Should I wear knee braces if my running feet hurt? Expert: The fundamental problem cannot be solved! Injuries after wearing them are more difficult to treat

Should I wear knee braces if my running feet hurt? Expert: The fundamental problem cannot be solved! Injuries after wearing them are more difficult to treat

Are knee pads standard equipment for running? Over-reliance can lead to treatment difficulties

Many people will look for related equipment before preparing to exercise, and the equipment that everyone will think of when running is probably knee pads. By wearing knee pads to protect the knee joints, it can even make slightly sore knees less painful, allowing us to move more smoothly. In fact, this idea is a big mistake.

Many people think that knee pads are a protective tool, so they should be worn when exercising. However, in fact, this will not let us know the condition of our knees during exercise. For example, if our knees don’t hurt when we walk, but the pain is extremely painful when we run, then we can know that it is because of the movement of running that the knees are uncomfortable. At this time, we should stop and seek help from a doctor quickly to achieve effective treatment. , prescribe the right medicine.

Some people may say, “My knees were uncomfortable at first, but after I put on the knee pads, it no longer hurts when running.” There is no pain during running. Often, after taking off the knee pads after running, the pain is still there, or even more painful, but they still think that the knee pads are necessary for running. Necessary equipment, but not really. During exercise, endorphins will be secreted in the brain, adrenaline will be secreted in the body, and serotonin will also rise. This will make us temporarily feel pleasure and comfort, but after the exercise is over, the original pain will accompany it. Later, you may even feel more severe pain.

Therefore, although using knee pads can temporarily relieve pain or protect the knee joint, it will make us ignore the physical pain and miss the good opportunity for treatment. People wear knee braces because of pain to make themselves less painful. However, over time, it will cause the nearby muscles to degenerate, making it more difficult to treat them again. Only by running naturally and without relying on knee pads, waist pads and other protective gear can you see your body’s problems and solve them accurately and quickly.

Should you stop running if your feet hurt when you run? Expert: Unable to solve the fundamental problem

Some people have no problem walking, but experience severe pain when running, and resolutely give up running. Some people are worried that running will cause sports injuries or even wear out their joints, so they decide to walk instead of running. What we think of as protecting muscles, joints or bones is actually of little help in protecting the body. What it can do is delay deterioration, but there is no way to strengthen or treat it, or even return it to the state before the injury.

Therefore, the best way is to examine the uncomfortable areas through normal activities, and then use the professional judgment and treatment of doctors to solve the pain problem and clarify what movements are particularly uncomfortable, where the pain usually occurs, and how to avoid it. Pain, etc. can truly solve physical problems. When all the problems are solved, running will no longer be an exercise that harms the body, and it may even solve the discomfort in daily life.

Core muscles are not just for the abdominals? Is exercising the “neck” more helpful for running?

When it comes to core muscles, everyone always thinks of the area between the waist and pelvis, but did you know that the neck is actually the core in a broad sense?

The neck is the core of the upper limbs. Its power is omnipresent. In all activities in our daily life, the strength of the neck cannot be underestimated. In running, the strength of the neck also plays an important role. It can stabilize us during running. The center of gravity at the time, and the muscles of the neck and shoulders will drive the swing of the arms. Only when the neck has a stable force, the swing of the limbs will be more stable. Therefore, the neck is a very important core muscle group in upper limb movements. Next time you hear about your core muscles, don’t just look at your stomach, your shoulders and neck are also very important core muscles!

Further reading:

Should I wear “knee braces” if my knees are degenerated? Doctors reveal how to choose eyebrow corners: Is it better and faster to use the “basic style”?

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