or coronary artery problems, as well as frequent smoking and drinking at parties, the risk of stroke or acute myocardial infarction will naturally increase.

Will the chance of stroke greatly increase when the cold snap hits? 8 major risk groups: seek medical attention immediately if there are any signs

The report pointed out that “stroke” and “myocardial infarction” are diseases that often lead to sudden death during cold snaps. Among them, “hemorrhagic stroke” is caused by the rupture of cerebral blood vessels, blood flowing into the brain tissue and forming blood clots to compress it. What are the risk factors? Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration pointed out that high risk factors for stroke can be divided into two categories: “hard to change” and “modifiable”:

  1. Not easy to change: age (men > 45 years old, women > 55 years old), gender (men have a higher chance of stroke than women), family history (male/female relatives in the family had myocardial infarction or sudden death before the age of 55/65 respectively) .

  2. Can be changed: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, and sickle cell anemia, which can be improved through medical treatment or lifestyle.

The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration warns that the sharp temperature difference between day and night, as well as unhealthy diet and bad habits, can easily lead to sudden contraction of blood vessels, which is not only a dangerous sign of stroke; if blood pressure suddenly soars, it may also lead to serious consequences such as acute myocardial infarction and heart failure. . The public should remember the three mantras of “smile, raise hands, say hello”. If any of them cannot be achieved, it may be a precursor to stroke. At this time, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to avoid delaying treatment.

Acute myocardial infarction can kill within hours! 2 major body areas must be kept warm

As mentioned above, the high-risk period for myocardial infarction is when the winter cold snap hits. Chen Jieyu, an attending physician at the Department of Cardiology at Cathay Hospital, also pointed out in a previous interview that stroke and myocardial infarction are easy to occur when the seasons change and the temperature changes drastically, especially when the temperature changes drastically. If you have three high blood pressures (hypertension/hyperlipidemia/hyperglycemia) or have a history of cardiovascular disease and stroke, the cold wave may cause blood vessels to contract violently, causing plaques in the blood vessels to rupture and form “thrombi”. In serious cases, you may die. The patients lost their lives within hours; almost half of the patients in the clinic died before arriving at the hospital.

Dr. Chen Jieyu pointed out that with the onset of the cold wave, the number of myocardial infarction cases in the hospital has indeed shown an upward trend, and reminded high-risk groups and the elderly to wear warm clothing. Nowadays, with the technological advancement of fabric materials, it is not necessary to wear traditional heavy clothes to achieve the warmth effect. You can choose a lightweight down vest or down jacket, which also has a significant warmth effect.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that high-risk groups should pay attention to keeping their necks and trunks warm. Since the neck directly affects the temperature of the blood flow entering the brain, patients who have had a stroke should pay attention to keeping their necks warm. As for those with cardiovascular problems, they should keep their body and trunk warm to avoid stimulating blood vessels and increasing the load on the heart.

Arteriosclerosis is the cause of stroke and myocardial infarction! Medical education “1 exercise” helps blood vessels rejuvenate

Is the common risk of stroke and myocardial infarction highly related to “arteriosclerosis” caused by aging, obesity or high blood pressure? Dr. Shi Yizhong, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Lian On Clinic, said that arteriosclerotic blood vessels are like gradually changing from elastic “rubber tubes” to hard “steel tubes”; not only are there no elasticity at all, hardened and brittle blood vessels may There is always a risk of breakage.

Dr. Shi Yizhong warned that once blood pressure becomes unstable, it is easy to “explode blood vessels” and cause diseases such as aortic dissection and hemorrhagic stroke. There are many factors that cause arteriosclerosis, including high blood pressure, diabetes, poor kidney function, obesity, smoking, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, age, etc., which are all important factors; but arteriosclerosis does not occur in the early stages. There are no obvious symptoms and it is often easily ignored.

Dr. Shi Yizhong emphasized that modern people are accustomed to sitting for long periods of time and exercise too little, and patients with vascular sclerosis are becoming younger. If you want to “rejuvenate blood vessels” and improve arteriosclerosis, you need to rely on regular aerobic exercise. When the heartbeat is greater than 100-120 bpm, you can train the elasticity of blood vessels. Don’t forget to stretch after exercise so that your muscles don’t become tight and cause discomfort.

Finally, Dr. Shi Yizhong called on middle-aged people over 45 years old or those with any risk factors to develop the habit of regular health check-ups and checking their physical conditions. In terms of cardiovascular health, you can conduct an “arteriosclerosis test” to understand the health of your blood vessels as early as possible. If there are abnormal values, it is recommended to track them every year to accurately formulate an appropriate recovery plan to restore blood vessel health.

Further reading:

What should you do if your family suddenly falls to the ground when the cold snap hits? Doctors teach emergency life-saving “4 steps” to prevent sudden death

Will the cold wave and the lifting of lockdown lead to cardiovascular disaster? Doctor: Myocardial infarction and pneumonia emergency room surgeries! The 3 most dangerous signs during exercise

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